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Posts posted by monk213


    If given the "proper" care when they are pups, pit bulls are not vicious dogs.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That doesn't matter. They are potential killing machines. In fact they were bred to fight. Kill them all.


    I've even seen people letting them run loose in the park -  totally insane. 


    There is one fairly near my house that went for my daughter on her motorbike. If it does it again, it' getting a rat poison sandwich. Actually, just reading this thread makes me want to kill it today.


    Does anyone know the best kind of poison?



    haha this genuinely made me laugh, in a good way. Good luck with the poison sandwich my friend cheesy.gif




    I was walking my malemute when a pit bull attacked without warning, no bark. It had escaped from it's yard, hit my dog in the rear and knocked it down and got hold of her back. I'm 6'2" 250 lbs, I hit that pit bull with my fists until my hands got sore, was like hitting a plank. When I couldn't dislodge it I backed up and kicked it like kicking a field goal. The dog twisted in the air and landed on it's feet and came back at my dog. Fortunately the owner heard the ruckus and called his dog off. There is no way on earth a little Thai woman had a chance against one let alone four. The difference between pit bulls and poodles is, the poodle would never have got back up after I kicked it.




    Carry one of those metal expandable battons, I got one for 100 baht. Whack the buggers across the nose with one of those and they should back off, if not give them a few hits across the back, break it if you have to, these dogs ARE killers.



    zap zap no more dog problems



    My goodness, if you tried that thing on a big dog that is used to an electronic training collar you'd probably get shredded just for pissing it off! It might stop a street dog that has never been shocked.



    Well that is kind of my point, I never mentioned pets at all, I am referring to soi dogs that are everywhere in my area especially at dawn when I like to go for a run or walk, or at the beach to take photographs. Sometimes just a big stick is enough to scare them though

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  3. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is spreading faster than efforts to control it, World Health Organization (WHO) head Margaret Chan has said.

    She told a summit of regional leaders that failure to contain Ebola could be "catastrophic" in terms of lives lost.

    But she said the virus, which has claimed 728 lives in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since February, could be stopped if well managed.




    I didn't really like this article. To emphatically state Ebola will not come to Thailand is irresponsible. Should it the appear no other, vitally important, information will then have credibility. Touch and fluids are the medium by which non airborne transmission occurs. Yet most of how we thought Ebola behaved has changed recently. I am concerned that air does in fact also act as medium. I find it incredulous that a disease with such a mortality rate is no problem for the majority of hospitals in Thailand. Perhaps Thai people's tradition of wai in greeting lessens transmission, but...

    You have mis-read the article. It didn't "emphatically state Ebola will not come to Thailand". It said it was unlikely, and that is correct. 

    What it doesn't say is categorically why its so unlikely.

    Why is it anymore unlikely than any other place in the world? It is only less likely because there aren't many African visitors to Thailand.

    But if a plane with someone infected travels to bangkok the odds that a patient gets infected is exactly the same as any other flight.


    Go back to school and learn probability and you may understand what likely and unlikely mean. You don't appear to know what the word unlikely actually means. Ebola has been around for decades and has never come here. Why do you think it's suddenly likely that it will? That's a complete nonsense.




    Canadian scientists have shown that the deadliest form of the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species.

    In experiments, they demonstrated that the virus was transmitted from pigs to monkeys without any direct contact between them.

    The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa.

    They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.


    Here is the link from WHO about the virus and it's transmission :-




    WHO States that this virus has a mortality rate of up to 90% not 60 to 90 as your forum has mentioned as it's intentionally misleading the public.


    In terms of West Africans, most reside in Bangkok, particularly Soi 3 which comes to mind. 


    Thailand must not ignore the facts, as the repercussions would be enormous if they got it wrong. 

    Most West Africans reside in West Africa, not Bangkok. 


    Do you know what "up to 90%" means? It seems not.


    You seem very confused about simple facts. Maybe English isn't your main language.



    You are right but still 40% chance of surviving being the best odds you can hope for surviving doesn't really make things a whole lot better does it. It's a nasty nasty virus and with it's incubation period like I mentioned, it can be spread around the world fairly easily. Also people seem to be skipping over the recent studies I posted on the BBC article in 2012, ignorance isn't bliss




    I was walking my malemute when a pit bull attacked without warning, no bark. It had escaped from it's yard, hit my dog in the rear and knocked it down and got hold of her back. I'm 6'2" 250 lbs, I hit that pit bull with my fists until my hands got sore, was like hitting a plank. When I couldn't dislodge it I backed up and kicked it like kicking a field goal. The dog twisted in the air and landed on it's feet and came back at my dog. Fortunately the owner heard the ruckus and called his dog off. There is no way on earth a little Thai woman had a chance against one let alone four. The difference between pit bulls and poodles is, the poodle would never have got back up after I kicked it.




    Carry one of those metal expandable battons, I got one for 100 baht. Whack the buggers across the nose with one of those and they should back off, if not give them a few hits across the back, break it if you have to, these dogs ARE killers.



    zap zap no more dog problems


    Here we go again, what's with the hypocrite brigade? I am far more concerned with humans walking the streets who feel the need to carry weapons on them than I am by the near non-existent threat of being killed by a pit bull. Get real, that goes for the poisoners as well anyone that would condone that sort of violence against an animal is far more of a problem than the animal itself. You won't be punished for your anger you will be punished by it. 



    Ok so you go for a morning walk/run in the area where I do and see how many soi dogs attack you, enjoy


    I was walking my malemute when a pit bull attacked without warning, no bark. It had escaped from it's yard, hit my dog in the rear and knocked it down and got hold of her back. I'm 6'2" 250 lbs, I hit that pit bull with my fists until my hands got sore, was like hitting a plank. When I couldn't dislodge it I backed up and kicked it like kicking a field goal. The dog twisted in the air and landed on it's feet and came back at my dog. Fortunately the owner heard the ruckus and called his dog off. There is no way on earth a little Thai woman had a chance against one let alone four. The difference between pit bulls and poodles is, the poodle would never have got back up after I kicked it.




    Carry one of those metal expandable battons, I got one for 100 baht. Whack the buggers across the nose with one of those and they should back off, if not give them a few hits across the back, break it if you have to, these dogs ARE killers.



    zap zap no more dog problems


    There have been several articles mentioning the spread of the diease if it "has a water droplet as a medium"... Is there fog anywhere?


    There was a study done by a scientist back in 2012 where animals in separate cages were at a distance and one cage was contaminated with Ebola, he found that it was transferable without them touching, it isn't properly airborne but it does have something to do with water droplets from what I can gather, and we all know the air around us is full of water droplets




  9. There have been several articles mentioning the spread of the diease if it "has a water droplet as a medium"... Is there fog anywhere?


    There was a study done by a scientist back in 2012 where animals in separate cages were at a distance and one cage was contaminated with Ebola, he found that it was transferable without them touching, it isn't properly airborne but it does have something to do with water droplets from what I can gather, and we all know the air around us is full of water droplets

  10. The fact that it is not transmitted through the air is great but there is still the fact that Ebola has a 3 week incubation period, so people could have it and be contagious without knowing for such a length of time. An amount of time easy enough to travel to Thailand and back again whilst brushing against people, touching objects at markets and stores etc, downplaying this will only make it more dangerous.

  11. Some idiot told a poster to go and jump from a balcony in a different thread not long ago, the person was in their 20s and didn't specify a gender, so I hope there is no connection. Highly doubt it but that idiot should watch what they say in the future.

    RIP to the poor girl and this must be horrible for the family as one can imagine, I hope they can find some closure through finding out what actually happened here.

  12. The director-general of the Department of Disease Control, Dr Sopon Mekthon, said the heat-detecting method was not yet necessary as Thailand was still regarded at low risk of suffering an Ebola threat.


    In other words,


    The director-general of the Department of Disease Control, Dr Sopon Mekthon, said "mai pen rai. Mai serious."


    mai bpen rai thumbsup.gif

    ebola is a real killer with a 60-90% mortality rate and highly infectious, this should be handled with the up most seriousness and caution. If it mutates so that it becomes totally airborne then expect a huge culling of the human race. We are overdue one though to be honest, around every century a huge epidemic comes and wipes out many, the last being the Spanish flu. Ebola has no cure and no vaccine and a 3 week incubation period.


    Although my visa is all in check and has been since I first arrived some years ago, a friend of mine is on nearly a year of overstay. Is he honestly going to face jail time if he doesn't go and get it sorted before the 29th? I have tried telling him that he should and now I think he is considering it, but what is the reality here? A fine and getting barred for a few years or actual jail time?

    Jail time only if he is arrested - and I guess that will generally be commuted in favour of a fine from the court if prosecuted - saves money all round. He would likely get deported though if arrested (a friend of mine was - and American a few years back on 18 months OS - he did spend a month and a bit in jail, while awaiting trial, but that was because he was working (manual labour - he was actually queuing up with the Burmese for construction labour in the early hours - none of us, his friends, knew!), was completely skint and had no where to stay - he had been kipping on someone else's couch - he was caught working when he was arrested, not for construction work, but for entertaining on stage at a bar for a fee - he never came back).



    Well I'm a student with an ED and he is a teacher with NOTHING, so he is going one way or another. Just trying to hammer home the severity of the situation which I think has started to sink in.

  14. Although my visa is all in check and has been since I first arrived some years ago, a friend of mine is on nearly a year of overstay. Is he honestly going to face jail time if he doesn't go and get it sorted before the 29th? I have tried telling him that he should and now I think he is considering it, but what is the reality here? A fine and getting barred for a few years or actual jail time?

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