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Everything posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. someone failed maths.....so 40 thb for a box of 50 = 10usd a year..... 365/50 * 40 = 292thb...so a face mask a day when you go out is literally around 10usd a year!!!
  2. Not a very good happiness index seeing as people in Thailand are FAR FAR happier then the top 10 countries on this list from my personal experiences....
  3. It literally costs 40thb for a box of 50.....so less then 10USD for a years worth.....
  4. so If a woman tips a drink on me, I should follow her and give her a good beating according to you?? ok then......
  5. Yes in phuket it IS mandatory to wear a mask when on a motorbike and you can be fined and even blacklisted if caught without one. The phuket governor issued the mandate and rules well over a year ago now and as far as I know it is still in effect. I have seen thais who work in covid hospitals/ vaccination sites take photos of foreigners without masks and their motorbikes at stop lights many times while also giving them a lecturing! If op continually refused to wear one, then maybe he was arrested....who knows.
  6. Health Insurance and Travel Insurance cover you if you get sick and need medical treatment....Of course they won't cover you if you are not sick and just need to quarantine!! It even says so on nearly every single insurance website!
  7. Just rented a new apartment and it's great except the bedroom has a earthy/mildew smell. Had the agent send in some cleaners and clean it and it went away for a few days but is coming back again now. Does anyone know of anyone in south phuket that does mold inspection? has UV lights or other devices to see where the mold is if there is any. Want to get a professional to come in and inspect so I can know for sure if there is a problem or not.
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