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Madison blue

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Posts posted by Madison blue

  1. gee... that's fantastic for the British Embassy to have such a lovely time... why the hell has there been NO BRITISH EMBASSY REPRESENTATIVES AT THE APRIL 30th PRELIMINARY TRIAL OR ANY SESSIONS OF THE CURRENTLY ONGOING KOH TAO TRIAL OF THE MURDERS OF HANNAH WITHERIDGE AND DAVID MILLER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  2. In my opinion I could not state hand on heart and say the Burmese suspects are 100% innocent although I think they are, but I do know the RTP investigation has been a farce with allegations of cover up, planting evidence, dubious DNA testing and of course the allegations of torture to extract confessions.

    The least they deserve is a fair trial and currently it looks like thats just not going to happen. The defense need cash to carry on their good work, Andy Hall is spearheading this fund and if you care for a fair trial, justice, closure for the victims, families and suspects then we should all give whatever we can spare.

    it's the same site the coconuts article links to... heck, maybe just repost it on your fb or twitter? it would be great to help the defense team!

  3. One born every minute ... or died in this case. Unfortunate loss of life that is easily prevented with a little online research.

    Or that rare commodity ....common sense.
    neither the Internet nor common sense helps when you're a vulnerable person and predators like victor Cracknell and mike Picone prey on you. please read Andrew Drummond's few articles on this incident. there is FAR more to it than the story here.

    edit to add: there are many, many charlatans working illegally on this island selling snake oil treatments and performing extremely dangerous acts. Cracknell and Picone are not the first gringo pseudo-shamans harming people. these two American guys should be behind bars due to their lethal treatment and depraved indifference of a mans life. yet, they continue to advertise their toxic treatment, claiming to be registered and licensed in Thailand. if you read Drummond's articles it seems crystal clear to me that Cracknell and Picone actually gave tramadol to Brodie (the deceased) which, given in conjunction with Ibogiane has lethal consequences. and, they refused to acquire medical assistance which most likely would have saved the poor bloke's life as chances are he was simply having a lethal arrhythmia in his heart which even an extremely basic health care provider can successfully treat! really sad and disgusting story. Cracknell and Picone are liars, frauds, and guilty of manslaughter; as well as bribing public officials it appears-and they both seem to completely lack a conscience as well. which is no surprise as most con men do lack one...

    • Like 1
  4. ...I actually wish they WOULD enforce martial law on this island. I fully agree that there is more parties than usual at this time of year right now. the noise pollution until dawn is seriously out of control! and.... it REALLY does make Thai officials look like complete fools for making such bold claims that parties are banned and bars close at 2 am! haaa! what a joke! all the bars are open until dawn as well and blasting music all night so loudly that it's distorted. same same as it ever was but worse... well, at least we all know that the RTP here are still happily filling their pockets with money! and making General Prayuth look very, very silly indeed!

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  5. Jungle Jim has lost the plot. The tourist trade is isolated. Thailand is a vast country, most of which isn't impacted by tourism and the Thais do more harm to themselves than tourists do. That's a natural fact.

    He's banging on as if the entire country is awash with problems from farangs. He is so out of touch with reality, lost in a haze of his own delusion, it's quite sad to read his drivel.

    so simply stop reading it and replying to it. perhaps you'd be more entertained if you went outside and childishly and incessantly insulted people to their faces? run along now... you're boring.

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  6. yes, thanks Paz! and the next time I do go back, I intend to be ridiculously (but polite, friendly and jokingingly) obnoxious about it!!! thankfully, I (usually...) know how to do that without truly making someone lose face but still getting my full point across and leaving no doubts as to what happened and how I feel about it. sadly, it's left a bad taste in my mouth and I was so shocked by the interaction I never thought to request to speak with one of the officers I'm familiar with... another lesson learned bringing forms of wisdom I'd prefer to not have.

  7. no, I'm not someone who believes everyone is in on it. I've known most of the officers and the secretary for a very long time and they've always been quite helpful to me actually and have also given me respect and even popped my passport to the beginning of the cue a couple times when the office was crammed with kids you'd expect to see at the FMP. that's one of the reasons this was quite shocking to me... shame. honestly, I don't know if I wish to pursue it... it may not be in my best interest to do so in a situation valued at 1,900baht... I believe in standing up for injustice, and I usually do despite all the trouble it brings... hopefully just informing people here will prevent others from having a similar experience. it's best to phone them first perhaps and ask what's needed for their extension, etc and if the time frame is acceptable.

  8. thanks for your sincere reply. I appreciate it versus the majority of nonsense posted in TVF... I did, however, have a small chuckle not directed towards you personally. the self elected benevolent leader made it very clear that no one is to make unsavory remarks regarding the RTP and libel laws could be applied if one were to do so. it's all a bit much now, eh? but perhaps I shall send him a letter simply for sheer entertainment value of what may happen... I was thinking to myself the other day after seeing insurance fraud videos recorded on dash cams, "what kind of F'ing world are we living in where everyone must have cameras recording everything simply to ensure their own safety?!?" it's a sad state of affairs... to be honest, I'm not certain it's in my best interest to pursue this injustice; so... the RTP bullies win again. shame...

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