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Harsh Jones

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  1. I didn't know that this place was Bob's blog. He posts nonsense all day and ppl respond
  2. bob couldn't even imagine that there's 2 sides to every story. Putin attacked Ukraine because Putin bad. Me wear Ukraine pin.
  3. This is posted on almost every news thread like this. yawn
  4. Because the victim died in 2021. They found that the cause of death was directly related to the assault that happened in 2012. So now it becomes a murder investigation. If you beat someone senseless with a piece of steel pipe, but it takes them 12 years to die, you become a murderer the day that person dies. I wonder where this fine chap Sean Tinsely is today
  5. Your pal Sean went back to the bar that night and bragged about what he did with the metal pipe in the attack
  6. The kinds of women who seek these guys out are just the same Another bird sh** farang giving the white man a bad name
  7. This hyperbolic nonsense says more about you and your state of mind than it does about Thais
  8. The whole nightclub scene in the west is also stacked with thug bouncers. Its the same around the world. My question is why a 62 year old would want to go to a nightclub.
  9. He probably made peace with his decision and thought he was going to get caught at any moment. He probably wasn't stressed. Its not like he had a meth lab or something.
  10. It doesn't sound like there was much of a method to this guy's madness The cops just went to a place frequented by farangs and there he was. That's a lesson for those who want to break his record. Don't go to the farang dives.
  11. Yawn There are so many interesting aspects of this case that could be discussed. How he did it, what kind of a social life he had (probably none) ect. But it is 8 pages of these lame put-downs of immigration. Which is ironic considering all of the time and energy that most of the posters on this site spend getting their papers right. The reality is, the vast majority of you can't get anything past Thai immigration and you live in fear of them
  12. Umm do you think they should start going after Thai citizens for overstays ? At least try to be coherent when you're bashing Thailand.
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