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Harsh Jones

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  1. The real Bob is cringe and a compulsive liar that lives in his own alternate reality, who should be limited to 5 posts a day
  2. Let me guess, you would allow cigarettes to be legal while making vapes illegal. This is what happens when fabricated narratives make the rounds. It is hopeless
  3. That is a completely ridiculous statement. That is like saying natural gas is just as bad or worse than leaded gasoline. You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Making vapes illegal or prohibitively expensive is the exact thing that will drive all vape production underground and that is what will make it more and more dangerous as it is unregulated with zero quality control. And if you had your way, that is what would happen. And it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. And the harder you clamp down on it, the worst the quality control gets. This is what happened with the opiate crisis in the US
  4. There is no equivalent carcinogen in vapes that are found in cigs
  5. It is not smoke ! It is vapour. From the NHS's own website https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/ready-to-quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/vaping-myths-and-the-facts/ In 2022, UK experts reviewed the international evidence and found that "in the short and medium-term, vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking". Cigarettes release thousands of different chemicals when they burn – many are poisonous and up to 70 cause cancer. Most of the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke, including tar and carbon monoxide, are not contained in vape aerosol. People who switch completely from smoking to vaping have significantly reduced exposure to toxins associated with risks of cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke.
  6. Of course there is. There is no way that this story is true as it is being told. But these stories pass through the media and people believe them. It feeds the narrative and effects legislation.
  7. Vaping is safe. I don't even believe the prognosis. Have medical professionals made this prognosis ? Or has some karens jumped to conclusions ? This whole story looks made up. We know for a fact that vaping is safer than smoking. Hundreds of studies have been done. How many 12 year olds were hospitalized back in the day when everyone smoked and kids got a hold of them regularly ? Smoking causes long term health effects. It doesn't blow out your lungs in 2 years. Neither would vaping if we pretend for a minute that it is as bad as smoking. The story is made up.
  8. Just make sure the tuk tuk driver doesn't over charge you by a 100 baht. Cant have that.
  9. Over charging drivers will be the very least of their concerns. Some taxi man charged you 200 baht more than he should have ohh ahhh
  10. elon musk is the biggest fraud that ever lived.
  11. 100 feet is a problem but not the main cause. There was still a traffic conflict alert after the controller vectored the airplane into the path (route 4) of the helicopter. And instead of correcting it instantly , he just radioed the helicopter to get a visual (at night) 80% controllers fault , 20% helicopters fault.
  12. The controller had a conflict alert warning on his screen and all he did was ask the heli to miss the jet. Instead of vectoring one or the other as soon as the warning came up. Which is the protocol. And yes , the heli was 100 feet high. But it should never have been in a position to miss a plane by 100 feet anyway
  13. Then go live in the boonies. Complaining about noise while living in a busy city is mad
  14. Yeah. Never stop if the flow of traffic is ignoring them anyway. If there's a break in the traffic and you are one of the first cars, then stop for them. The moto rider is a complete idiot too. Anytime you see a car stop on the road, you slow TF down and verify why they are slowing The pedestrians also must be attentive and if you see something, just run or at least be prepared to dodge something.

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