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  1. (leaving locals and officials concerned about the city’s reputation). What reputation, visit and you will see the sleaze.
  2. Never your house, not in the land of Lies!
  3. Not a truer statement ever said. Why can we not own 1 or 2 ria? We are not hurting the majority of Thais that cannot afford to buy it!
  4. I am English, i believe Americans can own 1 rai, correct me if i am wrong, i am not trying to make a smart comment, something to do with the Vietnam war.
  5. I wish i had your attitude, i have lost allot trying to do it right, right does not work in the land of LIES!
  6. Me too, i just hate CINESE, by the way who are they?
  7. What reputable brand?
  8. Yes amazing Thailand and the amazing people that can do anything! AMAZING THAILAND!
  9. No, it is easy to find stupidity and danger in the land of lies, only joking, this country is amazing with amazing people.
  10. Its the Thai way, the majority of Thais cannot be educated to do the right thing. Viva the land of lies and safety last, may the children and teachers that died in the Bangkok bus infurno. RIP!
  11. You are so right, no more expat POUND!
  12. Why not start with the tens of millions of road violations EVERY DAY, they soon would be a rich first world country!
  13. Does that mean they do not have to buy their possitions anymore?
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