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Posts posted by 1ricardsvp

  1. Hello,

    I start this topic because i need some clarifications about a few things that i'm not sure to understand. I will try to be clear laugh.png

    I currently have an ED visa issued to me on 1 December 2014.
    I was doing renew every 2 + 1 month at the immigration office PHUKET.
    According to the logic, my last stamp should indicate the date of 30 November. But when I went to the immigration office on August 28, I had a stamp until September 17 only (instead of one month). And when I returned 17 spetembre, the visa has been renewed only until 11 November (instead of 2 months).

    Why that ?
    This does not seem very important, but I will travel to France from October 15 to November 4, and I ask myself many questions.

    - When I will go to immigration November 11, What will happen?

    - Is it necessary to make a single re-entry? I do not know if I will can get a visa exemption (30days) when I returned to Thailand on November 4.

    - I hesitate to make another ED visa. I heard about the new 6 months tourist visa, but with this one, should I do a visa-run every 2 or 3 months? And should I just spend one night abroad and then return quietly, or will I go and make administrative procedures at a consulate?

    facepalm.gif blink.png

  2. Hi there,

    My best friend will get married in the end of the month so i will need a new suit.

    Does anybody knows a good taylor for good prices in Phuket ?

    There are so many taylor here..

    Thank you ! :)

  3. Hello there 
    Sorry to pollute the forum with a new topic, but I really need informations and I find so much conflicting informations here and there ... facepalm.gif
    I plan to come in Thailand in October and learn thai there, but about two weeks ago, I noticed some changes for the obtaining of the ED visa through the Embassy of Thailand in Paris.
    It says that we must be present during 5 days per week and at least 5 hours per day, so 25 hours per week, plus a bank deposit of 20,000 euros (http://www.thaiembassy.fr / fr/visa/visa-non-immigrant-% C2% AB-ed-% C2% BB-education /).
    Which is really too restrictive... 
    Schools that I have inquired all told me that 180 hours are enough. 
    But do I trust them ? 
    One of these schools told me that I could try with a French consulates in other cities or in other countries embassies. 
    The conditions for obtaining a visa are differents if I ask in Paris or in Malaysia, for example ? 
    The legislation could change soon ? I think I saw the date of August 29 somewhere on this forum ... 
    And the immigration offices never answer my emails ... sad.png
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