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Posts posted by Mario666

  1. 59 minutes ago, Lamkyong said:

    i still rate quality ANDROID box and view all those channels  about 3000 baht  for box ZERO for channels

    Hi Lamkyong....May I ask you what sort of quality (HD or not) you get, do you get buffering during Live


    Football games and where did you buy the box and what Make and Model?


    I have avoided Kodi, IPTV, etc. to date because of the constant press rumblings about blocking Kodi servers, etc.


    I am willing to try anything and the more options the better.


    Many thanks.:thumbsup:

  2. 1 hour ago, trd said:

    I don't have a consistently good experience with smartdnsproxy. I get lots of buffering and picture degradation as the stream doesn't have a consistent bandwidth. Sometimes the connection via their DNS server doesn't register somehow that's it's in the UK and I can't use BBC iPlayer. I have a very fast fibre optic connection. I had no such issues using Astrill VPN and will be going back to it. Luckily I signed up with SmartDNS for a low priced introductory offer so it's no great loss. I would recommend taking the trial before paying for it.


    Thanks TRD...As we speak I have lost connection to BBC iPlayer, but I had tried Smart DNS for a week with great results until just after my post.


    I have contacted their support and they tell me they are working on a fix.


    Thank you for the heads up on Astrill....I will try it.


    However, HDPrime TV and U-Play tv are working fine...I had issues with iLikeHDTV before, but so far so good. These are hosted and based in Thailand as far as I know so no Proxy DNS or VPN is required to use them.


    I am not commissioned and so not promoting these services except to trying help fellow TVF members.


    If anyone else can recommend a good Proxy DNS product I am sure it would be most welcome.


    Good luck everyone! :smile:

  3. Dear all,


    After posting on TVF on this subject before (Thank you for your replies) and after extensive research and testing I am able to share the following:


    Having tried many VPNs and being let down so many times and lost money I have given up on them.


    I now watch all my TV through a laptop (Windows 7) connected to my TV.


    I use Smart DNS which you can trial for 14 days (no credit card needed). Their website is:




    It is very fast (I am getting download speeds of 60+ Mbps on True Internet Fibre) and I get practically no buffering. It is great for BBC iPlayer.


    Special offer now on $49.90 (US) for 24 months. There are many subscription offers...all cheap.


    If you want to get all UK TV channels as well as hundreds more you can use U-Play TV or HDPrime TV which are the new offerings from what was formerly ILkeHD TV.


    HDPrime is the English version, but it is more expensive and doesn't have many Thai Movies or subtitles.


    If you have a Thai GF, wife or other Thai friend then U-Play TV is much better and cheaper. You can choose the User Interface in Thai or English when you LOGIN.


    Both have loads of channels including most sports channels, hundreds of movies and many of them have 3-4 days catchup.


    The list includes all BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, all Sky Sports, Setanta, BT Sport, Eurosport, BEIN Sports, etc., etc.


    They can be found at:






    You have to create an account/register (Free) to enter the sites and see what they have.


    For all channels (VIP) U-Play is 300Thb per month. You have to pay by TrueMoney which you can get from 7/11.


    HDPrime has many different packages so you can choose what you want.


    These all offer tremendous value and you don't need to worry about the TV companies blocking you as it is legit.


    Apparently they also work on android mobile devices and Smart TVs but I haven't tried that yet.


    I can confirm that they work on iPad and iPhone.


    Hope this helps some of you.




  4. 23 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Although this berk is firing a scare shot and not at the rider, non the

    less this guy has a sever anger issues and who definitely  should

    not be on the roads driving if such small thing can get him to fire a gun,

    and worst of all THIS madman HAS A GUN....

    I was persuaded to go on an anger management course once which calmed me down until I got the bill...Then I was furious! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

  5. 14 minutes ago, EcigAmateur said:



    I just see that weeks after, the problem is not yet cleared, so there is obviously something wrong in the management.


    Do you think that any official will read this forum ? Of course not. You will pay 50000 like everybody else does, or you will pay 2000 at the court, it's not a secret for anybody in this world.


    But still, all this should have been done weeks ago already.




    As I stated previously you are not in possession of the majority of the facts in this matter and as such your opinion is invalid to me, though clearly not yourself where I respectfully request that you keep it.


    I will not be commenting further.

  6. 1 minute ago, EcigAmateur said:


    Sorry, but I wonder if you helped enough in this case.

    Either you do not want to say or do not know enough, I have never heard of such case taking so long.

    Do you speak Thai, do you have a smart Thai talk to them, etc... ?

    No offense, but maybe you really do not know how to take care of this.







    No offense taken......There is much I have not disclosed which has happened over the last few days so you are not in any position to make a valid judgement.


    It would not be prudent or in the Farang Kid's interests or potentially mine to discuss the matter further.


    I will not be commenting anymore on this topic and respectfully request the moderator to therefore close this thread forthwith.

  7. On 10/18/2017 at 10:38 AM, EcigAmateur said:



    Are you sure that he will be deported.


    I have read some posts on this forum from people saying that after paying the fine they haven't been deported.


    These laws are so stupid. Poor Thai people !






    Not sure.....everything changes by the day.....Seems they are potentially now looking for a large payoff for maybe letting him walk.....don't want to discuss any further for obvious reasons.


    Thank you for your comments, concern and interest.



  8. 5 minutes ago, EcigAmateur said:


    Why so long ? Usually isn't it the next few days ?

    And why it wasn't possible to clear this directly with the cops ?

    I hope that the kid does not live in fear. It's so ridiculous to be annoyed for such small thing.




    It seems that the KT police have been stringing it out and keep trying to get more money, but the army were involved at the arresting checkpoint and so I have been told on good authority (can't reveal my sources sorry) that no matter how much more he paid the KT cops he would still have to go to court.


    The Embassy has now contacted the KT cops and been told that he should be in court by Friday......Believe that when I see it!


    The most probable route is court date soon now that the kid won't cough up any more dosh....He will be arrested following the court case and taken to Bhoput police station and held there until the next trip up to IDC in BKK which is normally every Tuesday??????


    Unless anyone knows different????






  9. 55 minutes ago, TimTang said:

    Back in the early 90's I remember me and a girl (of ill repute) getting a ride on a police motor bike from the 'Green Mango' to the 'Reggae Pub'. The three of us shared a large bottle of beer and a big joint for the whole ride. Those were the good ol' days. Now a days they will try to extort you for all they can get. 


    Getting legal assistance is probably the best bet just to get him out of that jurisdiction. They will intimidate him as much as possible to see how much money they can suck out of his relatives in his home country.

    Thanks Tim...Working on that right now.

  10. 4 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:


    26. Question : Is it possible for the alien having litigation or court proceedings (Being as accuser, injured person, accused, plaintiff, defendant or witness) to apply for extention of temporary stay in Thailand?

         Answer : Yes. There must be evidence confirming that the applicant is involved in a litigation or court proceedings as accuser, injured person, accused, plaintiff, defendant or witness ( Confirmation letter from an inquiry official involved with the case, official paper or document confirming the applicant being involved with the said court proceedings of the case is required document.)




    From Police order 327/2557

    2.26 In the case of litigation or court proceedings:
    Each permission shall be granted for no more than 90 days.


    (1) There must be evidence confirming that the applicant is involved in a litigation or court proceedings as accuser, injured person, accused, plaintiff, defendant, or witness.
    (2) The applicant does not behave in such a way that indicating his intention to stay longer.


    Thanks PS....Great and welcome information. :thumbsup:

  11. 20 minutes ago, impulse said:


    The point being that there are actions required on his part that may not be obvious to a newly minted Thai adventurist. 


    The next question I would ask is what documents he'll need to present at immigration when he does go?  Obviously not a passport since he won't have that in his possession.  Does he need to prove his address is being reported properly, (etc.)?  And can it be any immigration office, or does it need to be specific ones, for example in the town where the court case is happening?


    This may all seem obvious to long stay guys, but not to a noob.


    Thanks Impulse...Good questions....We all know that this kid (and at 21 he is still a kid) has been extremely stupid and was extremely naive. He was completely unaware of the seriousness of his offence or the consequences of his actions in Thailand.....He is indeed learning the hard way.


    I thank everyone for your replies, some more judgemental than helpful, but it seems that the obvious action going forward is to get a good English speaking local lawyer onside ASAP.


    I will post again with any news In the hope that it may help others in the future. Whether you agree with smoking weed or not I think we are all in aggreement that it is extremely foolish and even disrespectful to smoke weed in Thailand, but if there is anyone on this forum who can honestly say they have never done anything stupid or even disrespectful in their lives please make yourselves known to us on here so we can all admire you!



  12. 22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Firstly, the bail for a small amount of weed at court is 10,000 Baht, so he has been overcharged already. The fine if he pleads guilty at court is 2,500 Baht.

    I would suggest try to find, by asking around, a half sensible lawyer to deal with it. It is not a big drama, just make sure he does not lose the receipt from the police station, assuming they gave him one. He will not get deported or any other problem over it. Important thing is not to panic, and to keep a very clean slate for the rest of his time there. Court processing is 48 days, which is when he can plead guilty and pay the fine. A deal with the cops will be quicker but more expensive. When they know he knows the fine level at court, they will be more likely to play ball. Lawyer fee should be no more than 10,000 for something so simple, though they may try for more, 10K is enough.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks Darkside.

  13. Hi all. I got a call from my brother in the UK to say that one of his friend's sons got caught with a small amount of Hash on Koh Tao yesterday at a police check point.


    It smacks of all the stupidity of a Farang youth on his first trip to Thailand, but hey I guess we have all been young and done stupid things so I have been delegated to help the kid out as he is travelling alone.


    The short story is he was on the back of a motorbike with another Farang kid he had just met and they had a couple of spliffs at the beach and were on their way back to the hotel when the got stopped. He was holding the small bag of stuff and when they searched them they let the other guy go and nabbed him. He was arrested and taken to the police station and charged. Then released on what he said was about 60,000 THB bail supplied by transfer from mummy.


    They confiscated his passport and told him to return in 7 days for a urine test and processing.....They did not take a test at the time strangely???


    So he is now on Samui with little or no money, no passport and shitt*ng himself. He is 21. He said it was a very small amount of weed (bought in Thailand) about


    enough for a couple of spliffs. Obviously he is not looking for sympathy as it is a deep hole he has dug for himself.


    What I am interested in is if any of you know of similar occurences and what was the outcome?.....I am surprised they arrested him and even then would expect

    that he would get a couple of thousand Tea-Money ticket. Any helpful suggestions would be welcome. No doubting the stupidity or the offence, but trying to predict

    the outcome.


    Many thanks in anticipation.

  14. 2 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Only been back about a month. Towards the end of next month I will go to immigration and apply for a 12 month extension based on retirement.


    Yes I obtained the Non Imm visa when I was back in the UK. I applied by post , just sent a copy of marriage certificate and wife's ID and they gave me a Non IMM 'B' visa.

    Thanks again.


    I will probably just let my current extesion expire and re-apply on return too....Unless they change the rules again .....or Samui office will not let me do that .....Fingers crossed 5555.:sad::sad:

    • Haha 1
  15. On 07/09/2017 at 7:50 AM, sandyf said:

    I have had the same problem with the renewal due mid July, that stemmed from the passport fiasco a few years back. This year I let the extension expire while I was in the UK and came back on a single entry Non O. Took 3 days to get the visa by post.

    From now on renewal will be around end of October.


    Thanks Sandyf.


    If I just let it expire I was worried it might take me over a year and many visa runs to get back to where I am already.....What was the timeframe for you from re-entry to getting your next extension of stay based on retirement? It is 5 years since I first applied for retirement status but I seem to recall the whole process took about 15 months.


    I did a few visa runs in mini vans and never want to go through that ordeal or stress level again. I would drive to Ranong and get the ferry to Myanmar and do it all myself or fly to Malaysia.


    I assume you had to apply for the Non O in the UK and then show earnings/pension or bank deposit of 800k for 2 months (as effectively a new application) so maybe only 3-4 months from applying for your Non O?


    Even if that is the case my biggest worry as stated previously is that each immigration office and Samui in particular impose their own rules which has always been problematic and frustrating in the past.


    Many thanks to you and all other respondents so far. :smile:



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