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Posts posted by Kaalle

  1. Pai seemed okay,north of Chiang mia,but as i have said before once Thai's drop a peice of litter for them it ceases to exist anymore, i moaned at my mrs yesterday about all the rubbish strewn around her shop which is opposite our house,she blamed this on the thunder storm the other night,the wind was strong sure but to blow bottles of Leo in every direction,i think not,will go and check later,am in the doghouse already for taking a hammer to the non stick pan with half its coating scratched off cos they can't be bothered using the proper plastic spatula, i told them before teflon is dangerous when damaged,the thing sat outside for a day until they started re-using it the pan could possibly be over there by now with them attempting repairs,ye gods,i despair sometimes,methinks i shall have to tread carefully today as i am again 'clazy falang'

    Yes I reacted when i visited Pai as well, very clean. Also didn't see a single rat or cockroach, felt very refreshing.

  2. This is a huge mess, they never should have done this. Now the door is open for Thai's to flood Japan with cheap illegal labor. At least immigration is trying to stop it.

    Its not like a walk from the village and then motorbike across the border. Still a fairly big process to get situated as an illegal worker. Or am I wrong?

  3. I have read many story's about electrocutions in the shower so I'm always terrified, I turn them of before showering. Here at home I actually unplugged mine completely and it improved the water pressure immensely on top of everything.

    You care to explain how that improved the water pressure?

    Anyway, not just Thailand, I worked in the Middle East, electrical related accidents happened on a regular basis, and on the military bases in Iraq.

    I have no idea. I wasn't trying to make the point that unplugging the heater always increases the water pressure.

    I cant remember the last time I felt the need for a nice hot shower in Thailand anyway, I think many would say the same.

  4. They have photos because they believe the whole universe revolves around themselves...

    Remember that next time you fall out with someone here (not recommended)

    I disagree 100%. I would not call the average Thai self centered as compared to the average westerner. Not in a million years.

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