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Posts posted by Kaalle

  1. Bad bad illegal workers. Bad bad. w00t.gif


    If you can overcome your melancholy, could you explain your post? Are you saying illegal immigration and workers is not so bad?

    Show me the Thais who are willing to work in the sun moving bricks for peanuts.

    What is the relevance to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and ILLEGAL WORKERS?

    Burmese without papers doing work that nobody else wants to do is not something I would interpret as "bad". That was my point.

  2. "Decriminalization of weed in Thailand" ?

    Not in this lifetime.

    Probably correct but why or why not?

    Because 97% of the World population actually believe that marijuana is as dangerous and addictive as say cocaine.

    Imagine if Thailand were to legalize and tax marijuana: The kingdom would become the World's number one tourist destination for young foreign backpackers, earning billions in taxes by selling the stuff for let's say 500thb per pack of 20 joints. Heck I'm sure people would even pay 1'000thb for a pack. Ironic considering the plant is indigenous to and easy to grow in the tropics.

    So wheres the massive tourist boom in Cambodia? Not saying its taxed or legal but certainly hassle free.

  3. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

    Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

    500 killed in traffic during Songkran. No one gives a sh1t

    Hundreds of women beaten up every day by drunk/drugged men. No one gives a sh1t

    Children are sold into prostitution every day. No one gives a sh1t

    Most corrupt police force in the world. No one gives a sh1t

    As for your comment about residency and citizenship just shows how little you know about Thailand.

    On your yearly 3 week holiday?

    Great post that sums up a large part of the insanity of Thailand.

    • Like 2
  4. Main reason

    Kraft cheese has been outlawed by the Thai government

    As the item in question is not real cheese ie fake damages Thailands rep

    They launched a probe into the cheese and this resulted in a crackdown in the hub of cheese. The cheese committee is working tirelessly to resolve this as we speak though.

    • Like 1
  5. IT was never possible to "convert" an "ED visa" into a Tourist visa !


    That is not really what he means to say though, poor choice of words I assume.

    And this is important news to some as the times I have been to Penang recently the people at Banana have been particular about telling the scores of russians applying for ED visa that they will apply for a tourist visa for them if their ED visa application is turned down. So if some of those people have an ED visa that's finished or used up or whatever and are applying for a second, third etc. they could have a big problem, if the OP has correct information.

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  6. My girlfriend was on a flight from Phuket to BKK last night and she called me after and said they had strong turbulence and a drop in altitude which resulted in some people starting to scream. I don't know how if or how much she exaggerated but she was genuinely upset. It was Lion Air btw. A lot of trouble with flying lately.

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