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Twice shy

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Posts posted by Twice shy

  1. If someone asked me if I was Scottish, I'd say "No, I'm not, I'm English". So what?

    You really do not have a clue !!!

    Your posts on this topic are sad and ill educated

    Who have the Glasgow police been arresting the last few days ?

    Do you know

    Unionists and for violence !

    Not nationalists or as you call them drunken Celtic fans ...

    Give it a rest as you know nothing about Scotland

  2. Twice shy. We dont want Scotland to be like Norway.Quiet.Complacent and boring. You must be joking when you claim Norway shaped Europe.Or maybe you have been at the Scottish whisky. I assume you are refering to the Viking invaders who raped,thieved and killed where ever they went.Disgusting people and the first colonialists.Not like Scottish people.However,I have heard Norway is very beautiful and worth a visit. Lovely scenery and a bicycle riding King.

    Time for you to go buy a English history book

    As for raping,thieving and killing the English have a good track record of this also

    Go educate yourself before you accuse people of being pissed

    • Like 1
  3. balo.Norway is a only a small unimportant country with a population about the same as Birmingham,UK.If you are so rich why dont you give more money to poorer nations?Scottish independence has nothing to do with you.

    You are ignorant and have not got a clue what you are talking about

    Are you aware just how much the Vikings shaped England and Europe in General

    Go have a look at the history books as you need too educate yourself

    • Like 1
  4. It's a big risk.

    Both sides have good arguments.

    This will give you a laugh and put everything into perspective JT..

    The amount of <deleted> spouted by absolute <deleted> bellends on this referendum is mind boggling people should READ <deleted> BOOKS INSTEAD OF BLOGS!

    its Scotland's oil! Eh no it's no even Britain's oil it's <deleted> BP, Shell and Exxon's oil they just pay a sub charge to extract the oil and bring it ashore to be refined! If it was Scotland's oil why are none of these jackanory bastards promising you a vast reduction in fuel duty in the event of independence? Cause that's where the government make their <deleted> money!

    Scotland doesnae get the government it votes for vote for independence get them Tories oot! Eh I don't see English, Welsh and Ulster parents bemoaning about Scottish war criminals who lead us into wars for their pals Brown, Darling, Robertson, Cook and Scottish educated Anthony Blair and his wee jakeball bastard crony Alistair Campbell but hey it's all Etons fault eh

    David Cameron is flogging the NHS off to all his pals! Eh if ye'd actually fuckin read up on history ye'll find that a condition of an IMF loan is the government must sell off state assets to create a free market economy carrying out the the economic policies dreamt up by Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys which is what's been going on since Labour sold the jersey's in 1976 and went for a £2billion bailout which then began the domino effect of closing pits selling off the railways BT, BP etc etc but hey it's wee Maggies fault the she devil as those pontificating socialists love to shout to anybody who cares! The IMF run this country these governments

    Just carry out what their told to! It's why a <deleted> Canadian is the gaffer at the Bank of England!!! You <deleted> think yer getting it rough now just thank The Lord ye live here and didnae have to truly suffer like the South Americans who were the guinea pigs to all this in the 70's!!!! What's John Swinney openly stated he's gonae do on the first day of independence? Aye borrow £2.5billion and that's just to start with!! Aye a better future for yer weans indeed is truly around the corner!!!

    How can there be foodbanks in Scotland this is a disgrace!!! Aye how can there be when ye've £500m for a stupid parliament building £1.5billion for trams the majority of you will never use £2billion for a new forth road bridge £850m for a makeover for an Edinburgh shopping centre £200m for a shopping centre in Haymarket £billions to throw on the regeneration of the South side and east end of Glesga millions spent on the Hydro I mean how many <deleted> concert venues does Glesga <deleted> need? How much did they blow on that glorified school sports day the commonwealth games and the fuckin Ryder cup? Aye but who gives a <deleted> about peasants no being able to feed themselves give them a tin of beans and a cuppa soup!!!

    We can be like Norway where their average wage is double ours? Aye it's also £8 for a pint, £18 to see a GP, £30 to visit a hospital, their roads have tolls and no free travel for OAPs that sounds <deleted> jolly as <deleted>!!

    The bedroom tax oooft <deleted> which amounts to £50million a year but the SNP decided we'll pay it this year for ye's well if they can pick it up this year THEY CAN <deleted> DO IT EVERY YEAR!!!

    It's oooor Pound!! Aye just what ye want another country setting your interest rates and borrowing rates I've always wanted to live in Greece let's have some of that hyper inflation and no jobs because Scotland is an economy built on the service industry all foreign owned that can be flat packed off to anywhere they want!!!!

    But independence will deal with real social issues! Don't give us yer <deleted> pish when this SNP government have pie'd the efforts of John Muir to deal with Scotland's real Weapons of Mass Destructiom THE <deleted> KNIFE!!! They don't give a <deleted> about oinks stabbing oinks unless they get the chance for a somber photo opportunity to show they care about ye!!! Fucksake it was only 6 week ago there was a march in Glesga against the high volume of sex crimes in that city but hey there was more than enough coppers on the streets during the commonwealth games to make ye all feel safe eh!!

    That's no even countering in jailing people for singing songs at fitba matches the polis handing out their special wee licences to the gangsters who meet their criteria to sell drugs on the streets for them without so much as a chap at their door!!!

    You'll get the country ye truly fuckin deserve!!!!

    This negativity is rife amongst the no camp. Nice rant. laugh.png

    How did you manage to read his post

    I am Glasgow born and bred but I could not understand most of it

    What school in Scotland teaches people to write like that

    The answer is none ....

    • Like 1
  5. This happened to me. My girlfriend of 2 years wanted me to go home with her but I refused so she had me beaten out of spite. She's admitted it and identified the 2 guys who are only guilty of being gullible enough to believe her when she said I threatened her. I've never threatened anyone in my life.

    Hell hath no fury like a woman that imagined scorn.

    Also to the guy that suggested my mate was a coward - if it wasn't for him coming between me and the machete waver I could well have been killed.

    Lastly, I'm more that happy to be referred to as British.

    Hope you are feeling better ...

    All the best and I hope you have dropped that girl from your life

    As I know people who have had similar things happen to them

    And a few weeks later I have seen them go back to the crazy cows

    Take care

  6. Can I ask you a question naam ....

    I remember you filling your boots with gold or so you claimed when gold was in the 1800 to 1900 US dollar range

    Basically when the price got silly and only a fool was buying major quantities

    Kilos of it you claimed to buy or your wife did ...I used to laugh at your posts

    Do you really think you should be posting on this subject ...

    Or have you made up some story on here were magically you still made a profit ...

    I have few posts but I have been watching thai visa for a very long time

    I would take financial advice from a som tam seller before you

  7. If I was in Thailand I would have them off you but I am in the Philippines now

    And I would not low ball you

    725-750 British pounds is what your coin should be worth as a easy quick sale

    Stay away from ebay for selling them as you will just get scammers bidding the highest price

    Vintage already warned you in an earlier post how that scam works

    My advice is keep them and don,t listen to the financial gurus on here

    • Like 1
  8. She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

    Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

    Sadly I have seen stranger things than this ..tit and anything goes !!!!!

    I am not belittling you in any way as I have been In your situation a long time ago (same age as you)

    But it is not going to end up a happy story no matter what you do

    Just don't get serious about her and take it as it comes

    Just enjoy the life's experiences that Thailand will fling at you as you are to young for seriousness

    I can't believe you are still replying after 17 pages though

    There have been lots of good advice given to you already

    • Like 1
  9. This fella is never 48 years old

    The Brit embassy should have a good look at his passport

    British Asians sure have a bad track record of insurance fraud

    And passport fraud....no racism intended just stating the obvious

    I think this is racist. Young british tourists, paricularly back-packers frequently make false insurance claims.

    Get a grip ....here are some facts for you

    Young British tourists do not have the insurance industry under siege in the uk

    Brit Asians do ....crash for cash is a scam almost run exclusively by Asians in the uk

    Brit tourists have not turned entire areas in the uk into no go areas

    Brit Asians have ....in lots of areas

    Brit Asians are now finally been exposed as being at the forefront of sexual abuse on females

    For generations now ....

    British tourist have not ...

    Sadly the list is long and growing and to falsely accuse some one as racist for stating the truth and for speaking the truth is a cheap shot and people like you are the ones that make British people racist ....

    You try to shout us down when all we do is speak the truth and it has come to a head in the uk

    This is why ukip is getting so many votes ....it's nothing to do with Europe

    The reason for the massive vote swing to them are Brits are fed up of pussy footing about and not

    Being able to tell it how it is ....

    It was people like you that allowed the situation of the sexual abuse with the young girls to happen

    As people were scared to tell the truth for fear of being labelled a RACIST.....

    If the British are so racist why would we have allowed so many immigrants in to our country

    Look at our major cities ...it's not a pretty picture is it ...multiculturism has failed

    But still we let them in .....

    How racist are we ?????

    Before I go ...my wife is Asian and my kids are half Asian and I don't have a racist bone in my body

    • Like 1
  10. Twice Shy, sorry for your experience. I've heard both sides of the story- the success stories and the horror stories of taking Xanax. It's good to know that you are aware of the benefits of exercise because exercise really does help. I take benzos to "take the edge off" when I go out in public because for I time my anxiety left me somewhat agoraphobic and it took time for me to feel comfortable going out in public- especially to malls and other crowded, noisy places. And having to wait in a long line is still a bummer for me! In these situations, the benzos really do help. You said you abused Xanax. Why did you take it in the first place? And many mgs were you taking a day?

    On a good day 3mg,on a bad day 5mg and I was drinking also .

    sang thip and Xanax was my thing mixed with hookers and the madness they bring to the show

    I had a history of heavy drug use in my youth brought about by trying to shut out crap that happened

    When I was growing up ... I enjoyed switching off and not thinking to much

    And I always abused tamazepam easily 60 mg most days more on a bad day (alcohol as well )

    but they did not grab me as physically or Mentally as Xanax did ...

    it's been years now since I have been drug free and I have kids now and moved on With my life but I still do not sleep well and I have just learned to do things to keep me mentally stimulated instead of being gloomy

    I enjoy mike tyson new tv series about his life as I can feel like him some days

    Totally down but it's not about me anymore it's all about my kids now !!!

    Being a good father is the best reward in the world and better than drugs

    And not forgetting exercise ...that pulled me up out of my whole also

  11. I was seriously addicted to Xanax when I lived in Thailand

    And I was taking a lot more than the original poster was taking daily

    Total hell in the end and It was the main reason for returning to the uk

    My advice is Exercise,exercise and just biting the bullet ...

    And hang in there when you feel depressed and alone....because you will !

    I bought a dog and walking him took the edge right off most days

    There is a detox unit on ko Chang

    I once looked at there web site for a relative about three years ago

    I wish you all the best

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