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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. Ha ha, reminds me of the constant protestations from my Thai girlfriend, "It's your fault, Falangs !" I've been blamed for everything from the collaboration with the Japanese to the rice farce........ Have you ever heard anything so pathetic ? "We were distracted by (Foreign, FARANGS ! media) " I wonder if my girlfriends a relation...??? I sincerely hope that Thiland doesn't blunder into a war one day, because they might get distracted by all the bangs ........ Mind you as we all know, there's no danger of that...............

  2. I'll bet my bottom dollar that security, barmen, the local wasters know who committed this terrible crime, but of course the "Thai rak Thai mentality prevails, or the more precise fear factor is working it's magic on the spineless parasites. I'll suggest to put up the "Grass" money to a level where their own families would shop them, shouldn't be too much considering the local morality....... This is very similar to a case a few years ago in Kanchanaburi where an Australian nurse was shot whilst sitting in a bar by a local lunatic demanding money off the bar owner who wouldn't pay. This particular lunatic was the son of a high ranking Cop, and of course nobody knew what happened....... Little Sh-t should of been strung up, but of course not in the land of smiles.......... Starting to smell like total BS to me.......

  3. Sad to say,

    but i saw the photos last night of the two victims. I can honestly say that whoever has committed this crime needs to be caught immediately and any chance of this animal breeding stopped. I'm not surprised at the usual tripe from the LOS, it's always been constant, but the PM should seriously get his finger out and do something before the British Government does, as you might have a lot of face to lose very shortly. Bludgeoned to death with a mattock ! " Ask us when we can go out " ? I hope the British Government does with this case what they did with the couple murdered in Kanchanaburi by a RTP Sergeant, "Find him, or we'll send some people who will" Strangely enough he was caught very quickly........Really Thailand has to sort it's self out, and please no more jackanory story time from the PM.......

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  4. Oooooh dear........ Simple solution, drop the Bht back to 70 baht to the pound or whatever currency your working with, stop trying to charge the backside out of everybody, and don't forget where a lot of westerners come from has a lot more ( Culturally) to offer than Thailand has taxis...... Thailand was fun when it was cheap........ Now not so much......... I'm paying in western bars now, between 200 Bht - 300 Bht a pint........ More than Hong Kong, london, New York, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,, And i'm too old to sit at the end of soi 13 (Lagos) drinking cheap P-SS........ Two of the most saleable commodities in the world, and Thailands managed to cock it up,......... P-s- and Pus-y......... TAT ( Totally Outta Touch.) Yeah and while i'm on, clean the dump up ! Krabi looks like a Chinese squat toilet..........

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  5. Interesting one, bodies sink for usually three days, come up with decomposition gasses, burst and sink for good....... Found near the vessel ? Tide, current ? There's not enough facts in this statement to make any sense........ Headless ? I'll be interested in the real story of this one........Maybe the old pirates are up to their usual trade, remember that area is where a lot of Thai "Pirates,Fishermen" killed and robbed an awful lot of Vietnamese boat people back in the seventies........Maybe they're skint also .............

  6. I think it goes without saying that anyone who reads this post would extend condolances to the mans family, truly a shattering experience for his family, and ultimately a life cut short. But i would like to know more details, not for any nosy or macabre reasons, just another chance to add more experience and "Body armour" to the game of living in South East Asia. I read a post that mentioned he had a boyfriend, ( I don't know if this was a misprint) but hopefully all possibilities will be investigated...... Not knowing the man personally, i can only sympathise will his families loss. RIP Young man.......

  7. This old chestnut again... I had this situation posted on my facebook the other day, and my reply will be the same, Get off your arse, get to the Embassy (Swedish, one of the nicest in the world) and get your arse home...... But unfortunately we all know the reason why he's in this predicament, he's pissed it all away, now he's trying to gain sympathy,,,,,,, wrong place mate, It's in the dictionary between shit and syphilis !

  8. Well, it's gotta be said, from the report it sounds like a truly genuine case of suicide for a change......... Mind you i'd check if there's a roof access.............. RIP............. I never undestand why people do this to themselves when there's so many pleasurable ways to go out.......... Had a mate once that stopped eating and drank himself to death on Sang Thip,,,,,,,,, That did the trick.............

  9. What's not to believe.?.......the body has gone to be examined to find the real cause of death.

    It says he fell to te ground after running into a glass door it does not say the cuts from that is what killed him.

    No one mentioned suicide just the usual ignorant trolls who can't wait to throw there 1/2 satangs worth in and critisize.

    If the Thai Police wanted to cover something up the press wouldn't get within a mile of the scene and you trolls on here wouldn't even know it happened.

    It's criticise, and you don't have to be Sherlock homes to work out a knife wound from a shard wound, but i think you're missing the point, "If it smells like BS, then it generally is" Remember we live in a country that didn't want to report on the Tsunami due to the fact that it might harm business. The mention of suicide usually accompanies any reporting of a foreign fatality in Thailand as a piece of dark humour, that usually is the conclusion of the powers to be........ I personally have known many cases of suicide in Thailand, that definetley were not, but labelled so as to keep adverse publicity to a minimum...... Bring in Scotland yard, and all's done, but remember we're a long way from Scotland yard..........

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  10. Great idea ! Lets build another shopping complex......... and maybe a few massage parlours........(Profanity) ! I'd like to know what's being built on the old cemetry in the middle of Silom, i remember watching a latter day Burke and hare grave robber digging up a coffin there...... I wonder what would happen if that was a Buddhist cemetry ?...... One interesting point, intered in that cemetry was the Captain of Thailands most famous battleship, the Chumphon, and yes, you guessed it, he was a Farang, (Scots to be precise) .............

  11. Penang ? I think you either like it or you don't..... But one thing about Malaysia is that they welcome foreigners and not just their money. Free visa, right to own a house, car, bank account, law and order, albeit a slightly Asian version, but at least you have basic rights. I've been in Thailand coming up to thirty years now, and strangely enough if i had to bail out it would be to Malaysia for the above reasons...... If i wanted a bit of horizontal excercise just pop across the border at Had Yai, all you need ! ( Prostitutions illegal by the way) Malaysia has got some good points, and i think they become more apparent when the glitz (Short time glitz) wears off..........Thailand was great twenty odd years ago, but now it's looking a bit shabby.........Just like Chulia twenty years ago, great night scene, but of course destroyed by progress (Government).... Just my opinion......

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  12. Oh, this old chestnut again......... When i first drove in Thailand (Car) i used to get stopped quite a lot, obviously i was equipped with my licences, British, Bahraini, International, and strangely enough, none of these seemed to be of interest to the examining officer....... I later learned that 200 baht under his outstretched pad did the trick........ I've subsequently tried to obtain Thai driving licences for both car and motorbike, and i must say, there's the Thai way, which turns into something like getting accredited for supersonic X15 test flying, and then there's the other Thai way, which means bunging the urchins outside the licencing office to sort it all out....... Oh how bloody obvious ! Seing as though everything else in Thailand can be obtained in much the same manner, including the country if you've got enough contacts under the table........ I wonder where Thai airlines get their licences from ? Probably Khao san .........

  13. I switched from bottled water (Crystal) to using the communal water filter in my condo which I know has regular maintenance. Maybe its just placebo, but I'm sure that my gut is healthier since I switched.

    Does anyone know of a home kit you can use to test the water? Just for curiosities sake.

    Yeah, after contracting a serious illness from Thai water, i went out and bought just about every bottled water brand in the seven eleven. After testing every brand, low and behold i found that the only two that were pure (Ph7) were of course western operated plants (Companies) Nestle, and Minere. These are the only two companies that are pure (Neutral) every other one, especially the Thai ones were acidic Ph5-4 very close to vinegar. Water purity has a very narrow margin, between 0.5-1.0 either way from Ph7......... After coming from a country where tap water is clean, i never thought that i would have to test bottled water for purity......... You can test Ph with a swimming pool tester........., but you can't pick up toxins, ( Very nearly killed me ) Thai tap water drinkable ? MY ARSE !!!!!!!

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  14. Well, just when you thought you'd heard all the stupidity possible in La La Land, they come up with this little beauty. After becoming extremely ill in Thailand from drinking water (Boiled i might add) i've spent the last two and a half years taking all kinds of medication to repair the damage to my gut, with the consequential damage to my immune system. I had a very intelligent conversation with a Thai Dr who was an enviromentalist, he warned me not to even bother with the (Nam Papa) water authority as they don't know what they are doing, infact he said they were bloody lucky that Thames water from Britain set up the plants as it would be even worse than it is now. Of course this man asked me not to quote him as he knew the consequences of telling the truth. If anybody believes the BS that this lot are peddling, you'll be in serious danger. I'm a Seaman and i've drank, swimmed in, been covered in all kinds of chemicals, but nothing has damaged me as much as Thai water........ (Serious)

  15. The old story continues.... Try catching a taxi on Sukhumvit after two in the morning, i've got used to the fact that nine times out of ten, as soon as that window comes down it means no, (Mai bai). So my policy is, window comes down, walk on. Then recently i've had the 200 bht trick, i live in Ratchada, Sukhumvit to Ratchada is generally 70 bht, normally i give a 100 bht......... Problem is, these taxi drivers have been spoilt for so long that they think that this little gravy train is going to continue. I've got news for these boys, Thailands becoming more and more expensive, and as we all know, a lot of people are taking their custom to neighbouring countries. I had two taxi drivers ask me on the same night, "where is everybody"? And i must say i've happily replied, they've all gone to Laos,Cambodia,Malaysia,Burma,,,,,,,,,,, Not 100% true, but it definetley was payback time...... I'm coming into my third decade in Thailand, and tell you the truth, "It's not what it was ".........I wish they'd just stop trying to be Singapore ( Boring dump) and just revert back to being the happiest little wh--- house in SE Asia......... (Just my opinion)

  16. Appalling but not as dubious as Gareth Williams the ex-MI6 employee found dead in sports bags which was zipped and padlocked, police said there's nothing suspicious. Seems plod are pretty lazy across the globe when they're not motivated by the bosses who are as unmotivated as the plod it seems!

    Appreciated, but Mr Williams wasn't just having a holiday in Thailand, he was a player in the great game....... and he lost ........ MI6 don't sell furniture (MFI) and usually if you live by the sword, you've a bloody good chance of dying by it.........

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  17. You've gotta love the Thai Police........ Reminds me of a case of a former colleague of mine who had married a Thai lady, moved to Suphanburi, and mysteriously after one year of moving all his assetts to Thailand in his wifes name, was found in a pond behind his house. He was found to have been shot, stabbed, tied up, and with a plastic bag on his head.......... Verdict: Suicide ! I think even Houdini would of been proud of that little feat of magic........ Mind you, the investigating officer was a relation of his wife.......... And all lived happily ever after in my friends nice new house.............. Amazing Thailand........ Sorry for the young Russian man, mind you i can see a Russian investigation coming, and you can bet that will not be pretty........ I bet the LB will soon revert back to Somchai very quickly.......

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