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  1. Posting a followup to this. Eric @ Lighthouse linked to above administered a TOVA test and thorough questionnaire to me and gave me my official diagnosis 2 years ago. However, he can't prescribe the medication and he referred me to Dr. Donna at Medconsult who set me up with a Ritalin prescription. To say that it has been life changing (in a positive way) would be an understatement.
  2. What do you mean little late? I am not dead nor have I given up on life. If I can be medicated I intend to achieve my goals and get ahead, be more productive and fulfilled.
  3. Hi Sheryl, any thoughts on Lighthouse Counseling? https://www.psychologistbangkok.com/adhd-psychological-testing/
  4. Thank you for this recommendation. However, the earliest appointment that they have with an English speaking doctor is on July 21st. Would you know of any other place I could possibly try? Thanks again
  5. Where and from whom can I get the full range of cognitive tests for a diagnosis of adult ADHD? I'm in Bangkok.

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