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Posts posted by AlexLah

  1. This topic is getting old, isn't it (literally and figuratively)?

    Yet, in typical TV fashion, I will contradict myself by contributing :)

    I haven't read all of the new posts yet but I did see the AIG article - 2018? Really? But that's 6 years after the End of the World.... So we're ok there.... either way we're fcuked.

    I think somebody posted here (or another thread, was it Blackjack?) that instead of bickering (grown men bickering, btw), how about we come up with some ideas instead. I'm all for that. Or we could continue with the status quo (which will probably happen) of Alex --> Naam ---> flying ---> midas ----> Naam --->Alex, etc. etc..... anywhooo....

    Lanna, did you change your avatar? I liked the dog.

    I like this article by Kaletsky about his New Year predictions (in full below because I couldnt find the link).

    The main good news is that the Bank, like the Fed, will do its utmost to counteract all these deflationary forces.

    And it's quite possible that their utmost efforts will fail.

    Come on Jcon, I have mentioned a few solutions, although they might be perceived as a bit radical, they would work.

    Perhaps you forgot as you get older and have a bit of a problem remembering things?


  2. Once countries start sending back their Dollar reserves then you might see hyper inflation. For now we just see a gradual decrease of the value of the Dollar (for example) over time. Food prices are likely going up when looking at shortage in supply due to weather conditions, India is a good example. When house prices go down due to people working less hours so earn less and there are more people that compete for less jobs that is deflationary.

    People earn less so they can spend less unless prices come down or leverage standards for lending are increased.

    If the world decides to stop buying US debt and decides to dump their US dollar reserves into the market we might see something.........

    Sorry if it does not make sense, had two wikkies.... :)

  3. Globalisation means, big corporations are looking for people that want to work for lower wages anywhere to produce the goods that people want, with the only intention to make a higher profit.

    it's too easy to blame the big corporations. more applicable is "...to produce the goods people want to buy but are willing (able) to pay for ".

    I am sure you have never worked for a big corp in the last twenty years.


  4. Interesting post Abrak and I think I have mentioned globalization a few times.

    I called it: The race for the bottom.

    The next victim will be Africa.


    Alex I'm not sure if it's your writing style or not, but your posts read as if you are the one coming up with these "ideas."

    The Race to the Bottom is a well-documented idea and all economists have heard of it.(Please provide some links) Anybody with half a brain can imagine the scenario.

    You say, "I think I have mentioned globalization a few times." In what context? Either way, I think Abrak articulates his thoughts on the matter and takes them to a point while you just post vagaries. (I just try to keep it simple without using many words)

    Either way, I tend to agree with you, Plarex, that Africa is toast. (It is something we agree upon and calling my car a B!tch). :D

    Welcome back Jcon and I apologies for me calling it the race to the bottom, it should have been: It's called the race for the bottom.

    Just try and ask the average citizen about globalisation, they have no clue, so you say they have less then half a brain?

    I tried to put it down in very simple words Jcon., can you? Even if you can, many people would not notice as they are to busy making ends meet.

    Many times when I meet with those highly educated people, they just come up with numbers and % bla bla bla. not able to explain it to the average person if they where asked, they just keep rambling and present charts and more bla bla.

    Globalisation means, big corporations are looking for people that want to work for lower wages anywhere to produce the goods that people want, with the only intention to make a higher profit.

    And all of the BS that comes with it.


  5. Interesting post Abrak and I think I have mentioned globalization a few times.

    It’s my belief that globalization is about the upgrading of infrastructure in unindustrialized countries and the availability of a new pool of cheap labor that comes with it.

    Roads, power stations, hospitals and such are being build by the big corporations with the help of outside investors. Before all those projects get finished there is usually some kind of crash (Dubai is a good example). Some companies involved go bankrupt after paying out whatever they have left and some of those projects are being sold off for cheap. (There was a nice football stadium a while ago in the US being sold for peanuts or look at foreclosure sales as an example).

    So now the projects are paid off and the new owner can start looking for the new cheap labor that has been given an opportunity to get a payed job thanks to better infrastructure.

    Along this process, the powers that be, will try to monopolize all critical and useful valuable resources they can by installing some kind of corrupt regime, then privitise all of the stuff that people need in their daily life like fresh water, energy and food and some others. Once the peasants are exhausted the global corporations will move on in search for the next victim.

    I called it: The race for the bottom.

    The next victim will be Africa.


  6. As I said before, I respect the elderly people.......... :D

    = food and drinks free in my house Alex. no joke, i mean it (of course one day only :D )!

    Invitation accepted :DI will bring some home grown (organic) crisp and very tasty veggies.

    my dogs will not like that! :)

    No worries about your dogs Naam.

    I will bring this as well........you have two dogs right?


    Should be OK, one at the time....


  7. Quote Lana:

    I am not a lawyer Alex and I work in small niche market whereby I provide individuals funding if they provide sufficient security in the form of real property. I am somewhat familiar with mortgages, Deeds Of Trust, Real Estate Contracts, re conveyance documents, etc. I am not an expert, but you can post your questions if you like. If it's something I know I'll tell you.

    Thanks Lana,

    My question is: Why is it that in (legal) documents a name is written in all capitol and/or addressed as (for example) Mr./Mrs/Ms? (I refer to Ens legis)

    Some of you might be thinking what is Alex smoking to be asking this kind of question but I can assure you that if I am correct in my assumptions

    something interesting could be revealed.


  8. So you agree that when a bank sold the loan to a third party (Without mentioning the assignees) the mortgage taker can just walk away, no matter in which country the contract has been made?

    Just asking.


    Walking away is a separate issue Alex. The ability to do that is conditional on the language of the note. There are loans that are no recourse whereby the securitized collateral is the only damages a lienholder may seek. Recourse loans can allow lienholders to attach other assets or income of the debtor. Inevitably it will end up in court.

    The thing is when going to court, one needs "standing". If the new lienholder is not the lienholder of record they have no standing (from my understanding) and I am not aware how they may bring an action. I'm sure there are court cases being prepared now to address this very issue. It will be interesting to see how they turn out.

    Lana, examples here: http://www.endlessfrauddetection.com/modul...index.php?id=19

    As you say you have spend a lot of time in this legalese stuff would you mind trying to answer a few questions I have?

    They are related to finance and contracts but not necessarily with the "crisis" (but maybe they are).


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