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Posts posted by DLock

  1. From my experiences, first rule is dont sign anything. If you dont sign, the police actually have to prove a case against you. If you do, case is closed.

    Second rule is dont believe what a policeman tells you. He will say whatever he needs to say to make you sign a confession and it will be an open and shut case in the future. Once you have signed, nothing a lawyer can do later. They will try to scare you with threats and leave you locked up a few days to soften you up.

    Assuming you have someone outside to help, you will make bail in a few days after making an appearance at the courts (via handcuffs and prison truck) and then you can go see a lawyer. If you don't have anyone that can pay bail and process the paperwork...your screwed basically. You should be able to make a call and you can get visitors twice a day to help work through it.

    This guy sounds like he is pretty much screwed if he did sign. I never understand why people do drugs in this country. Just crazy.

    All I can say is that I hope the judge had a good day and doesnt hate farangs...

    ...and wear a clean shirt and tie.

  2. This day was a disaster.

    I had left my dog in his kennel while I went to eat. When I came back, there was a dead cobra on the bottom of his kennel and a lot of saliva.

    Having no idea how long ago this happened, not knowing if he had been tagged, and 30 minutes to the vet...it was a scary time.

    We got to the vet and he was foaming a bit at the mouth and a little wobbly on his feet, so the vet put a saline drip in his leg and we waited to see what would happen. He did not deteriorate and after 2 hours the vet was satisfied that if he had been bit, it was not bad and more likely he swallowed some venom as he really destroyed the snake.

    On the way home, he did vomit a few times in the back of the truck, but he was fine the next day. Unfortunately he is always looking for snakes and I can never let him off the leash, even in my walled compound.

    Snake was a common monacled cobra close to 3 feet long. My dog is a 40kg pitbull.

    I had previuously lost 2 dogs to snakes in Phuket. You can by antivenom from Phuket hospital. If I remember it was about 2000 baht...but I recommend keeping the antivenom, syringes and needles in a plastic container in the fridge, and ask the doctor how to administer it. Good idea to read the instructions before hand too. Better safe than sorry.


  3. Anyone who has been here a while has lost some money. Usually its that 3,000 baht your Thai friend asks to "borrow", which usually means "give".

    For some, its a farang guy that needs some quick money and promises to pay it back "next week". These farang pull this scam time and time again, usually for enough money that it hurts, but not enough to make it a police issue or to "send the boys around". Step 1 is that they will promise payment. Step 2 is they will say they have paid or will pay tomorrow to get you off their back. Step 3 is that they will stop answering your calls and hope you will eventually get tired of chasing the money and consider it a "lesson learned"...which you have done. They are habitual. Get away with it once, and they will keep doing it.

    If I were you, I would take one of those cricket bats and go visit him late at night. I'm not advocating smacking him for 6 with the willow, but a wooden prop will make it so much more effective. Key is to not get emotional and rant and rave. Just tell him clearly that he owes you money and ask when you can expect it. Then just make it clear that you expect it on that day, turn around and leave. For added effect, you can always stop and ask "is this your motorbike...or car?"...smile...then keep walking. Uncertainty is so much more effective than hollow emotion.

    Of course, if he doesnt pay by that date...and you do nothing...he will gain confidence...and do it again.

    Good Luck.

  4. I thought it was just me that had become disillusioned with “Paradise”. Apparently not.

    I agree with SBK that living in Thailand we go through phases. Even before Phase 1 begins, our 2 week holiday stirs the imagination of actually living here permanently. “The Thai’s are such lovely people. Always smiling”. The illusion begins.

    Those first 2 or 3 years were fantastic for me (10 years ago). I loved every minute of it and when people asked me if I would ever leave Phuket, I said “never”. I loved the laid back lifestyle, the beaches, the people and having fun. The illusion grew.

    Then phase 2 kicks in and the illusion is revealed. I came to despise everything about the place – the traffic, noise, no parking, crime, corruption, tea money, tuk tuks, tailors, beach sellers, girls, quality of tourists…lets face it, I had become miserable. I lived here, but I felt like a tourist every single day…”Hello, suit for you sir?”. It was time to go.

    But the biggest issue in leaving “Paradise” is where to go. Where is better? It’s easy to rationalize it down to the weather, or cost, or the fact a pretty girl will actually look at you, so you stay. But where is better? You start thinking about Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines or Malaysia…but really, will any of them be better? So, you stay a little longer but you do not enjoy it like you once did. What changed? You or the place? Probably both. The illusion is over.

    I knew it was time to go. I did want to give Thailand the benefit of the doubt, so I searched from North to South eventually settling in the mountains south of Chiang Mai in a small Thai village. People are friendly and helpful and get on with their business and don’t worry about mine. For what I sold my 2 bedroom house in Phuket, I have a 4 bedroom house, with pool on 8 Rai with amazing views. It was a good decision.

    The tourist areas are just that – a place that exists solely to part you from your money. They are fun to visit but living there you are still a tourist. The illusion is less impressive when you know how it’s done, and once you reach that point, it’s time to leave.

    Good Luck.

    Who owns your house?

    Why would you ask who owns my house?

    Regardless of my response, you will probably take delight in saying "you can't own a house in Thailand". We know.

    ...and now back on topic.

    Ulysess G...and I have enjoyed many of your posts. Glad you were able to carve out a lifestyle that suits you in Thailand...as have I.

  5. I thought it was just me that had become disillusioned with “Paradise”. Apparently not.

    I agree with SBK that living in Thailand we go through phases. Even before Phase 1 begins, our 2 week holiday stirs the imagination of actually living here permanently. “The Thai’s are such lovely people. Always smiling”. The illusion begins.

    Those first 2 or 3 years were fantastic for me (10 years ago). I loved every minute of it and when people asked me if I would ever leave Phuket, I said “never”. I loved the laid back lifestyle, the beaches, the people and having fun. The illusion grew.

    Then phase 2 kicks in and the illusion is revealed. I came to despise everything about the place – the traffic, noise, no parking, crime, corruption, tea money, tuk tuks, tailors, beach sellers, girls, quality of tourists…lets face it, I had become miserable. I lived here, but I felt like a tourist every single day…”Hello, suit for you sir?”. It was time to go.

    But the biggest issue in leaving “Paradise” is where to go. Where is better? It’s easy to rationalize it down to the weather, or cost, or the fact a pretty girl will actually look at you, so you stay. But where is better? You start thinking about Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines or Malaysia…but really, will any of them be better? So, you stay a little longer but you do not enjoy it like you once did. What changed? You or the place? Probably both. The illusion is over.

    I knew it was time to go. I did want to give Thailand the benefit of the doubt, so I searched from North to South eventually settling in the mountains south of Chiang Mai in a small Thai village. People are friendly and helpful and get on with their business and don’t worry about mine. For what I sold my 2 bedroom house in Phuket, I have a 4 bedroom house, with pool on 8 Rai with amazing views. It was a good decision.

    The tourist areas are just that – a place that exists solely to part you from your money. They are fun to visit but living there you are still a tourist. The illusion is less impressive when you know how it’s done, and once you reach that point, it’s time to leave.

    Good Luck.

  6. I was wondering the same thing jonniebkk, what do people who live in Phuket find so appealing? I ask in all sincerity because we all have different reasons and tolerances for things, but I'd really like to understand what make Phuket attractive for some people and not others.

    When I lived in Phuket, I guess I liked it, and what I didnt like I tolerated. It wasn't till I travelled around Thailand and realised that there were places that suited me more, and were, in my mind, closer to what I wanted out of Thailand. I agree with RICHFROMOZ, I am very comfortable living in the hills in Chiang Mai. I did bring some misplaced attitude from Phuket with, but that quickly fell away as I realised that people here are not after what ever they can get. For me, Chiang Mai is perfect, but for others it could be boring, or just not what they are looking for.

    So, why do long term residents stay in Phuket? I could list all the reasons I think Phuket has lost it charm for me, but I'd be really interested in why people live there and what keeps tourists coming back.

  7. RICHFROMOZ...I also moved from Phuket to Chiang Mai 2 years ago...and have never looked back and will never visit Phuket again. Ever.

    I lived in Phuket for 6 years and had the perspective of watching it slowly deteriorate over time into what it is today. 8 years ago it was a nice place, especially in the low season. Relaxed, fun and safe. There are places in Phuket that still have some charm, but beyond the front gates, you are still exposed to what Phuket has become.

    People who come to Phuket for a 2 week holiday or have lived here a short time find it a fantastic place, and will rightly defend it, but their perception will change over time like mine did.

    But I disagree that tourism will ever really slow down. The planes are queing up over Phuket airport full of people that think the Thai smiles, the hand shakes of the Tailors on beach road or the Issan girls screaming "Hallo Handsum Man" actually mean something. The quality of those tourists are in question, but the numbers are not.

    The threat that Vietnam or Malaysia will take tourists away from Thailand is unlikely...or at best they will be different tourists. Like Chiang Mai, it gets a lot of tourists, but more families and couples who are looking for something different, and not the beer bars, crowded beaches, lousy food, overpriced hotels and dailys ripoffs.

    Phuket is not really a pleasant place. Under the thin veneer of smiles is a pretty sad place where it's all about getting as much money from the tourists as possible. If you can accept that fact, then maybe you will enjoy Phuket....for a while.

    I'm sure people will say I'm bitter or had a bad experience in Phuket. No. It just got old, and I got older.

  8. Typical response. Short on logic. Low on intelligence. High on insults.

    I refuse to have an intellectual battle with an unarmed person.

    Try harder. You bore me.

    Every time you post the quality of discourse on this site goes down. It is no wonder why no one at your work likes you.


    You have to try much harder than that. You got no game boy.

    At least have a point, a position, a reason, a fact...anything to make you worth my time.

    You got nothing.

    Now run along.

  9. Please let's remember that smokers have rights too. So how about some legal 'smokers only' pubs/restaurants. Non smokers can avoid them if they wish but can't complain if they enter. Desicion to be smoking or non-smoking should be left up to the proprietor.

    As a 40 year+ smoker don't blame/penalise me that I'm hooked..blame/penalise the tobacco companies and the governments that did nothing about it, except take the profit & tax, when I was young.

    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - Billy Madison

    "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." Applies to every post you ever made. Do you ever actually make "rational" points? Is every post a personal attack on someone? Your world is a dark miserable place.

    Go back and re-read my posts and see who makes no rational posts.

    I'll wait....

    Ok, done....understand now?

    We won. It's over. Good triumphed over evil.

    It's your world that is dark and miserable as we condemn you the dark corners of oblivion forever.

    Get that point?


  10. Please let's remember that smokers have rights too. So how about some legal 'smokers only' pubs/restaurants. Non smokers can avoid them if they wish but can't complain if they enter. Desicion to be smoking or non-smoking should be left up to the proprietor.

    As a 40 year+ smoker don't blame/penalise me that I'm hooked..blame/penalise the tobacco companies and the governments that did nothing about it, except take the profit & tax, when I was young.

    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - Billy Madison

  11. I have enjoyed the debate...but it has been somewhat hijacked by diversionary tactics.

    Bottom line is that I don't like cigarette smoke and don't see why a person should make me suffer because of their addiction. Drug addicts will always defend their addiction of choice.

    The "personal choice" argument is old and tired.

    The "you have the choice not to go in that bar" is weak.

    The "vehicle diversion and global pollution" attempt deserves it's own thread, and I will support that effort.

    The "reports suggest smoking is not bad for you" is just ignorant.

    Smokers will always say they are considerate, but it only takes one smoker to pollute a room.

    I work with a bunch of smokers who will disappear 5-8 times a day for 10-15 minutes to smoke. The time suck is painful enough, but they really don't appreciate how bad they smell. I now hire only non smokers.

    It's a matter of respecting other people, and any rationalization that smokers can come up with to justify making other people breathe their smoke is just disrespecting other people. Simple as that.

    Very good post, I am forced to work with smokers and it is disgusting their lack of regard for the health of others, their weekness that results in their habit will be the downfall of them but they should not inflict that on others in the workplace or in pubs and bars. Bring on the ban.

    As a smoker (probably looking to stop) I'd worked in that people deserved not to be subject to my habit, I hadn't realised how strongly people felt when not subject to the habit in any meaningful way. I'm a little puzzled by this. I mean does the smell of smoke make you want to puke for instance? Is this how all non smokers feel?

    Moldy, I can only speak for myself, but yes the smell of smoke on heavy smokers clothes and breathe is really quite sickening to me. This really only holds true for me in the office environment where one cant help but be subjected to it. Some of the guys do try to mask the smell with mints, but it's certainly not pleasant. I guess they can smell themselves.

    The time suck is also very annoying and just leads to complaints from others that the smoking staff get more breaks than they do. That discussion with smokers, some who are senior, does not go down well at all, and often ends in quite heated arguments, where inevitably the smokers win with sheer disregard for the rules. Hence, I will never hire a smoker again, regardless of how good they are. It's just not worth the pain.

    And if anyone has tried to tell a smoker that they smell or that they are wasting at least an hour a day having smoke breaks...its not a pleasant discussion, so it never gets mentioned.

    Maybe it's just me. Growing up with a Mother who smoked and insisted on keeping all the windows closed in the winter probably makes my dislike of smoking more intense...and yes, my Mother now realizes how bad her decision was, and how bad it must have been for us and thankfully she stopped. But she used the "at least I'll die happy" or the "I'm not hurting anyone" responses when we asked her to stop. It's only now she realizes how stupid he rationale was...that and losing 2 friends to emphacima(sp?)

    Holy smokes! Who with any other options would want to work for you? A 5 minute break every couple of hours and your bitching. Most countries have outlawed slavery and employees are allowed breaks. In fact if you treated people with a bit more dignity you might find them to be more productive. dam_n you must be hated at work. Also, I hate to break it to you but people often talk shop on a smoke break and it is a chance to get to know people from other departments and improve interdepartmental working relationships. You wouldn't know that because your too busy wasting more time than you accuse the smokers of being bitter and angry.

    As a smoker who rationalizes everything to support a filthy habit, I'm not surprised by your failure to grasp the point.

    Firstly, its not a 5 minute break every 2 hours, its at least 15 minutes by the time they go down 37 floors, walk outside, smoke and comeback. We work in a nice office, not a machine shop. And its not every 2 hours, its at least 5-6 times a day. So, 5 x 15 = over an hour that I have lost in productivity. Why should they get an extra hour indulging their addiction? Dignity? You do honestly know what dignity means? It means the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. Are you saying that smokers, by wasting time they are paid to work, are worthy of respect? Reaching.

    But you missed the point. It's disruptive to other staff who often complain that smokers actually get a benefit from smoking. That has led to some members smoking just to get that break - a loss of more time. And whilst you cant smell yourself, let me tell you something you may not be aware of - you stink. Really, you stink. Your clothes stink, your breath stinks and it really is quite unpleasant to be around you.

    We have plenty of lunches and social events to meet and mingle. We don't need impromptu smoke breaks to do that. You are really reaching on rationalizing that one.

    Why do you think anti smokers are bitter and angry? Because we don't want to smell your smoke? I am not bitter and I am not angry at all. I am just expressing my opinion and how I deal with it. I don't hire people like you

    The arguments put forward by ex-smokers on the quality of air issue belong on a separate thread and I support you. I do not like the smell of smoke. Its that simple. I am not commenting on world air quality, holes in the ozone or global warming. I'm talking about the smell of smoke in an enclosed space and how it irritates my nose and eyes.

    The war on smokers is pretty much over. We are just walking around bayouneting the wounded.


    Oh no! Please princess please say it isn’t so as I so want to work for someone like you. Sorry missy but I have never seen a productive “professional” work environment where the boss stop watch times how many minutes a day people work. Most “professionals” are paid for what they produce and work in excess of the minimum hours anyway. Maybe no one can stand you and that’s why they are always running off.

    I’m not trying to rationalize anything. I’m having a laugh at what a sad bitter little man you are.

    Typical response. Short on logic. Low on intelligence. High on insults.

    I refuse to have an intellectual battle with an unarmed person.

    Try harder. You bore me.

  12. I have enjoyed the debate...but it has been somewhat hijacked by diversionary tactics.

    Bottom line is that I don't like cigarette smoke and don't see why a person should make me suffer because of their addiction. Drug addicts will always defend their addiction of choice.

    The "personal choice" argument is old and tired.

    The "you have the choice not to go in that bar" is weak.

    The "vehicle diversion and global pollution" attempt deserves it's own thread, and I will support that effort.

    The "reports suggest smoking is not bad for you" is just ignorant.

    Smokers will always say they are considerate, but it only takes one smoker to pollute a room.

    I work with a bunch of smokers who will disappear 5-8 times a day for 10-15 minutes to smoke. The time suck is painful enough, but they really don't appreciate how bad they smell. I now hire only non smokers.

    It's a matter of respecting other people, and any rationalization that smokers can come up with to justify making other people breathe their smoke is just disrespecting other people. Simple as that.

    Very good post, I am forced to work with smokers and it is disgusting their lack of regard for the health of others, their weekness that results in their habit will be the downfall of them but they should not inflict that on others in the workplace or in pubs and bars. Bring on the ban.

    As a smoker (probably looking to stop) I'd worked in that people deserved not to be subject to my habit, I hadn't realised how strongly people felt when not subject to the habit in any meaningful way. I'm a little puzzled by this. I mean does the smell of smoke make you want to puke for instance? Is this how all non smokers feel?

    Moldy, I can only speak for myself, but yes the smell of smoke on heavy smokers clothes and breathe is really quite sickening to me. This really only holds true for me in the office environment where one cant help but be subjected to it. Some of the guys do try to mask the smell with mints, but it's certainly not pleasant. I guess they can smell themselves.

    The time suck is also very annoying and just leads to complaints from others that the smoking staff get more breaks than they do. That discussion with smokers, some who are senior, does not go down well at all, and often ends in quite heated arguments, where inevitably the smokers win with sheer disregard for the rules. Hence, I will never hire a smoker again, regardless of how good they are. It's just not worth the pain.

    And if anyone has tried to tell a smoker that they smell or that they are wasting at least an hour a day having smoke breaks...its not a pleasant discussion, so it never gets mentioned.

    Maybe it's just me. Growing up with a Mother who smoked and insisted on keeping all the windows closed in the winter probably makes my dislike of smoking more intense...and yes, my Mother now realizes how bad her decision was, and how bad it must have been for us and thankfully she stopped. But she used the "at least I'll die happy" or the "I'm not hurting anyone" responses when we asked her to stop. It's only now she realizes how stupid he rationale was...that and losing 2 friends to emphacima(sp?)

    Holy smokes! Who with any other options would want to work for you? A 5 minute break every couple of hours and your bitching. Most countries have outlawed slavery and employees are allowed breaks. In fact if you treated people with a bit more dignity you might find them to be more productive. dam_n you must be hated at work. Also, I hate to break it to you but people often talk shop on a smoke break and it is a chance to get to know people from other departments and improve interdepartmental working relationships. You wouldn't know that because your too busy wasting more time than you accuse the smokers of being bitter and angry.

    As a smoker who rationalizes everything to support a filthy habit, I'm not surprised by your failure to grasp the point.

    Firstly, its not a 5 minute break every 2 hours, its at least 15 minutes by the time they go down 37 floors, walk outside, smoke and comeback. We work in a nice office, not a machine shop. And its not every 2 hours, its at least 5-6 times a day. So, 5 x 15 = over an hour that I have lost in productivity. Why should they get an extra hour indulging their addiction? Dignity? You do honestly know what dignity means? It means the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. Are you saying that smokers, by wasting time they are paid to work, are worthy of respect? Reaching.

    But you missed the point. It's disruptive to other staff who often complain that smokers actually get a benefit from smoking. That has led to some members smoking just to get that break - a loss of more time. And whilst you cant smell yourself, let me tell you something you may not be aware of - you stink. Really, you stink. Your clothes stink, your breath stinks and it really is quite unpleasant to be around you.

    We have plenty of lunches and social events to meet and mingle. We don't need impromptu smoke breaks to do that. You are really reaching on rationalizing that one.

    Why do you think anti smokers are bitter and angry? Because we don't want to smell your smoke? I am not bitter and I am not angry at all. I am just expressing my opinion and how I deal with it. I don't hire people like you

    The arguments put forward by ex-smokers on the quality of air issue belong on a separate thread and I support you. I do not like the smell of smoke. Its that simple. I am not commenting on world air quality, holes in the ozone or global warming. I'm talking about the smell of smoke in an enclosed space and how it irritates my nose and eyes.

    The war on smokers is pretty much over. We are just walking around bayouneting the wounded.


  13. And the debate continues and yet nothing changes. Smokers just dont get it.

    I do however smile at these smokers who think they are considerate to non smokers. By moving you cigarette to your opposite hand so the smoke will go "somewhere else"? By waiting till you have finsished eating? By blowing your smoke another direction? Wake up.

    Here's a clue. We don't ever want to smell your smoke. We don't ever want to know that the smoke we are breathing in, you just breathed out. You think walking down the street and smoking we don't get a faceful of your waste?

    Do you want me to come over and spit inside your mouth? Well, thats how we feel.

    I have no problem if you stay at home, or private club and slowly commit suicide and assisted suicide. Thats your right.

    But I don't want to smell your smoke. Ever.

    I'm not going respond to "beer and sweat smells", "healthcare issues", "tax". It's all a smokescreen (sorry, pun not intended) to the issue of respect and common courtesy.

    I'm sure even smokers cringed when they read sweetchariots post. Typical, borish, arrogant smoker.

  14. I have never posted on the Farming forum before, but regularly browse and really enjoy the excellent advice that you guys give. So, thanks for that. I'll post my pond pics soon.

    My wife, much to my disapproval, bought 28 cows for her Father about 2 years ago. In the 2 years, 1 cow died and they had 7 calves. There was additional expense in feed, vets, supplements, electric fence, sleeping enclosure and small "house". The cows were purchased for 150,000 baht and sold in December for 120,000 baht. Given 2 years of effort, it was clearly a bad stock, but a great result for her Father, given he put no money in. Sweet.

    But I insisted on selling as I forsee the price for cows going even lower as it seems to be.

    Now, like everyone else, they want pigs.

    Lesson learned and one that is regularly advised on here - dont do what everyone else is doing and don't do something that anyone can easily do, but make sure you have a market for whatever you do.

    Tough equation to work out I know.

    Then again, what do I know...I make video games.

  15. I have enjoyed the debate...but it has been somewhat hijacked by diversionary tactics.

    Bottom line is that I don't like cigarette smoke and don't see why a person should make me suffer because of their addiction. Drug addicts will always defend their addiction of choice.

    The "personal choice" argument is old and tired.

    The "you have the choice not to go in that bar" is weak.

    The "vehicle diversion and global pollution" attempt deserves it's own thread, and I will support that effort.

    The "reports suggest smoking is not bad for you" is just ignorant.

    Smokers will always say they are considerate, but it only takes one smoker to pollute a room.

    I work with a bunch of smokers who will disappear 5-8 times a day for 10-15 minutes to smoke. The time suck is painful enough, but they really don't appreciate how bad they smell. I now hire only non smokers.

    It's a matter of respecting other people, and any rationalization that smokers can come up with to justify making other people breathe their smoke is just disrespecting other people. Simple as that.

    Very good post, I am forced to work with smokers and it is disgusting their lack of regard for the health of others, their weekness that results in their habit will be the downfall of them but they should not inflict that on others in the workplace or in pubs and bars. Bring on the ban.

    As a smoker (probably looking to stop) I'd worked in that people deserved not to be subject to my habit, I hadn't realised how strongly people felt when not subject to the habit in any meaningful way. I'm a little puzzled by this. I mean does the smell of smoke make you want to puke for instance? Is this how all non smokers feel?

    Moldy, I can only speak for myself, but yes the smell of smoke on heavy smokers clothes and breathe is really quite sickening to me. This really only holds true for me in the office environment where one cant help but be subjected to it. Some of the guys do try to mask the smell with mints, but it's certainly not pleasant. I guess they can smell themselves.

    The time suck is also very annoying and just leads to complaints from others that the smoking staff get more breaks than they do. That discussion with smokers, some who are senior, does not go down well at all, and often ends in quite heated arguments, where inevitably the smokers win with sheer disregard for the rules. Hence, I will never hire a smoker again, regardless of how good they are. It's just not worth the pain.

    And if anyone has tried to tell a smoker that they smell or that they are wasting at least an hour a day having smoke breaks...its not a pleasant discussion, so it never gets mentioned.

    Maybe it's just me. Growing up with a Mother who smoked and insisted on keeping all the windows closed in the winter probably makes my dislike of smoking more intense...and yes, my Mother now realizes how bad her decision was, and how bad it must have been for us and thankfully she stopped. But she used the "at least I'll die happy" or the "I'm not hurting anyone" responses when we asked her to stop. It's only now she realizes how stupid he rationale was...that and losing 2 friends to emphacima(sp?)

  16. I have enjoyed the debate...but it has been somewhat hijacked by diversionary tactics.

    Bottom line is that I don't like cigarette smoke and don't see why a person should make me suffer because of their addiction. Drug addicts will always defend their addiction of choice.

    The "personal choice" argument is old and tired.

    The "you have the choice not to go in that bar" is weak.

    The "vehicle diversion and global pollution" attempt deserves it's own thread, and I will support that effort.

    The "reports suggest smoking is not bad for you" is just ignorant.

    Smokers will always say they are considerate, but it only takes one smoker to pollute a room.

    I work with a bunch of smokers who will disappear 5-8 times a day for 10-15 minutes to smoke. The time suck is painful enough, but they really don't appreciate how bad they smell. I now hire only non smokers.

    It's a matter of respecting other people, and any rationalization that smokers can come up with to justify making other people breathe their smoke is just disrespecting other people. Simple as that.

  17. I can believe this.

    A few years ago, I was dining in Phuket Town. As I walked towards my car another car bumped into the rear of my car while he was parking. I went up to his window and told him he hit my car. He didn't really react, so I slapped his windscreen. A guy approached from a restaurant on the other side of the road, and told me "no problem, get in my car and go". There was damage to my bumper and light and I said that he needed to pay for the repairs. He repeated again for me to leave. I refused, while the other guy stayed in his car.

    The guy then ran across the street to his car, grabbed something and put it under his shirt and walked back. When he was close he pulled out a handgun and put it to my forehead and told me to leave. I did, but I asked my wife to get the Thai plate on the car. The next day, I went to the police station to lodge a complaint, which they accepted, only to be called back that afternoon and told to drop it, as the guy was an off duty cop.

    You never know how you will react when you have a gun to your head, but you are utterly powerless. I'm sure some people will say I should have grabbed the gun, or reacted differently, but I just froze.

    I did not pursue it any further as we all know what the consequences may have been.

    Lesson learned, situations here can escalate from nothing to life threatening very fast, so be more Thai in your approach - smile, sawesdee and let people save face - you may just get to play another day.

  18. I have really appreciated all the points of view on Chiang Mai and where it is in its evolution. A lot of really good points on all sides and a good discussion.

    I moved from Phuket 2 years ago, mainly because Phuket had lost all of it's appeal in the 8 years I had been there. It went from a fairly laid back, fun beach town into a busy, dirty, dangerous, money grubbing place. Even after living there 8 years, I was treated like and felt like a new tourist every single day. "Hello, suit for you?", "Hello, welcome", "Massage", "Do you speak English mate?" were phrases I'd hear 100 times a day. I know Phuket wont miss me as the jumbo jets queue up on the tramac and Phuket airport dumping 500 tourists per trip.

    I came to Chiang Mai to escape the tourists, the bars, the incessant noise of traffic and construction and the expense that comes with a tourist economy. I do like to go out for a beer every now again, but have to admit the quality of places to go in Chiang Mai is very limited. But if that keeps the kind of tourists that Phuket and Pattaya attracts away from Chiang Mai, I'm not sure I mind. I find enough restaurants to satisfy me, the shopping is ok and the Northern People are more genuine, helpful and don't bother me. In short, I find it very much to my liking.

    I feel for those people who derive their living from tourists and I hope that they do well this high season.

    But my bottom line agrees with all the posters who noted that Government money should be spent of beatifying and improving the inherent charm that Chiang Mai has to offer and attracting tourists who have seen enough of tourist places and copy Rolex's and want to enjoy a more cultured and genuine city. And while I actually enjoy the Night Safari, I do agree that less artificial tourist attractions will be a good thing. It's not too late for the night market, but surrounded by Burger King, McDonalds and Starbucks, the stage has been set for the type of people that area will attract. I too have been there and only bought DVD's...and paid more than I do in BKK.

    I hope Chiang Mai does not deteriorate into the wrong type of tourist trap for all the reasons I left Phuket. The evolution of Chiang Mai will depend very much on the type and volume of tourists and what brings them here. I hope it goes the right way.


  19. Played there 3 times last week and agree with previous posts.

    Great tables, good cues, attentive rackers, good music (not too loud) and overall a very relaxing environment to spend a few hours. As long as not too many "2 shot behind the line Thais" come to play, I'll play there regularly.

    Air con was a little warm, especially in the VIP rooms as was the beer on one night, but it didn't detract from the fun.

    Costs did add up - 240 per hour for the table, quite a few beers and tip for the racker, and 2,000 baht is quickly gone.

    But I think its a great place in a good location.

    Hope it does well for the investors.

    Not sure about the entrance via the seafood restaurant however...

  20. I have a regular taxi guy that speaks pretty good English. His car (station wagon) is always clean and he is always on time.

    His name is Khun Pong and number is 089-433-9387. And if he cant make it, he wll always find another taxi to make the appointment.

    I live near Baan Fon off Samoeng and he found me ok.


  21. I also cannot say enough bad things about IPStar.

    When it works, it is ok, but never, ever at 256Kb.

    But it must be the most unreliable connection I have ever had. Anyone that relies on internet or does any heavy downloading, I would give this a miss. It is useable for light email and surfing the web...sometimes.

    And forget customer service. When you call, they will look on the system and tell you your satellite is connected, even though it may well be, but you have no Internet connections. And if you want them to come out to check it, they will charge you. And even if you do book a day (not time), they will not show up.

    I'm really surprised they get away with this...then again...TIT.

  22. From my recollection the anti venom lasts about 3 years in the fridge. I kept mine in a plastic container with some 18gauge needles for quickly drawing the liquid, and some 23 gauge for putting in the dog...or me. Last thing you want to be doing is having to source needles when the panic sets in.

    Phuket Hospital sold me anti venom on the same day my dog was bit. The doctor did know me from past visits, but I'd say I was very fortunate he helped me as I really didn't know how or where to inject my dog.

    When he did inject, they shaved his front leg and inch or below the bite, then they injected. He injected half of the syringe first and left it taped inside the vein, waited about 10 minutes and then the other half. I thought he injected into the vein, but stuff I read online says intramuscular (into a fleshy muscle), so I may be wrong.

    I did not see the snake that bit my first dog who lived, but had seen several baby monocled cobra (have one circle on back of head) around the garden, and they are very common. I am not even sure what would happen if you guessed the wrong snake and put in the wrong anti venom.

    Your vet should be able to buy it for you if the hospital won't. I'd tell the hospital you live remote and want it for safety reasons and ask how to administer it properly.

    I hope you never have to use it.

  23. Anyone else have IPStar?

    My satellite signal is almost always 100%, except when there is very heavy cloud cover and rain.

    However my actual Internet connection drops out 10 - 20 times day. I call IPStar and they check online and say "your satellite is working fine". They don't seem to correlate the satellite connection is like a water pipe thats always connected, but the water slows to a drizzle or stops for minutes or hours at a time. It can be VERY frustrating when I need to get work done.

    I don't know if its co-incidence, but for a week or 2 after I call and complain, it is much, much better.

    And they tell me if I want someone to come have a look, I have to pay for it.

    Anyone have good IPStar or similar experience?


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