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Everything posted by DLock

  1. Let the market decide who survives. Why prop up the lousy food, overpriced, poor service or poorly marketed? Thinning out the herd is good for the economy in the long run.
  2. Tenuous logic at best. I'd be doing "draft dodging" 6-month visa promotions for Russians, Ukrainians, Israelis, Lebanese, Iraqi and Houtis. Betting that French people will come to Thailand in droves because the Olympics look light...Thai main character syndrome.
  3. This uniform reeks of some Politicians wife getting the job, to help promote her struggling fabric shop in Pratunam. It's embarrassingly bad.
  4. Coca Cola is allowed for "recreational use"...Cannabis never was. Poor analogy.
  5. Bumrungrad Hospital has a McDonalds in the hospital... This campaign will have zero benefit.
  6. I eat out a lot in restaurants, as in most days for lunch and dinner and sometimes breakfast, but these new tax laws will reduce my discretionary spending as I will bring less money into Thailand, money that I would have brought in to spend in Thailand. So, as a sample size of 1, the tax system has backfired. I will leave money outside and spend less in Thailand...in restaurants. I hope many go out of business to show the Government how powerful we are as a financial pillar in Thailand. I understand taxes, but I'm not sure taxing foreigners bringing money into Thailand to clearly spend in Thailand is the ideal strategy.
  7. How did you process this statement? "but not near Phuket". I personally (and selfishly) welcome casinos in Thailand, and hopefully Chiang Mai. I'm tired of traveling and hotels to play cards. Just go to Singapore, meet with The Sands Group, and learn how they did it...and see if they are interested in doing the same thing in Thailand. Leaving in the hands of Thai's will probably be a failure on most levels...and greed is a strong motivator to own it all.
  8. Once the houses are sold, the developer has no reason to stick around and the owners should have setup and elected a juristic person(s) and the monthly fees go towards maintaining everything. If they failed to inspect amenities before purchasing, or haven't taken responsibility to manage themselves, then it's their own fault.
  9. Just look at what the Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World did for Singapore...and Singapore were against casinos for a long time. Singapore also had a world class airport and world class zoo, which Thailand could have jumped on a Scoot flight to go and copy...but instead went to Kuwait and the Bronx respectively... The casino(s) make a lot of sense and will put Thailand in the game (so to speak), IF they go with a highly credible casino partner...and leaves it up to them to run it. ..however, we know they are too xenophobic and greedy to do that, and it will be a mess.
  10. Be careful what you wish for. It's not the utopia you think it is. But if you want it...have at it.
  11. This is all excellent news, particularly the 60-days, instead of 30-days, and the increased list of visa free countries.
  12. Thai scientists discover fossil fuel pollution in Antarctica's soil ...and yet, they can't discover pollution on their their own beaches...
  13. So, you are saying you are aware and able to monetize the scams and losses. ...yet, you can't stop them?
  14. The negativity is strong on this one. Microsoft is the most valuable company in the world today. They could have chosen many places in Asia. The fact that they chose Thailand says a lot about Thailand and it's capabilities. This is good for Thailand. It will creates jobs, expertise and credibility in Thailand to host a regional data center. Other companies follow Microsofts lead. They will pay for their utilities, just like you do.
  15. Have you ever hired a Thai University graduate? They are pretty much useless direct out of Uni. I hire the really smart ones as they can be trained and molded...nothing beats mental horsepower, regardless of University...
  16. A rather traditional view, and that's fine, but marriage does not enhance any of what you described over a long-term relationship. It's an old fashioned and dated concept. If parachutes opened less that 50% of the time, would anyone jump out of a plane? No, no they wouldn't. Yet, people still get married when over 50% fail. It's a trap guys. Turn back.
  17. I must concur with OMF - what possible benefits does getting married provide, over having a long-term girlfriend have for a man? For a woman of limited means, I get it. But for men, it's a trap.
  18. Stop sinking or crashing that stuff you already have then...or is that part of the plan?
  19. Who would that be exactly?
  20. Wait...you're serious? Which global companies would trust a datacenter in Thailand to secure their client information? Singapore would be the most obvious choice in SEA, given the infrastructure, laws, expertise and experience. Cost would be factor, but a little further down the list to security and laws to protect data.
  21. How? It used to be 15 pills before you were classified as a "Dealer" Now it's 5. How does that keep addicts out of overcrowded jails?
  22. Your not a Knight in Shining Armor… …she would have survived just fine without you.
  23. I’m good with this. And if it stops a few fatties flying that airline and sitting next to me and spilling into my seat, that’s a bonus.
  24. Actually there is. 1. Buddha holidays where alcohol will not be sold 2. Any beauty contest where their maids and girlfriends are better looking than the winner 3. Any story involving an expensive car ...and tourist crash stories...
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