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Everything posted by DLock

  1. Facts don't lie there, Scooter. But keep telling yourself Omicron is nothing...time will show.
  2. There you go Champ..."plenty of sources"...enjoy. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-15/omicron-infects-70-times-faster-but-is-less-severe-study-says https://www.timesofisrael.com/omicron-variant-found-to-grow-70-times-faster-than-delta-in-respiratory-tissue/ https://nypost.com/2021/12/16/omicron-infects-70-times-faster-than-delta-but-likely-less-severe-study/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/12/16/covid-sports-leagues-vaccinations-omicron-variant/8917732002/
  3. A video of him walking out the front door of the hotel and receiving a Wai from the security guy is hardly worth posting...
  4. They will certainly reconsider it on the 4th January...and extend the current quarantine for another month or 2, and close all the bars and stop serving alcohol in "restaurants". Omicron will rip through Thailand worse than any previous variant. If you can sell your bar today...sell it.
  5. He just gamed the inept system, "escaped" (walked out the front door) and got caught... Now he doesn't have COVID, he has Delta and he has Omicron...but only a little bit. And his penalty will reflect the embarrassment and loss of face he has created.
  6. I have a distinct feeling he is going to regret these statements, much like this gem... https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/01/27/its-just-a-flu-health-min-insists-coronavirus-under-control/
  7. I concur. I also found the Filipino Barong made from pineapple leaf fibers equally uncomfortable.
  8. Not if Anutin shuts the borders again he won't. I wonder if he has to get Insurance and a Thai Pass?
  9. ...followed closely by the "fat special needs guy" and that extra chromosomes health minister. Hardly a fair competition.
  10. Anutin has an extra chromosome and is not highly regarded. I would bet that the TAT and Tourism related business will push back pretty hard on this and will be rejected for the moment. Just him announcing this will cost the country millions or dollars. Fail.
  11. To see improvements in just 4 days from the worst unemployment of 14 years of 2.4% is just amazing. ...and to think people doubted the Prayut Government...
  12. You are right. I gamble a lot in Vietnam, and while it is technically illegal for Vietnamese to gamble or even enter a Casino, any local with a foreign passport can enter...and there must be a roaring trade on second passports, as there are a lot of Vietnamese gamblers. The wealthy Thai's already have second passports and they will find the loophole...
  13. Yes, China's crackdown is going to hurt Macau and Singapore and Australia...and if Thailand is banking on the Chinese, they better have a backup strategy... I hate playing on mostly Chinese tables. The "English only" rule is overlooked and collusion against the white-guy makes gambling zero fun... The crackdown...is a good thing.
  14. ...and if you think that any of the countries on the list are the targets then you are even more "foolishly wrong". They all have their own Casino's. They rarely travel to gamble. A Thai Casino is squarely aimed at the Asian market, and everything will be geared to them...and they won't be able to keep the Thai's out... If they let one of the great Casino Operators run it, it will be world class and put Thailand on the gamblers map...but they won't. They just have to look at Singapore...but they won't...
  15. Given Thailand's central location and border control, it really couldn't mess up being the hub of railways between north and south... ...then again...
  16. Funny you say that. This morning, I booked 2 weeks in Ho Tram to play some cards. I get everything fully comped and very well looked after, so for me, I don't need the pool, the beach or the buffets... ...and yes, it's 99% Vietnamese with a foreign passport, Chinese, Korean and Taiwanese with a few Westerners. It would not be a good vacation for most Westerners. ...and if Pattaya got a casino, it would also not be a great place to vacation either.
  17. I don't have a horse in this race, as Pattaya is not for me... But if the Government did want to rid Pattaya of its' "worlds brothel" image, now is the time to do it. But will they? Probably not. It's an industry to itself and too many influential people have a financial take in it. It will remain a fairly low-brow city existing purely for entertainment for men, and given the rail links with China a good candidate for casino(s). Thailand has an excellent family support system and they can always return to the family farm and farm rice. They will survive.
  18. It's inevitable that Thailand will have a casino. Let the Chinese have Pattaya like they have Sihanoukville and everything will be fine.
  19. I agree that keeping the PCR tests is better than ATK tests on arrival - they are too unreliable. Last thing we want is another ban of tourist arrivals, 2 week quarantines or major lockdowns. ...but I fear they are inevitable if Omicron turns out to be equal or worse than Delta.
  20. You don't have to look very hard in BKK to find not just bars, but entire areas of bars open, with no masks, beer openly sold and plenty of girls. But no one is going to mention where for fear of unnecessary attention...just walk a little further.
  21. That's good information. I also got Pfizer and my wife Astra. But I am bewildered how it takes this long to get Moderna hat was supposedly ordered months ago delivered...especially when the Red Cross can get theirs and the USA is donating oversupply. It feels like a scam and the order is still sitting in someones Outbox and the money has long been spent.
  22. The 27 double doses of Moderna I ordered and paid for were replaced by other available vaccines long ago. The hospital refuses to return the money or even tell me when those vaccines will arrive, and has so far said that we cannot use them for boosters if we have had other vaccines... So, as much as I want to rearrange some furniture in that hospital, if I have to take 27 Hill Tribe people in to get Moderna vaccines at my expense, that's what I will do. Scammers.
  23. Surely there are others to blame above her, like... The carpet manufacturer The set designer The photographer The manager The pageant organizer The lady who vacuumed the flag carpet and sucked the..... She probably never even realized she was on a flag colored carpet.
  24. That's terrific. Now, about them 27 x 2 Moderna vaccines I booked and paid for several months ago...the same ones the Red Cross are now giving out for free... ...when do you think I'll get them...and given I don't need them anymore, can I have my money back.
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