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Posts posted by silomplaya

  1. thailand is fast becoming the scamming capital of asia but after i see a topic "why do they let each other scam each other" i am thinking why are we scamming each other ? just hang out in pattaya bay for a day near mikes shopping and you will see every second farang asking for a 100 baht for a new passport , or a few hundred for rent , it seems everyone has lost there atm cards or lady has stolen everything .....

    and unsuspicious foreigners are falling for these petty scams and the scammers are remaining in thailand using the funds for other things.

  2. Well, I would presume before one could make a valued judgement between the relative or perceived 'friendliness' of Thailand vs Cambodia, one would have to have spent extensive time in both countries, spoke at a reasonable level the language and a good sprinkling of the respective Cultures.

    My sister came to Thailand for the 3rd time.

    She remarked at the friendliness and positive disposition of the local fruit seller.

    I asked what she was paying for her fruit ... she was paying 50% more then I would.

    Oh course, the seller was 'Friendly'.

    So, one day's casual observation doesn't really form a basis for comparison.

    That said, I'm glad you enjoyed your 'day trip to poi pet' ... thumbsup.gif

    actually ive spent alot of time in both but times change and cambodia more suits the name land of smiles

  3. just did a day trip to poi pet and you wouldn't believe the warmness and genuine smile of the Cambodians on the other side of the boarder compared with the snarls , head-shakes and shark-tooth smiles and looks they give farang back in Bangkok and pattaya.

  4. Around mbk bangkok and bought a radio upon returning home i learned the radio is usefull for one charge only then it broke.

    i took it back and the lady who smiled and was so friendly and smiley in the original purchase turned in to a crazy angry lunatic yelling pai loey and called security when i tryed to get a refund or product change.

    i felt like getting the next flight outa town.

  5. Don't look now - don't want to make you paranoid or downplay your revelation............happens everywhere in the world - blatant and in your face - scheming - sly - unseen and underhanded - hidden taxes - conversations - happenstance - pre-planned - tithes - your spot in traffic - your job position - your place in the checkout line..........they're - it's - it's everywhere - are you scared??????


  6. What is Thai way of living ?

    Every evening in my area , it looks like the entire neighbourhood is getting drunk. Is that considered Thai way of living??

    Going to Isaan , one also sees villagers getting drunk or swinging in the hammocks, is that considered Thai way of living?

    Really , I am curious as how TAT defines Thai way of living which they want to promote

    the thai way of living is easy to define just watch a thai soap opera , dont ya know all thais are rich white skinned models with big cars and mansions......

    • Like 1
  7. If this man is sent back to Sweden and his passport is removed he can still travel. Under the Schengen rules he can travel and live in a warm country like Spain or Italy. Whats more he can also receive welfare money from Social Services which he cannot receive in Thailand. Social Services are very generous in Sweden so he will never be penniless.

    They can't take his passport. And only people that never have stayed in Sweden repeat over and over again here about the generous Swedish social service.

    Maybe they cant take his passport but I think they should take it because he seems unable to use it responsibly. As for Swedish Försäkringskassa (Social Sevices) they are exceptionally generous compared to others in Europe. Oh and also Jag har bott i Sverige i många år.

    The Swedish Försäkringskassa has nothing to do with this. And they will not give him 1 baht. They will not be involved in this

    i agree they will not help him while he is here in Thailand. But when he returns they will start giving him generous welfare payments. My point was that if he wants a warm climate he can travel to Spain or Italy and continue to receive these generous payments as he has not left the EU. That way he doesn't need to be penniless again which he would be if he returns here.

    I don't belive you are Swedish. Försäkringskassan has nothing to do with this kind of things inside or outside of Sweden. It's Socialförvaltningen/Socialtjänsten that do this kind of things

    Swedish gov will spend 1000s of dollers per day detaining ,proccessing and housing illegals and refugees but wont help a man born in sweden stranded miles away,

  8. The know it alls are at it again,

    I guess in between sas special forces training and gaining masters degrees in 3 subjects combined with a phd juggled with living in the highest building in silom and speaking and writing perfect thai and dating the richest thai/chinese banking invester in thailands daughter , these above thai visas members are all also hiv specialists on the side.

  9. If you're gullible enough to believe what the OP has posted, and it appears that some of you are, you might also be interested in a Nigerian money-making scheme that is guaranteed to earn you big bucks.

    You dont believe me?? Whats not to believe??? Its true but your attitude is what im on about.... as a young buck ive learned money is nowhere near as important as charm and social skills.

    Oh great stuff, how about heading out to Thong Lor or Slim at RCA without any money, please make sure to come back and let us know how far your looks, charm and social skills get you.

    PS, dont bother trying to flog the HiSo types dodgy timeshares, they could buy and sell you.

    Lmfao i been to rca and the girls are all over me for not one satang ........

    Just with a good bunch of full of life falangs that made the night , might not have pulled but left with 20 numbers to show for it.

    Old fellas seem peeved that there charm may have worn off and the greenbacks all they got left . Try to mimick bruce willis , george clooney and sean connery you might just find your mojo

    LMFAO, as one who visits there regularly, you may fool those reading who have never been, but you dont fool me.

    You are making this up as you go along, nice troll work.

    The girls were all over you, yeah pull the other one, most of the girls are there with their boyfriends and keep to themselves.

    By your own words, "didnt pull", wonder why that was, the looks charm and social skills not cut it with the HiSo types.

    Left with 20 numbers, yeah right, dream on.

    Or was that for dodgy timeshare/boiler room types offering you a job?

    what are u on about chap ??? I was dancin on the floor with all types of birds in rca... . U dont have to pay them to dance wih ya you know , theres this thing called mutual attraction and thai people feel it too .

    maybe they ignore you because you seem like an uptight geek who spends his days as troll hunter on thaivisa instead of meeting non pay for play girls.

  10. If you're gullible enough to believe what the OP has posted, and it appears that some of you are, you might also be interested in a Nigerian money-making scheme that is guaranteed to earn you big bucks.

    While OP may just be trolling, what he describes is quite common. Thai people are in general very generous and if they have money they like to share it. It however isn't related to how young and handsome you are, but rather to how poor you present yourself as.

    true you must be one of the only ones on here who actually knows 2 squats about thai mentality , the rest are still angy at the world because the 7 /11 staff short changed them 20 baht three years ago.
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