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Posts posted by jtTamad

  1. The problem about the question is that most people have a very wrong impression of what really happened in WWII.

    The history you learn in school is twisted and mostly quite far away from the real events.

    The reasons for WWI and WWII are very different from what all of us are made to believe.

    Cue Bono is the question to ask and if talking history patriotism or nationalism is to be kept out f the discussion !

    NOBODY who participated in the war can be a winner !

    No country won the war but all of humanity lost.

    What people obviously don't want to understand is that we are all pawns in a game of some mighty people.

    If they did they would never even try to defend bombings and killings as "necessary" ... that's where the deep brainwash comes to light.

    It is completely irrelevant where you come from .... calling yourself [or your country] a winner of a war is just insane !!!

    ... and the people who had the real benefits of all of these wars are laughing their asses of on how stupid the world has become !!!

    [Rothchild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan ..... they all sound very Japanese I guess]

    More reason to vote for Bernie!

  2. More on Ham: Despite what Ham says the evidence makes clear that using the bomb made a very bloody invasion of Japan redundant.Such an invasion would have faced a well-prepared enemy that include thousands of fanatical civilians armed with weapons who had made it clear that they would willingly die defending their country. Remember that by 1945 the Americans had already fought some of the bloodiest battles of the war against a fanatical enemy entrenched on heavily fortified Pacific Islands. They had no illusions about what faced them if they invaded the Japanese homeland.The evidence is overwhelming that by 1945 the American people would not have accepted the horrendous cost of invasion.The intercept of Magic codes made it clear that the Japanese were willing to commit mass suicide if invasion took place.

    Ham like so many people fails to understand that with hindsight what is very apparent today was in 1945 opaque.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. From a review of the book by Ham: Readers who are not familiar with the mountains of research on the decision to attack Hiroshima and Nagasaki should treat this book with caution. The author is clearly one who knows little of the actualities of war or warfare. He has little understanding of the context in which decisions like Hiroshima were made.The context is crucial. In 1945 Europe was in ruins and chaos. We were revolted by the the horror of Hitler's death camps. There was growing fear for the safety of thousands of Allied prisoners in Japanese hands. The world was beginning to learn that the behaviour of the Japanese military was depraved and bestial.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. Sting No More.

    Introduced about a month ago, in Hawaii:


    I know it's common practice these days but before you recommend something like this it's a good idea to give it a careful look first. Nowhere does the website give any details about the cream, the "product detail" page only lists tube sizes/volumes, nothing about the cream except it's "mil-spec" and is a "proprietary, patent-pending product" for "relief from box jellyfish and fire-ant bites." Relief is very general, at best would mean reducing the amount of venom/toxins entering the body, as that's the best response, but could also mean only reducing symptoms or pain. Relating it to fire ants suggests the latter, since the latter is just formic acid which is far from the closest toxin to those in box jellyfish stings, but both are very painful and would be "relieved" by a vinegar-like (i.e. high pH) liquid or cream.

    Otherwise there's nothing about it which suggests it's better than vinegar and carefully removing the nematocysts before they fire. Once the venom's in the body no cream, mil-spec or not, is going to help.

    You are exactly right. I should have taken the time to make a fuller statement, thanks.

    You raise some good points, which make sense. A news article about the product says it was mentioned in a PBS documentary, see wikipedia here: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Box_jellyfish#/Treatment_of_stings

    It would be nice that it includes more detail about the product, which should be added to wikipedia (which i will do). I plan to look for more info. If you or anyone, discovers anything more about this stuff, please let me know.

  5. I have some things in storage in the US that I want to sell on eBay (in the US, not Thailand obviously). There shouldn't be a problem with that, right? When I bring up ebay here, the prices are in baht, but I presume these are things advertised in the US or everywhere, not just in Thailand, am I correct? I saw some old posts about selling things for profit from Thailand on US eBay. What are ramifications of that?

  6. This discusses that Vinegar shouldn't be used & has a link to the ARC, but that doesn't page doesn't exist.

    When I went directly to the ARC & searched for "Vinegar & Jellyfish", nothing was found. Bit odd.


    Whatever the answer is for the Primary Treatment of stings, a consistent response is needed, with the treatment made available on every beach.

    Are the Lifeguards trained in how to deal with stings?

    Whereas, this says that Vinegar should be used, & is from 2014.


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