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Posts posted by schvonsky1

  1. Im sure Thai Airways is not moving back to DMK, though i was there last week and there were quite a few Thai airways widebodies sitting on the southern end of the airport, they must do maintenance there or use them for cargo hauling or something
    The airport was very busy, loads of AA, Nok Air, Dragon Air a320s and 737s landing and taking off constantly

    . Give ur head a shake cause they not going back to dmk stay off the yaba 😜
  2. Good call. Nothing worse than sitting next to someone stinking of beer or whisky all trip. Drinking shouldn't be allowed around children anyway.

    I remember the time I got sat next to a "Pattaya Farang" on the plane. He ordered beer after beer for 13 hours. After the third, he took of his leather jacket to reveal his unwashed vest and unleash his BO, and then proceeded to slurp and burp before falling asleep and snoring.

    That was me. I did it just to piss you off.

    Why do i believe this ?
    . The best thing they can do is ban all beer having heard what happened all you Falangs that think about gettin pissed on the train well hahaha it's stopped it won't kill you till you reach your destination and if you dare to consume the beer discreetly they will be plenty of Thais or lads like me to grass you up ???
  3. was shot in the face by a man described as European

    By a European.....

    Just wondering where this european could have learned the behaviour from?whistling.gif

    Just returned from a week in England for work. Every day every newspaper I looked at had many stories on stabbings, shootings and rape..... in England.

    So maybe he learned it there???????

    pattaya use to be so much fun now it is a very dodgy place to stay with all these wannabe mafia Russian nutters in pattaya around they are so ignorant too they never smile or be conversational well I no they English is shit but horribly people
  4. Yeah I'm trying to feel some compassion, but it get pretty monotonous since that makes like what five suicides since the beginning of March? It's the same, for what ever reason, people foreign to Thailand, choose to come here and kill themselves,....a lot, am I wrong or what?

    That's just it we will never know but is sad for the family's back home to find out this news god rest his soul
  5. I never paid fopr a visa on arrival, so what is the difference??:D

    A Tourist visa allows you to stay 60 days. Some counties do not get 30 days on arrival...

    30 days.Leave.

    14 days.Leave.

    Fly in every month? 30 days.

    Most expats with half a brain don't wish to make an expensive journey to Burma,Malaysia or Cambodia once a month for a

    30 day visa-every thirty days.

    Most TOURISTS only come for 2 or 3 weeks anyway.

    They do now lol as its too bloody exspensive :annoyed:

  6. The only way tourism will come back is if the government lowers the baht like the dollar, euro and pound did the last 2 years.. A retour flight from Europe cost already 40,000 baht and then getting 40-41 baht for 1 euro makes the holiday to expensive, same for dollar and pound. :annoyed:

    Totally correct thailand not a cheap place think it is about time they got the baht sorted out maybe it needs for a whole lot of falangs and the other tourists who come here for the **** to try somewhere else for a change B)

  7. I guess he would have had more if it was in the US. But there, prisons are more comfortable... 10 years - 400 days is not too bad for taking someone's life, who has done nothing wrong and is the mother of a baby! But he will come out mad as everybody else... <_<

    The thing is what you got to think about is will he come out i rekcn not 10 yrs a long long time to think how you can top urself he would of been better off doing himself in silly silly man

  8. Before this wreck is done, Thailand will be asking for and getting help from a dozen or more nations and the UN.

    Disease will likely break out due to people being forced into unhealthy living conditions.

    I hope I am wrong but I see bad things ahead.

    I Hope things really start to get better this be be a total nitemare for the people i pray for you all and please thailand accept all the bloody help you can get you need it :jap:

  9. I don't think that 1000bath anybody will be bothering to call the office, the skin and meat of the snake or crocodile is worth many times that much

    PSML yea sure thing wish i cud be ther could do with some new boots :lol: and come on a 1000bht for the risk of your limbs been mauled errr i think not need to up the bounty :jap:

  10. So why do you guys think they are exploiting Thais running this. the girls were making 1500 baht a day i don't call that exploitation that's a bloody good living in my book for them. Besides they probably were happy to do it and as well. If they were doing this out of a house in the UK you wouldn't say they were exploiting the girls there would you!

    Too bad they shut it down one of the girls looks alright i would've taken a peak.

    well said my man cool.gif

    psml too right i would of been a front row seat fan lol at least he didnt harm anybody thailand needs to wake up and smell the coffee

  11. Actually I regularly travel from China to Bangkok.

    All the flights are fully booked, and not by western sexpats

    Some people really need to realize times are changing

    Times maybe changing but Thailand isn't and won't!!!! :blink:

    Well it will like as tourism is falling already with the Thai baht at a poot state and let's face it only the ones who can't get a woman in their own country or proper awful to look at have to go to Thailand to get sex by paying for it also

  12. What sort of burglar uses a stick to pry open a screen? Around here even the most down on their luck burglar carries a pocket knife or box cutter that will quickly and silently cut through most screens.

    Sounds more like an opportunist theft. Someone turns up, sees bag and decides to steal it.

    I think he would of been better 1st to get the place insured before he moved in and having a door with metal bars of sum description or a solid teak door with a proper 5 lever mortice lock that would do the trick some people are so sillllllllllllllllllllly

  13. I got robbed of 14M and a son.

    Such is life, BEFORE you know its culture "and after", as long as you learn your way.

    I picked up and started again.

    So be it.

    Such is life. More fool me! - as it was my error.

    Believe me, I'm happier now with less than before! :rolleyes: , cos I now have nothing. :rolleyes:

    Thailand is full of good women. It isn't as bad as many posters complain about. Have faith.

    Don't put your assets into the view of anyone, apart from your accountant ABROAD. :jap:

    Do that, and you are fine!


    SO TRUE SO VERY TRUE saying that there is bad all around the world both men women but yea especially in thailand you have be soooooo careful

  14. Congrats, PM Yingluck! I wish you good luck!

    You must be one of the best looking PM in the world!

    If SHE is going to accomplish anything at all, SHE will have to prove that SHE is not listening to HIM! I do not think that will happen.

    I totally agree dude i mean come on that twit is her brother blood is thicker as they say i just hope she proves us all wrong and makes thailand a better place for everyone time will tell

  15. its takes less than 5 minutes to conduct the actual aids test.....add on say 3 hours each way for the blood to be transported to the hospital/testing facility and the reslts to be returned......you have around 4 hours....add a few more hours for "RED SHIRT" traffic jams...........hey they poured the blood over 2 weeks ago.......but today they release the results????????? Obv a govt generated piece of BS....tarnish the reds at all cost....they want democracy....don't let them

    Well wot u gotta remember thailand is rife with AIDS HIV whatever you wanna call it so hope is not true otherwise its doomsday :)

  16. This morning I saw 5 buses of soldiers armed with machine guns in Din Daeng.

    They will protect the farang for sure :-)

    You know the thai people i would of thought are not out to cause harm to falangs after all if we wern't there well thailand would not be generating money so i dont think we need to worry but you never know as i had a gun pulled on me by a thai gent over 5 baht as i did not have any change for the toilet and went back 10mins later to pay but he was angry and it got heated but i could'nt apologize enough but he was not interested and then produced a gun that was in pattaya so maybe we do need to look to go to other places and see how amazing thailand survives :)

  17. Well, you know it wasn't weapons, so should definitely charge them. I mean illegal weapons are one thing, but stealing money and/or dealing with drugs is just totally out of order.

    totally agree is the innocent people who always get shafted for this high insurance premiums and wot not hope they enjoy their life in the hilton yeehaaaaaa :D:) hope this post is suttle mr moderator :D psml

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