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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. The documents will be provided as usual in a thick brown envelope.
  2. Most current Israelis have dual citizenship and can use (play) both passports at will !!
  3. Thailand has good DJ's, Excellent musicians and professional Music venue managers !! You live in Chiang Mai and you should know this ! Chiang Mai has a lively music scene !!
  4. Hm, ...He was a free diver. and free diving brings risks, lots of ways dieing by free diving. And mostly without a buddy !! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freediving
  5. Happy to see there is at least one clever and humane person on this forum. RESPECT !
  6. They probably knew already. Someone is trying to get rid of the competition, or someone was jealous of the farang getting a lot of money !!??
  7. Nah, just a big fine. People that did worse than this just paid a big fine and were released !
  8. Hm,... Nothing more easy than sending a couple of anonymous killers to any country. !!
  9. With Thaksin (a very good friend of Hun Sen) back in power, the chances are ???
  10. Didn't Arnold Swarzenegger, Bruce Willys and Silvester Stalone tried to start a restaurant in Bangkok ??? And how well did that go ???
  11. You weren't here when General Suchinda staged a bloody coup !?!? I was !!! https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/928921/charter-recalls-the-suchinda-disaster https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37650466 https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30260503
  12. Thailand Targets Tougher Alcohol Laws to Align with Global Norms ??? Bla, bla, bla, bla,..... It's just wind. Without the help of the crooked police nothing will happen. This is just one more way for the police to make more money !
  13. Hm, Arrest all drunk drivers ? And what about those that are busy with their mobile, and motorcycle drivers without helmets or drivers license, and,... Ok that would be far too much work !!
  14. He most likely has done more theft's like this.
  15. Some things are not worth explaining to you,....
  16. What a pathetic person, (not a man), Kills 3 people in a cowardly manner,... one day on the run and gives him self up out of hunger !!? What is it with some Thais? They commit the most heinous crimes and never think about the consequences.
  17. "Theft" indeed. What about the assets in the bank, the jewelry, etc,...these items are not illegal !!!
  18. Bang Bao, is probably the only relatively original, nice place on the island. I won't talk about the islands further up.
  19. Correct !!! The citizens of Monaco are forbidden to enter the gaming rooms of the casino. The rule banning all Monegasques from gambling or working at the casino was an initiative of Princess Caroline, the de facto regent of Monaco, who amended the rules on moral grounds.
  20. Automatics are more expensive ! So, they must be better !! ... (In the Thai mind)
  21. Hmm,.. One will be not enough,.... there will be a lot more, medium and Low levels that will be found guilty.
  22. Hmm, When a Farang is doing it they recognize it !! Must be the smell of money !?
  23. Hm, a 21 years old with 2 ex-wives !!?? Well on the way for a life full of multiple ex-wives !
  24. ... "The driver expressed her willingness to take full responsibility for all damages caused.",... Well that's a new one !! A Thai taking full responsibility for their mistakes. Respect !!
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