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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. There is a story about a casino in south of France or Monaco. They have special people walking on the parking and in the park, to watch for any suicides and to move them to another place,...
  2. Yes, but there is only one elephant, the rest where hired and would be returning to there owner in Surin !
  3. Hm,...Waiting for a GoFundMe page to beg for money to fly back home,....!
  4. Switzerland can not refuse him as he is a Swiss citizen !
  5. Yes indeed,...there real nature reveals itself,...
  6. They said that the rally was intended defend the dignity of Thai LGBTQ+ people. !??? As we could see on the video !! everything went in perfect dignity !!
  7. Hm,...Look at it this way, if Phuket and Pattaya attract all those dodgy ill intentioned people ?,....it is good that they are concentrated there in Sodom & Gomorrah and leave the rest of Thailand Alone,...plenty of beautiful, wonderful, peaceful places around,...
  8. .."What sets these foreign mafia groups apart, as per Thanakorn’s account, is their apparent disregard for the law."....Hm,...As opposed to local mafias that respect the law ????
  9. Still a concerned citizen,...he was concerned a Farang would make more money than him,....with drugs he couldn't get his hands on !
  10. Yes indeed, apparently he has one elephant and rent the 14 other ones from Surin Province !!! Not much of a Elephant refuge center but a money making business !?!?!
  11. 30 days !?!? are you mad ? A couple of hours would suffice, just to give them the feeling !!!
  12. Hm,..You should tell that driver a fair price you want to pay. He is only trying to know if you are a tourist that don't know anything and would be easy to overcharge !!
  13. Yes, I can only have the most RESPECT for him !!!
  14. Hm,...I know of a Thai club (mainly Farang men with there Thai wives) in a European country that raised 4000 Euro for a school somewhere in Isaan,...a married couple from the Organizers went to Thailand on Holiday and brought the money with them,... but only gave 3000 Euros to the school and kept 1000 for themselves as so called expenses !?!?!? ... there are crooks everywhere and in every community !!!
  15. Don't be surprised if they catch that Irish guy this week !!! The RTP is really good in catching farang criminals ! they can difficultly blend in with the locals !!
  16. Or,...wait until you are safe abroad to comment !
  17. Price Fixing on the other hand works perfectly !!
  18. Nobody could see him, and the staff was carefully selected !
  19. Hm,...Issan people are known to be the poorest in Thailand,...and the least educated as well.
  20. Works every time,.....!?!?,....and in most country's !
  21. Let's face it !, why would they come to one of the most polluted city's on earth !!!???
  22. Hm,...I would think that work permits and visa problems or the crews and musicians is to much trouble....and the usually rip offs,...are a downer as well. All crews and musicians that have been ripped off, pas on the info to other crews and musicians. at home.
  23. Hm,...A petty criminal with more than 2500 innocent deaths on his record !?!?.....
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