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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. Hm,..Being a billionaire with money stolen from that same country that released him from his luxury so called prison...
  2. Hm,...If they are any smart they would be out already,...
  3. Thank you for sharing this very interesting web site !! Best Regards
  4. On the contrary, many people care about the environment !!! but it's the polluters that attract all the attention !!
  5. I am happy people like you still exist,.....the world is not completely gone mad.
  6. Hm,...You don't know his story,.. but you are already condemning him !?!?
  7. He had 13.000.000 reasons,....to get married.
  8. Hm,...I know a lot of Thais that travel the world !!! some are wealthy others are not, but they get invited by people they helped on there travels....Generosity is good !!
  9. Hm,...Most backpackers have seen and learned more than you will ever !!!! And probably got laid a lot more as well,....
  10. There is a French proverb that says « le ridicule ne tue pas » "The ridicule doesn't kill" which means, don't let the fear of ridicule stop you from doing what you want, or what you think is good !!
  11. Best post I have read in a long time THX for posting this reply. I have been backpacking around as well in my younger days and recognize and lived about the same sorry as you had. Had the honor to meet some of the most generous people on earth in those times....learned a lot on those voyages.
  12. You don't know her story,....!? on the other hand Thai generosity is admirable !!!
  13. Nah,...A good wife is the way to go. But it takes 2 to have a great marriage. both have to have great respect for each other's integrity !!! I am a lucky man with a great (Thai) wife, been together for over 20y. and it keeps getting better !!
  14. Whatever way they used,...??....he brought them to the body !!! so, he is guilty !!
  15. Hm,..Maybe because some ladies are worth living a whole life with,..I know mine is !
  16. ..."However, Orathai’s penchant for gambling and lack of employment raised concerns about her financial management.".... hm,...make that suspect number,...5,8,10,....or,....??
  17. In this case of low altitude base jump, the jumper hold the parachute in his hand and release/trow it in the air while jumping,....i have seen base jumpers do this on tv,
  18. He was probably ratted out by the guy that sold him those mushrooms,...TIT
  19. ..."The Swiss man then took out a knife and cut off his arm in a bid to save his life.".... That Swiss man had some balls to cut of his arm. RERSPECT !!!
  20. ......."A drug addict surrendered to police after attacking a Thai teacher at a school in the northern province of Chiang Rai. The suspect claimed the victim hurt him first, so he acted in self-defence."......
  21. Hm,...Imagine that they would have submarines !?!? ,...maintained like this bridge !?!?
  22. Number 1,...Behind the scenes,....but still nr. 1
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