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  1. Promote the place as a place to rage and party then be outraged there are a few casualties. Perhaps there is a common cause, in which case, perhaps there will be others, like the Laotian illicit liquor killing 6 tourists. Until the tests are complete, we are very much in the dark regarding the cause.
  2. There is no suggestion that weed was involved. If these 'knob heads' are 'all over Pattaya and Phuket', I would suggest that alcohol and bars have far more to do with the knob headedness than weed. Or are you one of these anti-weed people who wants to support earlier Thai media assertions that weed is responsible for every strange or aggressive behaviour exhibited by Thais or tourists.
  3. What plastic sleeve? I just got a new Australian passport. At $400 each. there is no plastic sleeve in which to place it.
  4. The coups have not ushered in policies like the rice storage and pledge scheme or the licence to kill drug marshals with over 3000 resultant deaths of small time dealers and users. In fact, the decriminalisation of marijuana and all the happy shops that opened would not have occurred without a military coup. But you're right in one sense. People seem far more accepting of a coup than the return of the Shinawatra family to political leadership. Thaksin's appeal was never to the city folk but to farmers keen on financial handouts and the medical scheme (which proved to be a success).
  5. You don't believe the ridiculous storing of rice and the consequent rotting of it was not an act of gross incompetence?
  6. Doesn't say he was drunk nor is the other man identified as Thai.
  7. They are at least far less exploitative of animals than the Chinese.
  8. He is being charged with reckless driving causing death so there must be some element of dangerous driving associated with the accident. He probably just emulates Thai style driving which includes ignoring people on pedestrian crossing let alone those crossing elsewhere.
  9. Sprinkler systems are meant to activate in response to a fire not in response to human intervention.
  10. Seriously?! You should get a job in Thai media helping the government close down the weed trade.
  11. Same story in Patong. Eyes light up and beer bottles become weapons when a farang is in the midst of a fracas.
  12. The last execution in Thailand was 2018 and the one before that in 2009. The dealer who has not been identified or caught will not be executed.
  13. As indeed was I. I left the protest at Democracy Monument just prior to the massacre of civilians. Hea Suk, ork pai!
  14. As an advocate for the green revolution to continue rather than a return to the shoot to kill marshals of Thaksin's PM era, I'd almost prefer another military coup to what's happening with the Thai government now.
  15. Let's face it, stricter visa laws would not have made a bit of difference. Next the man will be claimed to be heavily stoned on exotic flowers, another feather in the cap for the anti weed movement.

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