No known conditions related to these conditions? I could imagine an insurance company looking for ways to weasel out of cardiac arrest and stroke if you had a history of high blood pressure etc. They are all conditions for which you'd not want to pay out of your own pocket.
For what? Food poisoning would be difficult to reject on any grounds given it's obviously unrelated to any known conditions. Other illnesses not brought on by something at the destination point would be more challenging to claim.
The Chinese also know how to cruelly torture and kill dogs for food - most of them domestic dogs and strays. The number of victims is over 10 million a year. Mainland China is the last country in the world I would be praising for their dog ownership policy. A crueller nation towards animals would be hard to find.
For a start, he shouldn't be in possession of an Australian kangaroo or emu. No one should be allowed to keep a collection of wild animals, particularly as large a one as this.
It's not so stupid. No amount was mentioned in the article and the fact she got a 15 year jail term would have suggested that she had more than a quarter gram on her.
What would you expect from the Shinawatras? Thaksin is a close mate of Hun Sen. Would you expect the former small time drug user shooter to have any concern for embattled minorities?
That is what is missing from the story - why was their cover not honoured? That's a big chunk of information that is really required to make a decision regarding their situation.