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  1. this goes both ways. remember the nonsense we were told by hundreds of people about how tippy top biden was ? and remember how millions ate that big fat lie ? what a distant memory that is eh. now those same people are clamoring on about new and better things to lie about. puff one for me dogg.
  2. Oh boy good one…..not! you kind of did set yourself up for that one tug.
  3. this comment reads more like a personal political point rather than reality.
  4. did you buy my cannabis ? you sound super high. super blue maga fluff conspiracy.
  5. No I don’t remember that. Must be a blue maga fluff conspiracy.
  6. how many times a year does the cities budget come out ? how many thai officials does it take to look into a hole on walking st ? looks about 20.
  7. can you read english as well as you write it ? published by that total smut of a paper the wall st journal. by a former secretary of state a total hack nobody.
  8. you didn't see a pic at least ? guess you handle is perfect. security be cool like that.
  9. 2:25 god bless america. gotta be aussie. 3:00 i think of america as not a disgrace....in american accent. yep aussie for sure.
  10. ever heard of nano emulsified edibles ?
  11. Most covid deaths overall fell into this age group. Right from the get go it was always mostly old and sick people who died of covid. The numbers are clear as day on this.
  12. No, this thread is about weed, already either decriminalised or defacto decriminalised in much of the the world seemingly without much problem. Cannabis is a vice for many. To deny that is rather silly. Just because a substance is legal doesn't mean it can't be a vice.
  13. you hear that mr anderson....that's the sound of inevitability.
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