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Everything posted by Spock

  1. Thailand specialises in kneejerk reactions to single incidents, no matter how atypical those incidents may be. Happened with drinking alcohol on the trains and destroyed one of the more pleasant ways to pass time on a long journey.
  2. Thais have somewhere legal to smoke it - their home. It's illegal to smoke cigarettes let alone weed in hotels. Other than the dispensaries, the law forces tourist smokers out on to the streets. You'd think the cops would make an exception of Pai!
  3. Yet another emotive piece of reporting that found the facts alone impossible to stick to without heavy embellishment.
  4. His mate Dutertes was arrested today as he stepped off the plane for his role in overseeing over 6000 extra judicial killings. Be nice to see Teflon Thaksin face similar charges.
  5. And you are suitably outraged by this behaviour, are you? Where do you live? Sounds an interesting place!
  6. What a soft cock mob the Thai authorities are that they have allowed this to drag on and get worse. The Swiss's recalcitrant and unbending behaviour would not last 5 minutes in a country with real laws and police. As to the article, it's written by a 'journalist' who has no idea what unbiased reporting is about. Referring to police 'diligently collecting evidence' - how would the reporter know! Then this piece of meaningless fluff to conclude: 'The move underscores the district's commitment to safeguarding its residents and visitors, reflecting broader efforts across Thailand to balance hospitality with stringent public safety laws.' In layman's terms, he is saying that nothing has been done.
  7. Airbnb is legal and prevalent the world over. While I understand the inconvenience to condo owners of having noisy short term tenants, I am surprised Thailand has bucked the trend and banned rentals of less than 30 days. Decent management in the condo complexes affected is also obviously lacking in Thailand, allowing guest misbehaviour to occur and antagonising condo owners.
  8. No known conditions related to these conditions? I could imagine an insurance company looking for ways to weasel out of cardiac arrest and stroke if you had a history of high blood pressure etc. They are all conditions for which you'd not want to pay out of your own pocket.
  9. For what? Food poisoning would be difficult to reject on any grounds given it's obviously unrelated to any known conditions. Other illnesses not brought on by something at the destination point would be more challenging to claim.
  10. As a dog lover and carer, your posts in here utterly appal me. If I could block you I would.
  11. The Chinese also know how to cruelly torture and kill dogs for food - most of them domestic dogs and strays. The number of victims is over 10 million a year. Mainland China is the last country in the world I would be praising for their dog ownership policy. A crueller nation towards animals would be hard to find.
  12. So you want him to purchase all the wild animals from Chatuchak to increase demand and provide revenue for further illegal importations?!
  13. For a start, he shouldn't be in possession of an Australian kangaroo or emu. No one should be allowed to keep a collection of wild animals, particularly as large a one as this.
  14. It's not so stupid. No amount was mentioned in the article and the fact she got a 15 year jail term would have suggested that she had more than a quarter gram on her.
  15. Agreed although there are some nationalities much easier to judge because they are represented by the actions of the many rather than the few.
  16. What would you expect from the Shinawatras? Thaksin is a close mate of Hun Sen. Would you expect the former small time drug user shooter to have any concern for embattled minorities?
  17. Just as there is always a new nationality asking to have a shot thrown at it.
  18. That is what is missing from the story - why was their cover not honoured? That's a big chunk of information that is really required to make a decision regarding their situation.
  19. Perhaps you can tell us the companies to avoid.
  20. Missing what? Have you seen the policy they too out?
  21. She did have travel insurance. It didn't cover her condition. Why not? Don't know what you call 'decent', but I took out 'decent' insurance cover for a month in 2023 and it cost me $500 Australian for a month. I opted for a cheaper policy last year, because $500 (I was 70 but in good health) is too much on top of airfares, accommodation etc. I opted for a cheaper policy last time - probably not so decent. Insurance costs for everything are just absurd, particularly something 'decent'. Problem with insurance is you really only find out how 'decent' it is when you make a claim.
  22. Pattaya police only have self-interest in pursuing criminals. If there is nothing in it for them or if apprehension of a criminal presents difficulties or requires solid police work, they retreat into their gold jewellery and watches and the security that sitting on their bum upstairs at the station provides.
  23. Why not report your suspicions to police?
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