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Everything posted by Spock

  1. I think extradite is the word you are looking for rather than deport.
  2. It's simple enough for me. I don't even think of anyone living outside of Israel when I express my dislike of the manner in which the Israelis treated the Palestinians prior to Oct 7 and disgust at their actions subsequent to that date. However if you are Australian you'd be right in suggesting that anti-Israel and anti-Jew sentiments are for many, including it seems the government, one and the same thing. When you kill 47000 people including a large percentage of innocent children, you have to expect some hatred to come your way. Trump's purchase of Gaza and rebuilding plans with full support of Netanyahu are only going to drive a lot of frustrated anti-Israel sentiment further underground as reasonable options to disagree or protest are driven underground.
  3. 'Used to' being the operative words. Though personally I couldn't care less that a 4 or 5 days a year are alcohol free. I just drink at home.
  4. Yeah I read it that because she was swimming naked she got what she deserves. Weird times.
  5. How do you know that those people who criticised Israel's actions against Gaza have not also criticised Russia's invasion of Ukraine or any other country in conflict around the world? I don't doubt that there are anti-semites hiding behind the 'cover of criticism', but far far too many people have been outspoken against and demonstrated against Israel's actions for them to all be anti semites. The anti semitic allegations have also been a convenient way for supporters of Israel's action to dismiss a lot of very valid criticism of that country, it's leadership and its actions.
  6. First time I heard of it is what I said.
  7. Too many goody two shoes, holier than thou types in SEA now.
  8. It's not a case of living without alcohol but of drinking it in public. Sensible people stock up their fridge the night before and drink in their room or at home.
  9. In the 2nd WW, I am sure that all Germans were lumped together in the same category and disliked because of the actions of their leaders, army and country. Lumping all Israelis together in this instance amounts to the same thing. Jews living elsewhere and not sharing the views of their country men are not part of that national group. Criticising Israel and Israelis if you object to their treatment of Palestinians is not anti semitic.
  10. Not their fault that the Israelis have made it so damn easy for those who dislike them to criticise them.
  11. I haven't heard anything similar about any of the groups you mention. Smoking cigarettes and weed in hospitals! First time I have heard that and not just one isolated case.
  12. But it's not a small group - it's time and again according to hospital staff and obviously to the restaurant owners in both places who have banned them from entry. I don't want to hear a rebuttal from the Israelis as I wouldn't believe it. Their behaviour and sense of entitlement is all too well documented.
  13. I suspect Pattaya had to be the only entrant in the competition.
  14. Yes it needs to be well ventilated, like the planes were back in the days when smoking was allowed. I understand that the cabin air was cleared far more frequently then. I smoked for years and was a teacher, taking a drag on a cigarette or two at every minor and major break in the day. 'You stink!' students would cry when I entered the classroom, perhaps trailing the vaguest whiff of smoke in the air behind me. Now that I am a non smoker, cigarettes can be clearly smelled on clothes and breath. Somehow the smoke needs to be removed almost as soon as exhaled.
  15. If that's the choice, I believe the drunk. I know from experience what Pattaya police are like.
  16. Doesn't mean to say he didn't pay a bribe to get out of the Pattaya police cell (he wasn't in jail).
  17. Pattaya police have always had a bad reputation and deservedly so. It's a tourist area tailor made for graft opportunities. I believe the guy.
  18. Is he the poor farang motorcycle version of the Red Bull heir? 'Police left the suspect at large' despite the victim being in a serious condition. This is after twice attempting to flee the scene and driving over the victim's body. What do you have to do to warrant having charges laid against you?
  19. Hopefully the reclassification has been shelved.
  20. Do they? Comprehensive insurance was not available on the bikes we rented in Chiang Mai two years ago. Only the compulsory medical insurance that comes with registration.
  21. The article must have been written by a loyal member of the Thai constabulary. A journalistic style that is almost laughable e.g. 'This incident underscores the stringent regulations surrounding drug possession in Thailand, where laws are enforced rigorously to curb the use and distribution of controlled substances.'
  22. Because some sadistic animal poisoned them? Just as I imagine has been the fate of plenty of non-aggressive dogs too.
  23. He's probably from America where they have a right to invade privacy.
  24. Promote the place as a place to rage and party then be outraged there are a few casualties. Perhaps there is a common cause, in which case, perhaps there will be others, like the Laotian illicit liquor killing 6 tourists. Until the tests are complete, we are very much in the dark regarding the cause.
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