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Posts posted by halloween

  1. Not sure why you want to tar every moslem with the same brush?

    I've known a couple of moslems that were v nice and FAR from radical. Actually, they were the only moslems I ever got to know on a day to day basis!

    Anyway, this thread is about one horrendous nutter that killed many people sad.png .

    The trouble is that even the nice ones brainwash their children, genetically predisposed to believe every thing they say, with this outdated rubbish. The seed is planted, and nurtured, and with a little pruning can produce really violent fruit.

    The trouble is, the original migrants remember what a dump they left behind. The next and subsequent generations don't have that comparison, and grow bitter when they don't achieve the success they see others enjoy, and don't see it is a result of their religious based education, lack of social skills and low IQ. 1400 years of marrying cousins HAS had an effect.

  2. well, this one sure bought out the Thaksin-haters didn't it?

    As far as I can see, the sale of what is now known as AIS was completed within the law.so what the hell is the problem please? Or do I need to be a few snags short of a full barbie to understand it?



    Good grief. Are you in denial or totally ignorant? Educate yourself about the blatant corruption involved, the public outcry, his subsequent resignation, and the charges still waiting.


  3. Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

    The OFFICE of PM demands its own respect. After you leave office, the respect you have is that which you earned by your honesty, integrity, altruism, perspicacity and diligence. Then we have Yingluk.

    Halloween, sure sure, you only say this because you are an apologist for this PM who wasn't even voted in by popular election.

    But we all know where your allegiances lie.

    Day one you were on here crowing about how the good times were gonna roll now we had an honest PM in the job. Yawn.

    You choose to show respect to a PM that has yet to show his honesty, integrity, altruism, etc etc. But good enough for you eh?

    Read it again, slowly this time.

  4. I think the point of this case is that drug money can be legal in Holland, but is always regarded as illegal in Thailand, which-ever country it came from.

    That doesn't make sense - would not foreign casino operators spending money in Thailand be subject to arrest here then? I don't think it works like that.

    Quite possibly that would depend on the legality of the casinos in the country where they were located.

  5. Obviously he hadn't taken his bipolar (a.k.a manic depression) meds.

    He probable believed that they were made with pig's blood, a trick by the infidels to ensure a true believer didn't make it to paradise.


  6. Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

    The OFFICE of PM demands its own respect. After you leave office, the respect you have is that which you earned by your honesty, integrity, altruism, perspicacity and diligence. Then we have Yingluk.

  7. "he was using a semi-auto which is easily purchased anywhere."

    That's kind of my point.

    "and yes, people do use semi -autos for hunting"

    Semi-autos are not widely used for hunting anything other than humans. And there is no hunter that can't do without it.

    they CHOOSE not to do without it. and no one is gonna be able to pas a law to change that.


    They did in Australia.

  8. "he was using a semi-auto which is easily purchased anywhere."

    That's kind of my point.

    "and yes, people do use semi -autos for hunting"

    Semi-autos are not widely used for hunting anything other than humans. And there is no hunter that can't do without it.

    My first rifle was a bolt action. Then I spent 2 years using a semi-auto designed to kill people. After that education both my hunting rifles were semi-auto. What I can do without is unsubstantiated BS.

  9. It is thought that Dutch prosecutors were angry because they were unable to prosecute Mr. Johan in the Netherlands due to insufficient evidence. Because of this they sent an incriminating letter to Thai authorities urging them to do what they could not.----http://lovepattayathailand.com/dutchman-setup-by-his-government-sentenced-to-103-years/

    If the above report is true----then their should be some sort of high level inquiry in Holland. Because that's nothing more than a witch hunt.

    This sort of thing has happened in reverse-----thanks to our American Christian friends, forcing a law through.

    Do something that isn't a crime in the country your staying in---but get arrested when you get back to the USA---

    It is quite lawful to have sex in Spain, under Spanish law. & get married with a girl of 14

    It is quite lawful to have sex in Japan under Japanese law & get married with a girl of 14

    I have just mentioned 2 out of dozens of countries you could visit have a "Romance".....and end up in jail if you returned to the USA.

    But not to get to far off topic----the prosecution of this guy---and especially his Thai wife who just signed for the house as is required by Thai law-----is utter madness-----I have never seen a sentence any where near that size in my time in Thailand.

    Are you aware that giving your wife money to buy a house/land in Thailand is illegal? It seems not.

    If you wish to transfer funds into Thailand from another country, under money laundering laws they have every right to ask the source of those funds. If the legality of the earning of those funds is in any way dubious, expect trouble.

    BTW you are a citizen of your own country and its laws apply to you wherever you travel. If you don't like those laws, feel free to renounce your citizenship and seek it elsewhere, or have the laws changed back home. Good luck with the latter if you announce you want to go shagging 14yos.

  10. Thailand is morally bankrupt; on one hand it is considered perfectly acceptable for a 17 year old girl to marry a retired policeman more than four times her age, yet it is considered a heinous crime if a 17 year old arranges to meet for consensual sex (that is considered, by law, to be statutory rape). What a sad set of double standards. Sad situation. Sad country. :-(

    p.s. I'm not condoning either. Far from it.

    So how many other countries are morally bankrupt, because the same laws would apply in many? You might also consider that the 17yo girl has her parent's permission to marry, and that there is no suggestion that her husband-to-be is in a position to exert undue influence over her decision. Do either of those conditions apply to the current situation?

    1. This is a Thai forum. 2. Maybe, but not in the UK. 3. The parent's permission makes that situation even more sickening. 4. You don't think a retired policeman is considered an authority figure who can exert influence?

    1/ morally bankrupt is a relative term - it invites comparison.

    2/ This is a Thai forum, but only when it suits you?

    3/ If you are sick, take a pill. it makes it legal.

    4/ none suggested or proven, and certainly not to the extent a teacher has over a pupil.

  11. Thaksin is currently worth 1.65 Billion USD. He has done a great deal of business in Singapore and the Scentrics deal with the government looks likely to make Thaksin even more richer. No wonder Yingluck was out at the weekend, smiling and getting her face in the headlines.

    What I don't understand is why with all that money does Thaksin get involved in politics. He could be living in luxury in Thailand if he just let his obsession go.


    I can give you one very good reason he is involved in politics - it allows him to make much more money at the expense of the Thai people. Insider information, tax avoidance, policy,law and regulation changes for personal gain, using influence of position, scams and plain old common theft are quite enriching.

    BTW I didn't understand why some of our American "democracy lovers" found it hard to admit that Thaksin's access to cabinet meetings was illegal, until I read that the US congress is exempt from insider trading laws. Legislated corruption must seem natural to them.

  12. The issue, for the students, is not the shirt lifting but the curtain of lies... they are just asking the guy/school to tell the truth. To the students, the lies and falsehoods are more appalling than the [consensual] sex acts...

    The purity and innocence of youth.... the sex acts are less "offensive" than their photo/video contacts on Tumblr and Twitter....

    There is no such thing as a consensual sex act with a person below the age of consent, it is called Statutory Rape. When the older party is an authority figure, as in this case, the crime is considered more heinous.

    Thailand is morally bankrupt; on one hand it is considered perfectly acceptable for a 17 year old girl to marry a retired policeman more than four times her age, yet it is considered a heinous crime if a 17 year old arranges to meet for consensual sex (that is considered, by law, to be statutory rape). What a sad set of double standards. Sad situation. Sad country. :-(

    p.s. I'm not condoning either. Far from it.

    So how many other countries are morally bankrupt, because the same laws would apply in many? You might also consider that the 17yo girl has her parent's permission to marry, and that there is no suggestion that her husband-to-be is in a position to exert undue influence over her decision. Do either of those conditions apply to the current situation?

  13. And you do? The evidence given in court was that he would routinely buy the cheapest seats and then insist on upgrades. The court decided that the claims were essentially true, and fair criticism of a public figure.

    Yes I do.As previously said I don't know the details of the case.If this is indeed what transpired I am sorry to hear it because it's completely out of character.

    Well, an eventual climb-down is better than no climb-down at all. It seems I do actually know the man better than you and I don't know him at all.

    Don't feel bad, he's conned better people than either of us, and he's in good company in the 'Democratic' party. Suthep, Abhisit. Panitan. the list just goes on and on.


    While the 'Democratic' party may contain many criminals, it is US based. In Thailand, we have the Democrat Party, of which Suthep resigned some years ago, and while Korn's actions were an abuse of office influence, it hardly compares with the criminality of PTP's star candidates. Their last party list sounded like a roll call of <deleted>.

  14. It was beautiful before the tourists came in their thousand and thousands. There were no large hotels and people openly took magic mushrooms and smoked Thai sticks. It has been pretty awful since the late eighties. The magic mushroom culture has been supplanted by red Bull and vodka reinforced with vile electro- pop and techno. The Samuians have no love for mainland authority and like 25 million others Thais resent the army and it's role. To quote the French electorate: 'rather a crook than a facsist!'

    Which leaves more than 40 million Thais who think they are doing a good job. I've never had much time for the French, or the corrupt BIB that fail to enforce the rules around here.

  15. How many military coups have detoured this road to democracy since 1972?

    European countries did not become democratic until they had their militaries under control. Thailand needs to work on that. Obviously the junta is not going to help with that aspect of democracy.

    A young lady once asked me if I would still respect her in the morning. I asked her "What makes you think I respect you now?"

    You would like the military to respect Thai democracy. First you have to offer them something worthy of respect. In evolutionary terms, Thai democracy is still in the bottom ooze, and a long way from breaking the surface and trying to breathe air.

  16. NO Khun Han he couldn't stay in the country--- UK

    Although his bail request was yet to be heard in London it was being widely reported that although the UK is a sanctuary for any political prisoner----they would not view him in this light.....but as a criminal & send him back to Thailand.......but yes although he did make a good profit out of selling Man City--- it was a matter of jumping before your pushed. He has never returned to the UK.

    Request for asylum in the United Kingdom
    Arrest warrant of Thaksin Shinawatra, issued by the Royal Thai Police on August 13, 2008, after his flight to London and failure to appear in court on August 11, 2008

    Yes, I know about his residency being refused, but what has that to do with the FA? Residency isn't a requirement of ownership, is it? The FA has a very flimsy 'fit and proper' requirement which has failed it's purpose time and again. I recall some in football (quite rightly) voicing disquiet at Thaksin's purchase of MCFC. And his stewardship was, apparently, more broken promises than anything else. But I don't recall the FA stepping in, though my memory admittedly isn't perfect.

    Perhaps the FA rules don't allow skyping in to board meetings?

  17. In a related issue, On Friday an appeals court threw out Korn's libel suit against a whole host of enemies. Shocking, yes, but I suspect he'll pursue this one until he gets a judgement he can be happy with.

    An/The Appeals Court has upheld the primary court ruling acquitting two Pheu Thai members for criticising former finance minister Korn Chatikavanij and his family for seeking favours from Thai Airways International.

    Evidently TG staff made it known that Korn was always shaking them down for free upgrades, and since he was such a douche, they went public about his behavior. The amart just can't allow their boorish behavior to be made public.

    Of course he can afford business or first class, but evidently they didn't "know who he was".

    Don't know anything about the details of this case but the behaviour described is definitely not that typical of Khun Korn.I am unaware of anyone in upper political circles who is less a " do you know who I am" type.He would definitely not "shake down" TG staff.In any case he is (legitimately) a wealthy guy.This story doesn't make sense.

    Well, evidently 'Khun Korn' is not such a principled man as you thought. You'll be in good company there - successful con-men are successful precisely because they fool people like you and me. I doubt he was picked on for a spot of casual victimisation by TG staff, but even if he was, it's likely a case of poetic justice as far as I'm concerned, he is not an upstanding man, he's a senior member of the so-called 'democratic' party, and even if he was unpopular with TG staff, there will be a good reason for that I expect. Many have apparently found him to be status-conscious and not very principled. A typical Thai politician perhaps.

    Here's a life lesson, he's wealthy and powerful, so the likelihood is that he's exactly as you say he's not.


    Nah, you don't know the man.

    And you do? The evidence given in court was that he would routinely buy the cheapest seats and then insist on upgrades. The court decided that the claims were essentially true, and fair criticism of a public figure.

  18. The issue, for the students, is not the shirt lifting but the curtain of lies... they are just asking the guy/school to tell the truth. To the students, the lies and falsehoods are more appalling than the [consensual] sex acts...

    The purity and innocence of youth.... the sex acts are less "offensive" than their photo/video contacts on Tumblr and Twitter....

    There is no such thing as a consensual sex act with a person below the age of consent, it is called Statutory Rape. When the older party is an authority figure, as in this case, the crime is considered more heinous.

    That's American law which does not apply in the rest of the world. Laws differ as does age of consent. Your view is typically Amerocentric.

    How can I tell you this gently - I'm not American. That is how the law applies in Oz, which is based on English Common Law, which is used in much of the civilised world, and quite a few places that aren't.

    BTW some 40 odd years ago, an acquaintance "knocked up" a 15 yo girl. By the time it reached court, they were married. He still got 6 months.

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