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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. Interesting how a Farang donates his time to help other Farangs but instead at looking at the positive we look at it negative.

    Maybe you can explain why you think you should disrespect someone who is trying to help.

    just look around at all the unlawful people running around on motorbikes, maybe just maybe he may stop one of these wonderful people from crashing into you.

  2. My calendar says the Holiday is Wednesday, not sure about Buddha day.

    You maybe starting to see the ripple affect of none spending tourists. I see so many cell phone shops and wonder how do they all pay the rent.

  3. How would the sister buy a car with wife's deed to land ? You are missing something here. Some how you insulted the father here and you need to figure out how. did you sit down with dad and show him the plan and get his OK or did you leave it to your wife ? Unfortunately there is a big misunderstanding here and your not going to win. Dad nailing the window shut is a pretty strong statement . time to move on

  4. Yes I agree time to cut your loses and leave. your wife knows her future is with you and you have to be strong. what her family did to both of you has hurt here more than you moving away , trust me.

    I do not understand how they can not see that you are improving things but sounds like someone did not communicate your plan properly. I think this has more to do with the parents than anything. How many generations has this house been through ? This may be your answer.

    My GF mom would never change her home to accommodate me. She is a wonderful women but this is Great Great Grand Parents home.

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