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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. I do think it is funny when some holiday is going on these dogs all disappear, I wonder why ? and after they all reappear again barking and snarling at people. I have gone to Home Pro looking at chain to carry with me. I should be able to walk down a street and not worry about a pack of wild dogs trying to eat me. These are not domestic animals they are allowed to roam the streets forming packs just like wild animals. When you walk through there territory they view you as a threat. only after you stand up to the pack leader they will leave you alone and see you are not a threat to them.

  2. If the police would just enforce traffic laws it would help a bunch but it sounds like the girls at the banks are working over time trying to get thai's to pay there car loans.

  3. With the Savings A/C the interest is paid twice a year, so each separate period you could receive up to 10,000 baht without paying tax.

    Not necessarily 20,000 per year as one period you could be taxed and not another, but your total interest could be less than 20,000 for the year.

    That is how the bank explained it to me.

    Here's some Thai Revenue Dept regulations on regarding the withholding of tax on regular savings deposits....it's Bt20K per year. Although many banks do pay interest twice a year in Jun and Dec I couldn't say if there is a Bt10K trigger level per six month period...or if the interest is paid quarterly and exceeds Bt5K then interest is withheld. I just know I've never ever had any interest withheld from my regular savings accounts because I've never earned more than Bt20K interest per year. But hey, maybe banks do have a policy to play it safe and withhold interest on a regular savings account if paid more than B10K interest per six month period...maybe related to the second tax regulation referenced below talking about a Bt10,000 interest exemption.

    To earn more than Bt20,000 interest per year or Bt10,000 per six months at the current 0.5% regular savings account rate a person would need over Bt4M in the account...I doubt many people keep that much money is a regular savings account....if they do they should seriously consider putting some of that money in a much higher interest paying fixed deposit or even what I call a hybrid fixed deposit which allows X withdrawals per month without interest penalty like on fixed deposits and still pays a lot more than a regular savings account but less than a traditional fixed deposit.

    Depending on "how much" a person had in the account "and when" during a year, I could see someone earning say Bt11K for the Jun interest payments, then withdrawing some of the balance for whatever reason, and then during the second half of the year for the Dec interest payment only earning say Bt8K interest which would total up to Bt19K interest earned for the whole year which falls below the Bt20K annual trigger level. See this Thai Reveneue Dept weblink, Under Interest (2), which talks about what may be excluded from a person's personal income tax: "interest on saving deposits in commercial banks if the aggregate amount of interest received is not more than 20,000 baht during a taxable year." This is probably the reason banks don't withhold tax on regular savings accounts until exceeding Bt20K per year unless its a fixed account which does require a 15% withholding tax on any amount of interest earned.

    And then here's another Thai Revenue Dept regulation taking about a Bt10,000 interest tax "exemption" throughout the tax year...see this weblink under Section 42 (8)c : Interest on savings deposit with a bank in Thailand which is repayable on demand; only in the case where the total amount of interest received by any taxpayer does not exceed 10,000 baht throughout tax year, in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions as prescribed by the Director- General. Maybe this reference triggers banks to withholding tax on a regular savings account if more than Bt10,000 is paid in any interest payment throughout the year? I don't know.

    Like most govt tax documents, review of them can hurt a person's head in trying to understand them. I'm glad I don't have to fill a Thai tax return; just the interest withholding tax refund form each year. I have a hard enough time trying to understand my home country tax regs (U.S.) since I do have to file a U.S. income tax return yearly.

    It can get confusing between what the banks are required to withhold on certain types of savings products and then exemptions associated with tax returns. In fact, I'm confused right now and hitting Add Reply so I don't ramble on any more.

    I think they just take 15% right out of your account of the interest.

  4. I just took a flight back from Japan and the plane was half empty. I have never seen this before at this time of year. The plane is always full. Signs of things to come.

    Take a picture of the cab and number and send in a compaint.

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