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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. Any city can be unsafe at night, Thailand included. I feel more threatened by the soi dogs than anything else. And the one goose that came charging at me. the two British Tourists were in a group !!!!! they left the group !!!! never never leave your group, stay together . Strengh in numbers. They would still be alive if they stayed with there group. This is a very sick real thing that happened. They were drinking and out late at night. All the bad things seem to happen here after 11pm.

  2. Well the 48 hours TV show that is on Friday nights in america shows time and time again how the police botch investagations an more time than can be imagined it looks like a inocent man goes to jail. They interview jurors that say he must have done it who else could have.

    The problems seems that no one has any experience with this kind of crime or crime scene and unforunately for the victims this looks like a freaken circus. They can teach csi in school but until you get to a real crime scene well good luck.


    Hopefully this will somehow improve the way the Thai's investagate crime from this day forward helping them see how flowed they are but the EGO of man is so huge that I really dought this will happen.

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