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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. No I do not blame him personally but lets be fair, We blamed Bush so now we blame Obama !!!! He is the man in charge and for those wonderful fact you write about , mmmmm my electric bill did not go up or my natural gas bill. they are both traded also.

    I also wonder why the Wednesday before the holiday gas prices jump .30 cents per gallon

    Maybe you can look up the US equivilant price per gallon of gasoline in Iraq. Years ago I read how the Iraq's were protesting fuel going from .5 cents per gallon to .60 cents per gallon.

    We also used to be 60 % our own oil and somehow ended up at 40 % How about we clean out our government and start over.

    To many politicions enjoying money under the table.

    Still trying to figure out how Bill and Hilary rake in over 50 million a year. clap2.gifwai2.gif

  2. Obama is nothing but a huge disappointment, He has done nothing for the working man or the poor.

    when he first took office gasoline in my home state dropped to $ 1.53 a gallon by the end of the year it was $ 3.60 and my box of cereal doulble in price, property taxes went up and my income taxes went up. I finally decided it was time to leave.

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  3. Ok all I know is Bangkok Bank in New York is not a bank, It is only for transfering money.

    I called there when i was in usa. I just went to my Usbank online account

    hit transfer money, Went to external transfer, hit add account, put in the routing number for Bangkok bank NY #026008691

    Bangkok bank NY pops up, Now put in Bangkok bank savings account number and hit submit.

    Says they will due 2 small test transfers and then reclaim money. 1 to 2 days. Then I have to log back in and follow instructions to complete sign up.

    Was very simple.

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