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Posts posted by GertrudeL

  1. Never buy any insurance... simply open an account and put % of your monthly income there. It will be cheaper and works 100%! It's not first time and the only country who played dirty... I gad cases with huge European insurance company who refused to deal with car accident (the case was double insured). The companies do not understand that after such cases nobody will buy their service... Insurance business does not mean 500% profit!

  2. Piece of shit..............facepalm.gif ..................Go back where you come form and do it there...........

    Actually he was doing what you suggest hahaha As I understand, cards were russian and they simply used to withdraw money here... The only part whom was affecting by that scam was Kasikorn, so do not worry about your money, as for bank... I never feel sorry for them, as they always care about themselves only! However, I never understood those people, is it woth? In moscow he could easily have those 100k per month as salery...

  3. Wish him a speedy recovery. One of the greatest ever World leaders. I grew up during the Regan, Thatcher, Gorbachev golden years that heralded the end of the cold war. Shame present leaders are unable to learn from history.

    One of the mysteries of life is that, all we learn from history is that we DO NOT learn from history (unfortunately). And I agree with your comment about present leaders.

    I doubt that you know anything about history, that's the guy who destroyed everything. The only nation who may aploud him is america...

  4. Every country should be like Japan and sevely restrict Muslims even entering the country and no Mosque are allowed in Japan.

    They won't even let me retire there, 79 years young USA has been.

    There are no problems with muslims (btw I am christian). There is much worse problem in europe and america - popularisation of satanism. Until now there was just a charch for Satan (in US and recently in Ukrain, just right when those things started, to hide that fact) but recent cultural modifications aim to destroy all 10 rules of god. Check out recent movies, TV shows... I do not mean gays/lesbian, which is nothing in compare to nowadays problem:

    The idea to do a suicide as the best way to escape difficult life and drinking alcohol underage as stress removal (walking dead), the first movie about Satan where he is represented as positive character Maleficent (100% story of Satan, check original movie script for even better match) but unlike before all viewers feel sorry for him and support him... the oncoming movie where guy gets devil horns which gives him ability to read mind - a good devil, which helps stop crime... the idea of existing good and bad vampires... lots of demotivators popularizing selfishness 'love yourself or you cannot love others', narcissism officially is no longer treated as illness, in recent magazine interview with 'devil' and him answering that people think wrong about devil and blackness, it's (devil and blackness) actually good, they smoothly change stereotype of 'good character'...

    In the bible or any other similar book, it was written that he (devil) will come and people will believe him... I did not imagine that it would be so obvious and people would be so dumb not to see the truth... We are concentrating on 'fake' problem of Muslims, while true enemy is already amongs us!

  5. The expat refuses to pay, gets out of his car to 'confront' the attendant. What was the expected outcome by the expat ? Just wondering what the heck this old codger was gonna do to the kid ?

    And the bloke was not parked in the car park, so why should he pay. Just another Thai scammer trying it on

    He should pay to avoid getting his arm broken and then being vilified (mostly) on this forum.

    Has anyone asked him if he still believes he made a wise decision , and how he might react in future similar circumstances?

    He did absolutely right! We should not tolerate rude people... Keep silent and they will get more rude! That's why world become big peace of sh...

    • Like 1
  6. I ask that they have some chance at a reasonable future as adults, that they not be sold to pedophiles, nor be put into situations where they are almost certain to be sexually abused by pedophiles.

    You are using some ridiculous pop philosophy to try to defend the people who are doing exactly that.

    I think we've taken our particular argument as far as it's going to go.

    Actually we both are trying to help... do you have any counter argument against my 'ridiculous' theory? Getting back to the topic:

    I do not see any problem if kids will do some easy 'job', selling flowers/souvenirs, singing, performing... IMHO the most important is that kids should benefit from that work (at least understand how selling/show business works). Even if bosses will send ALL money to her/his parents, it does not guarantee that kids will benefit from it! It does not matter how much money she will make, they (parents) will still spend more than she will make (the main reason why many girls stuck with prostitution and cannot give up). Once again, we cannot discuss topic without getting deep in culture.

    As far as I can see, kids in Asia are treated as SLAVES, they were grown with that idea: do what ever you want but please your parents (including stealing, prostitution, cheating...), do not worry, when you will have yours, you will turn them into your own slaves too =)

    If you want to help those kids, try to make them understand that they are FREE, helping parents does not mean turning oneself into a SLAVE. I tried many times but whenever I helped them setup their own business, they end up sending ALL money to their parents (who waste them) and destroying the business.

    Also, why do you think that kids who are selling flowers are sexually abused? At least in this particular story, the case was 'child labor'...

  7. Gertrude, you are one strange cat, I'll give you that much.

    p.s. - I don't think you understand Darwin, and I can certain assure you that Darwin has nothing to do with this conversation.

    p.p.s. - You're the only one in the conversation talking about "equality", I never mentioned it. And I only mentioned "force" in response to you. You seem to be arguing with yourself.

    What's the purpose of your charity/help - make world better am I right? (so am I) How can you make it better place if you do not understand human beings?

    It's VERY difficult to help properly... teaching poor without preparing them for that knowledge, is the same as giving a grenade to a monkey... (it will kill itself and others)

    'All you have to do is beg from rich people and sell them little stuff for me' - does not it mean that rich guy should treat those kids as from the same social level?

    Once I read interesting fiction/philosophy book, the people from future were trying to help people from middle century develop... the guys said:

    "the poor/slaves do not respect us (liberators) as they cannot imagine themselves doing it for no reason (free), however they worship their masters as they can easily imagine themselves on their place..."

  8. Why are you assuming that I'm European?

    Why are you assuming that we didn't work with the government? We collaborated with the government whenever it was in the best interest of the people that we were trying to help. However, if you were at all familiar with how the Thai government treats street kids who are not of Thai nationality, you'd really that there are many situations in which it is not in the child's best interest to involve the government.

    Why are you assuming that we forced anyone to do anything? Unlike the government, or these handlers, we never forced the children to do anything. Everything we did was always with the consent of the children and their parents/handlers. Unfortunately, that meant that the most significant help we could offer was turned down - because the children were making so much money for their handlers.

    As far as the rest of what you say, it is rather ridiculous and shows that you simply don't understand their situation in the least. But yes, calling other people lazy, or assuming that they are stupid and don't know basic skills, is a very easy way out.

    I'm having a hard time figuring out what you're talking about. Did you even read what I said? I'd say that not getting to grow up in a family, being forced into child labor, not getting an education, and being subjected to sexual abuse would probably be the biggest problems with "working for a rich man". Do you not see the problem in that? And you want to keep funneling money to these rich men?

    1) Your country does not make any difference... There are no equality in WHOLE world... and never be! It's a bull ... term created to make some people feel they have right to do/say something. Do you want do/say? Then fight for it! (law of natural selection)

    2) Working with govermant does not mean working 'on paper'... When I am saying WORKING I mean really WORKING. With your attitude (we do not force anyone, omg) you will NEVER do any progress... (unfortuantely).

    3) Where did I say you 'force'? IMHO only hard work (forced) could evolve monkey into a human (uncle Darwin confirmed it). If parents refuse your help and keep forcing kid to work that means they do not need help, they need easy money, send them to prison! (I do not tolerate lazy people)

    4) I do not understand them???? hahaha What if I tell you that I was grow up in much worse conditions and my dreams as child was to buy a book? hahaha We are poor, we have no money for food... this is bull ... argument for people like you, who believes them hahaha BTW you do not help them, you make them lazy!

    5) Finally... the example about visa... it's live example of 'equality' in real world... you have to be born in Africa or any other poor country, to understand what does 'equality' means ;)

  9. Do you even understand what you are saying?

    "Hey kid, come work for me and I'll feed you and give you a roof over your head. All you have to do is beg from rich people and sell them little stuff for me, and now and then let yourself get molested by the pedophiles here. You won't have a real family, you won't get an education, you'll probably transition into sex work, and I'll throw you out to fend for yourself when you're too old to make money for me, at which point you'll have no meaningful skills to improve your education or get a legal job. But hey, roof over your head!"

    What's the problem working for a rich man? Why do you expect rich man treat equally? Do not tell me about bull ... European equality!!! Even in embassy the skin color, nationality and religion are taken in an account to assign a visa!!! In other words, if there is a potential murderer but with American nationality it will get any EU visa AUTOMATICALLY. At the same time, honest, hard working guy from African country MUST justify that he is good guy, where is your f...ing equality?

    Once kids will prove that he understand the responsibility of being human, she/he will be treated as equal human being. The problem is that most of them do not have even basic knowledge of etiquette (nowadays even in Europe). If you help them they will treat that as you weakness! They will say 'see how stupid this foreigner is, I cheated on him, I charged him 10x more than this flowers costs', do not expect them to understand your kindness... omg, it's so complicated but I doubt that you understand even 10% of what I said...

  10. As I said before, I was with an organization that worked with these kids, and I WAS IN A POSITION TO GIVE THEM A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS. Not only that, but get them away from the streets, into school, and a job set up for their caretakers.

    And it didn't happen, in multiple cases. You know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY FOR THEIR HANDLERS.

    And this goes both for the cases where their "handlers" were human traffickers unrelated to them and for cases where their "handlers" were their own parents or a single mom.

    And yes, those kids did get sexually molested. And their handlers take money for that. And when they get older, some of them do end up in that work full time. And when you're been molested since you were a little kid and started real sex work in your early teens, I don't consider that to be a true "voluntary choice", no matter how long they end up doing it because they don't know anything else.

    That's the problem... you were trying it yourself (organization). The solution is in cooperation between goverment and such organisations. You have no right to force anyone do anything (even for good sake). From the other point, goverment may not have enought resoureces to handle that much kids. If those two help each other, then kids will benefit from it... I fully agree with your statements but in the original story, sending those kids back home is not a solution... I would probably say that here they have little but still chance to get better life while at home they will die form hunger or become prositute anyway... Is not it better at least try here?

    What I really do not understand - why those families do not have food? It's so simple to make food for living... they are not well economically educated but they should get some basic knowledge from their parents how to take care of chikens, caws, harvest rice and etc. I feel more like they are simply lazy and prefer die form hunger than work... or wait for us, europeans feel sorry and 'help' them...

  11. This thread has turned into Thai bashing...

    I have bought roses from children...I will never miss a few baht...some destitute family may have food on the table because of their child selling roses...

    give them something to eat that their handlers cannot sell. You don't need to buy roses.....

    I did the same couple of times (there is always 7/11 and family mart nearby), the kid seemed surprised but her true smile makes me believe she liked it more than money ^^ If you spend couple of minutes with kid, ask her name, where she is from, you will help her learn/practice English, which may help her in the future. There are mo bad kids, there are bad adults ;)

  12. Can anyone state the problem? Are you against kids working? What's your solution?

    The suggestion: govermant must take care of us is not acceptable! Why it should take care of you? Did not you vote for democracy and capitalism? Capitalism is not socialism, you are free to take care if yourself! Goverment only protects you from criminal!

    • Like 1
  13. There are no employers among posters, am I right? You have no clue how to make your employees happy... If you think you can solve the problem by paying them more than you are idealists smile.png

    I used to be an employee and I was generally happier when I got a raise. For a while anyway....

    Did you ever ask yourself why foreign companies pay little salary in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam? Let me guess, you think they are stingy, am I right? If you are not employer then simply try find ANY employee (for implicity freelancer) who can do the job for 10x higher salery than the min allowed in his/her country... Believe me you will not find any ^^ Try to guess why ;) (hint Maslow's pyramid)

  14. What a pussy society we created... Have a look on a picture of TRUE man! He will grow up as gentleman and not another justin bieber! I did my first buiness than I was 7!!! and I am happy as I was doing my little business. Selling goods in street develops personality and ability to justify your ideas. Japanese are forcing their team leaders to stand in the middle of station and tell (loudly) their biography!


  15. Unless the law has changed from my time in HK 7days advance notice in writing had to be given to get a police permit to protest so what's happening is technically illegal.

    I hope the protestors remember that the Mainland doesn't tolerate dissent as it sets a dangerous example to others and concession sets a dangerous preceedent.

    We can be sure the HK govt has been told to ' sort this out or we will ' and I worry for these young protestors when patience runs out.

    Better shot them than making a mass in country (when thousands of civilians will die) like happened in Ukraine. If you cannot debate and justify your words, and instead use power... then you are not batter than people you are protesting against, as simple as that - easy solution, kill them all :D

  16. Those assh@les spoiled my trip... puppet generation! They have no own ideas because they never read books, history... they spend 99% of their time in FB and they say what they were told... They could only destroy as it's the simplest thing to do. Can anyone from protesters tell what HE/SHE in particular did good for HIS/HER country, people... NOTHING

  17. So stinky bull story... Written to impress foreigners... <deleted> trafficking? Are you kidding me?

    I remember the case of some Chinese workers found in European country working illegally at some factory. How Europeans helped them? You are right, they make them free from slavery and send them BACK to their country to die from starving...

    Those poor kids will grow up as prostitutes in those shelters (read hundreds true stories about shelters). Instead force their bosses gave those kids proper food, working hours, higher profit share and may be some education (as requirement). In that case you will help those kids get better life!

    • Like 2
  18. If they work it out to have one visa for all five it will for sure boost tourism from Europe. Arriving at swampy and a few days later make a trip to Siem Reap/Angkor Wat will be as simple as flying to CM. No worries about extra visa then.

    What a bull... Cambodian visa can be obtained on arrival in 10 min 20 USD, the same about Virtnam - 35 USD, as far as I know Lao does the same... So it's matter of money and I doubt that those contries will agree provide 80% discont! (5 visa for price of one) Unless the visa price will be 200USD and in that case it has no sence, better get ones (2-3) you really plan to visit...

  19. So true! Tried thai food in Vietnam... It was thai style good with kim chi (korean) hahaha However, then I found small restaurant with thai girl cooking and it was old taste...so delicious... I have no idea what thais do with food but I can never managed to repeat their dishes :( Even in thailand only 10-20% of restaurants cook really tasty food (usually far from tourist places and not so nice looking restaurant's interior)

    p.s. I eat ONLY thai food and hate European ^^ Can I use that as justification for my next visa apply? I will die from starving in europe... 5555

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