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Posts posted by thai20144

  1. It's a recurring theme - where else people can settle? I've stayed a length of time in many places and I rate Thailand highly, but it's not perfect.

    I believe most posters on TVF and a vast majority of expats in Thailand haven't been to many other places than Thailand.

    It's evident in a lot of their posts and views.

    I've been all over the world, traveled to a lot of places, and Thailand just has something special about it but there's plenty of other great places.

    Brazil is magical. Great country, great vibe, great people, great women, great drinks (Caiperhnas, yum!)

    Peru is cool, so much history and culture, old meets new, friendly people and some good food and drinks (pisco sours!). Plenty of cute girls who are very happy to hook up with a gringo too.

    Loved Bolivia as a place to visit, crazy country, but could never live there.

    Dislike Argentina and the arrogant people. Great steak and wine though. But too much meat and not enough vegetables in the diet. Oh and the women are incredible too but hard work and divas.

    Though Bosnia was fascinating place rich in history and culture and some great food but not a place I could live.

    Disliked Serbia and Bulgaria a lot due to the arrogant and rude attitude of the locals and the fact as a foreigner you get blatantly ripped off at every turn with no attempt to disguise it.

    Slovenia is nice, and incredible women, but not sure I want to live there.

    Cambodia is somewhere I considered moving to later in the year. I've liked it both times I've visited but I didn't love it. PP would be the only realistic option for me to live and even that can be a bit sleepy IME.

    Vietnam, cool place to travel but everywhere even the small towns seem to be overly busy and noisy 24/7 with the constant beeping of motorbike horns/

    Laos is too sleepy for me. But cool place to travel in.

    Australia has it's pros and cons but it's too pricey for my liking and wouldn't want to live. Fun place to travel in.

    I could go on forever but that's enough for now...

    Very true, I think I can say I am well traveled and I isn't finish , but to me visiting a place for a week vacation just doesn't cut it with me, living and experiencing and learning the culture is what its all about. (that take more than a couple of days)

    Anyone can take a worldwide trip and spent a couple of days here and there.

    So where do you stand are you a real life Nomad or a Backpacker who wants to travel to as many locations as possible just so they can say I was there?

  2. I dont send her money anymore, and stopped communicating with her since yesterday, for her I was only walking atm, she never had anykind of feelings toward me. It's kind of hard to understand how someone can lie to another person in so deep level for many years? Only way its possible is if one doesnt have empathy at all. I can understand if someone who have big need for money (need food or to help family, or even being drug addict) lies once to get money from a people who she dosent yet know, so there isnt much emotional connection. But when she have made me believe that she loves me and we have family together ", for the past 2 years we have communicated with each other almost every day, she knows me deeply, but she still is able to lie me every day and use me without a problem, not feeling sorry for me even a bit. (Because if she did she woudln continue doing this)

    But timet to get over her. There are more eorse case, like after 10 years marriage and completing the house, the thai woman have stealed the house and dumbbed her mand and sometimes even her children.

    It not all that hard to understand at all, you have money and will boost her statues in Thailand, this means mega face lift in Thailand for the girl through her family and friends.

    Just today I met a friend of a friend / friend with her new western husband, I couldn't look him in the face as I know she has a Thai man and with his money is supporting his lifestyle. She lives a double life, with hiding suitcases of clothes in friends houses for when her western husband is away.

    Count yourself lucky.

    • Like 1
  3. ive also stayed in many places, yes working but ive still stayed there for a long time,

    i was in brazil for over a year, great beaches and the women were,,, well,,,,, but i still prefare thailand,

    ive worked all over the world, places,countrys are what you make of them, if your happy youll think its great,

    if your not happy itll be the pits,

    im in a small village, we have a pig farm, but its what i wanted to do, so im happy as hell with it,

    its hard work at times, but i love it so different to when im on my rotation on a rig or barge, and i was from farming stock in the uk,

    so im happy with my life here, lovely wife, beautiful children,

    so thailand is great in MY EYES,

    some will differ,



    I have also spent time in Brazil with my ex Brazilian GF and you can guess why that ended, I was young and couldn't help myself the women were A1 in and out of bed.

    The beaches were the nicest I have ever seen and I have lived in the States and Australia and of course Europe but noting compares.

    I would defiantly recommend Brazil for a holiday and even in land near the Amazon is a different world.

    But then Thailand is such an easy place to live, too easy some might say.

    • Like 2
  4. The worldwide standard of sterling sliver is .925 or 92.5% silver and 7.5 % copper as the copper is needed to strengthen the silver for the production of jewelry etc.

    Fine silver is 99% pure but is very soft and easily scratched.

    The easiest way to test if gold/silver is pure is by using a rare earth magnet as Precious metals are not magnetic.

    Also you can buy acid tests online to test purity.

    And of course these medals can be refined to 99% pure with the right knowledge.

  5. If you are going to carry a weapon, then you have got to be prepared to use it and certainly know what you are doing, otherwise it could end up being used on you. I would certainly not carry a knife or anything like that.

    Generally common sense will keep most people out of trouble, but sometimes you might be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I spend most of my time these days out of Bangkok, in The East of Thailand, and it is quiet and peaceful and everybody knows everyone in my village.

    Good boy mrtoad, you keep hiding away in your little village and the boogeyman will not get you.

  6. For me the best defensive weapon is my own body as trained in Kickboxing and self defense, we were trained how to handle attackers with weapons, speed is key and having that confidents of knowing how to fight gives a person a kind of oar about them and in return are less likely to get attacked.

    I always thought it was a joke. I guess not.

    Let me guess you googled oar and martial arts / kickboxing... Well done my son, you are very clever and probable very hamsun man clap2.gif Don't give up your day job cheesy.gif

  7. Op may not be the richest but at least he doesn't need a little a blue pill to get it up, nor have to go for weekly check ups for his degrading health, and probable can look forward to a long life instead of finishing up with life.

    (remember if you cant take it don't give it) Oh this has got to hurt some posters tongue.png

    I heard the OP was coming back to Thailand to take up his new occupation as a rent boy, therefore based on your comments can one assume you were his first client ?

    No, I am not Gay.

    (Weak comeback SP)

    Are you sure ? as based on your own words, you have stated catagoric knowlege of the OP's initmate sexual practices, ie whether he takes a little blue pill or not, for someone to have such knowlege one can only conclude you must have been in an intimate realtionship with the OP at some point in time

    Really? This is tit tat school yard talk.

    Its 2014 were been Gay is no big deal, so are you saying you have a problem with the Gay TV members?

    To answer your question I was making a assumption that the OP is young and wouldn't need such a pill, common sense really.

    To be honest I was just trying to even out the balance of this tread, I don't give a rats ass what is been said, and I see the OP is not winning any friends on here, I just remembered I have read OP topics before and I taught he was Trolling.

    Sorry OP but your giving my ass a headache as Del boy would say, I think it might be better to move on to the 444 local forum as your not liked around here.

  8. Op may not be the richest but at least he doesn't need a little a blue pill to get it up, nor have to go for weekly check ups for his degrading health, and probable can look forward to a long life instead of finishing up with life.

    (remember if you cant take it don't give it) Oh this has got to hurt some posters tongue.png

    I heard the OP was coming back to Thailand to take up his new occupation as a rent boy, therefore based on your comments can one assume you were his first client ?

    No, I am not Gay.

    (Weak comeback SP)

  9. Op may not be the richest but at least he doesn't need a little a blue pill to get it up, nor have to go for weekly check ups for his degrading health, and probable can look forward to a long life instead of finishing up with life.

    (remember if you cant take it don't give it) Oh this has got to hurt some posters tongue.png

    Are you intimate with The OP?

    No but thanks for asking.

    Anymore senseless questions?

  10. The girls were with you because you spent money, and they got a cut of everything you spent.

    Girl takes you to a club, she gets a cut.

    Girl get in a taxi with you, she gets a cut.

    Girl negotiates in Thai to but something, she tells them to up the price, she gets a cut.

    Girl takes you to a hotel/resort, she gets a cut.

    Whiskey in club scam.

    Girl sits alone at table with bottle of whiskey on the table.

    You ask to join her, bottle added to your bill, but taken back behind bar.

    She eats and drinks all evening at your expense, and the waiter slips her half the whiskey bottle money.

    Doesn't even need to sleep with you.

    You edited your post, I'll re answer you.

    I dated normal girls, some even paid for their own dinner even though I insisted to pay for them.

    Route 66 is a high end club, they don't allow bariglrls in that place, its where normal girls, and some hi-so girls go to.

    Maximum I've spent in a bar is 1000 baht, lets say she got 500 baht cut, I don't think any good looking hooker would sleep with you for 500 baht.

    These girls had full-time jobs, one of them was an auditor at big4

    So you spent 3000 Baht a day, which didn't include hotel expenses, nor hookers or even dinner for girls, and now you say the most you've spent in a bar was 1000 Baht.

    Care to share where all that money went then ?

    I've laid to the details above

    My each meal was 500 baht at least, I ate dinner at steakhouses only, which cost around 1000 baht. I rarely ate at mcdonalds.

    1000 partying

    1000-1500 for meal

    the other on misc stuff like taxi, and 7/11 occasional shopping

    Since I was vacationing, I chose to eat at good places.

    Lasagne at amici restaurant in Siam paragon costs at least 550thb with water

    Good steak at a decent steakhouse costs at least 1000thb.

    Was Siam Paragon recommended eatery by your free girlies? O dear you very hansum man

  11. So you think you have gotten your Girls for free but I bet they squeeze as much if not more money out of you if you had paid for a Bar girls giggle.gifgiggle.gif

    Don't be fooled you are a Tourist and Thais are experts at lightening Tourist wallets by overcharging etc.

    BTW some people over here are far from what you used too, there not spending theirs lives racing to the top of the rat race or stressing over what they have or don't have.

    When west meets easts is your answer!whistling.gif

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