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Posts posted by thai20144

  1. I taught English was Australia native languagegiggle.gif

    I once had someone buy expensive Yankee tickets of my bank of America card which they called me about and refunded.

    But later I was thinking it must of been someone that I know and at some stage seen my card number.

    A lot of scum living in NYC.

    Before you take the piss out of someone, maybe you should learn how to write. Taught is not the same as thought? Just a heads-up.

    Thanks, can you please give the OP a serious heads-up? giggle.gif

    Btw I would put that simple mistake down to human error, do you not have any homework to correct? cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  2. I just didnt believe the guy in the pic was the murderer, and I still think Sean is full of BS. That makes me a troll?

    I don't think you have any idea about Thailand other than wearing fishermans pants, and hanging around KSR

    Yes you are right, I'm not a resident in Thailand, and I've only hanged around Siam mostly. But I know how the mafia functions like from my own country as I'm a connected person in my home country, and I can tell from the 1st second that guy is full of BS. Thailand in many ways is similar to Turkey in terms of connections. The mindset of the people is very similar too.

    Ahhhhhh, a fellow neighbour of mine.

    Why didn't you say so all this time OP?

    Between us there is full understanding and unconditional love.

    Don't listen to these bad, bad people, I will always be behind you to protect you.

    Trust the Greeks, with or without gifts.

    I hope you use protection when your behind him! cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  3. My wife and I will be needing a nanny in January, so any help or advice on finding one would be most appreciated.


    I live in Nontaburi, opposite Homeworks just up from The Walk.

    And to thai20144, any contacts on this issue would be most appreciated.


    The walk, I know it well I used to live out there, I will ask and PM you.

  4. Cool website the Indian food look appetizing but I think a whole Indian family would talk the ear of me and would probable need a pause button so I could eat in peace cheesy.gif

    They do indeed! I've never met Indian people before (liek eye to eye), even if they talk a lot it would be very interesting to hear it! Anyways, I was planning on visiting Thai people, somehow sounds more fair while visiting Thailand wink.png

    I know, I was just trying to be humorous.

    Anyway you don't need this service as within the first week of been here I was invited to a Thai household to eat an array of Thai dishes that were colorful and tastes great.

    I must admit it toke a bit of watching and learning to get with the concept of sharing large dishes of food with everyone around the table as I was used to western meals where everyone gets their individual plates of food.

    Anyway some might say that the tradition Thai meal should be enjoyed while sitting on the floor not in some Hi So apartment in Bangkok.

    Come here and mingle with the locals and they will be only happy to join you in eating Thai food that their are so very proud off.

  5. Mr David I think you missed the joke.

    Anyway that was in the past big boy, I had a work permit for 2 years and studied Thai for the past year and now can get the elite card to continue my stay.

    At the time I was just weighting up my options as I heard it was getting near impossible to renew the ED visa and am tired

    of studying Thai anyways.

    So I am guessing your wrong again and own me an apology.

    Are you still hanging out on Ko San shoeless and clueless, swigging that warm chang?

    Or are you on another Visa run?


  6. Only if you have your wits about you and understand their culture.

    Btw I have warned my family not to visit Thailand as I couldn't guarantee their safety.


    Personally I feel safer in Thailand than the UK, this has been my feeling for years, just had a quick look at these figures which back up my feeling, which country do you come from?


    As I have mentioned before I also feel safe in Thailand but I understand their culture.

    What country I am from is irrelevant as I have lived in many countries around the world.

    Anyway I m speaking from experience as my Sisters husband on the first night in Ko Samui crashed the rented motorcycle into the hotel wall where minute's before had rented it from reception, I know idiotic. cheesy.gif

    He is a big dirty Cheap Charlie and started complaining in his naïve western manner that he was not going to pay for the damage of the motorcycle as the hotel staff didn't offer / tell him about the Insurance that can be bought for a 100 B.

    Of course he started to shout at the little receptionist and caused him to lose face and he flipped and started chasing the big Cheapo around the car park and this is a guy that teaches self defense classes at home.cheesy.gif

    You couldn't made this up I laughed at the taught of the nice little smiling reception guy running after the big scared Farang giggle.gif

    Next in his fear of death he jumps over a 12 foot wall to escape and left my sister their to follow, what a meathead.

    He didn't even stay the night and ran from the island back to Bangkok and got the next flight home, saying his life was in danger.

    I couldn't believe it and they never even called me till they arrived home.

    After this episode I just ignore peoples request from home to visit and tell them to go to Spain or Italy cheesy.gif

    Would you blame me?

    Embarrassing to say the least.

    And the bad mouthing of Thailand to my Family was unrealistic.

    I hope you enjoyed this story and learned something too, as I did, and it was very funny at the time biggrin.png

  7. I also feel safe in Thailand but I know the dos and don't.

    Tourist and westerners are clueless when they arrive here, no mention of personal safety in the holiday brochures.

    Humm ... I am here now on a Tourist Visa .. that makes me officially a 'Tourist'.

    Would I say that I am ... "clueless when they arrive here" ... rolleyes.gif

    Interesting ... coffee1.gif

    No I would say your a Visa runner and your time in Thailand is Limited.

    Thailand is trying to crack down on your type.

    ... cheesy.gif

    May I add one more for effect?

    'My Type' ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    You must know me well then?

    You are new here ... I won't go hard.


    Yea I know your type, using Visa run companies every few months to Cambodia to renew your visa.

    Your the kind of person that Wai's Security guards and toilet cleaners.

    And likes to walk around ko San Rd barefoot with a large chang in hand.

    Out, out, get out of Thailand you visa runner.

  8. I also feel safe in Thailand but I know the dos and don't.

    Tourist and westerners are clueless when they arrive here, no mention of personal safety in the holiday brochures.

    Humm ... I am here now on a Tourist Visa .. that makes me officially a 'Tourist'.

    Would I say that I am ... "clueless when they arrive here" ... rolleyes.gif

    Interesting ... coffee1.gif

    No I would say your a Visa runner and your time in Thailand is Limited.

    Thailand is trying to crack down on your type.

  9. If you live in Bangkok I know some nannies that work for Americans and Chinese's and I am sure they would be able to recommend someone for you as their long termers and trusted.

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