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Everything posted by fuehrio

  1. Don't want to drift away from OP's topic, but you made a good catch. I just discovered spider mites at my plants last weekend in the 3rd week of flowering, very devastating. Gave a little hope but trying to fight them hard and so far seems to work: Spray with alcohol/water (1:10) and also spray the tent, repeat 2 days later and spray with Neem oil/water (1:10). Next will spray with bleach and then I hope these suckers are gone forever.
  2. After working 14 years in a company with Thais and Expats, I am working since Jan in company with only Thais. I can say even that is a big difference and I don't like it at all.
  3. Yes and in the past I was going to the counter with a lot of paperwork, but currently I can't do that on working days as on weekends the bank doesn't process international transfers. I am looking for a convenient online solution. I do have the Bualuang app (BKK Bank) and I just discovered that it has a WIR transfer. Need to find out if that's a safe way.
  4. Hi, I'm a Swiss citizen and need to send money to Switzerland on a regular basis. I found DeeMoney good but Switzerland is not on their list. Western Union seems to charge a lot, for instance if I'd like to transfer 150,000 Baht, the money is about 400 CHF less than the actual exchange rate. Can anyone recommend me an easy but also secure service? Online instead in person would be best for me.
  5. I'm not sure but I think this was already shared somewhere in the cannabis forum: https://sensiseeds.com/en/blog/equatorial-cannabis-varieties/
  6. Well you can only access soi 16 via the closed road. Alternatively from Rama 4. Going to be hell for me, just living on the opposite of the convention center.
  7. Really a good thread, I didn't know about PGR before. Just bought something from a shop yesterday and asked them about PGR, however sales staff never heard about it as well, or pretended so. Still difficult to figure out as most buds I have seen 500B or above are very dense. But when I snapped it, the scent was quite great so I hope it's non PGR....
  8. How can someone "enjoying" to research this, except you are a Pedo?
  9. Once I have enough buds, I will take my time to make some good Charas and bubble hash. I remember the time back in Europe, sitting an afternoon in the garden producing great handmade hash and ended up glued to the sofa in the evening after one chillum.
  10. I note experienced folks in this forum recommend slow drying, however I found this report interesting and wonder if anyone tried herb dryers here: https://www.growweedeasy.com/review-herbsnow-dryer-for-drying-cannabis The conclusion was that if you live in a region of high humidity, this could be an effective solution.
  11. Mental issues are on the rise globally. No wonder after the social impact by covid, lockdowns, etc. So very farfetched to blame it on cannabis
  12. I'm quite confident that in about half a year from now top shelf will be around 300-400b/g, middle 200-300b/g and all the rest somewhere below that. Now suppliers are still booked out but everyone is growing and new suppliers will pop up.
  13. Interesting: https://www.cannabiz.media/blog/the-social-impact-of-marijuana-legalization-in-the-united-states
  14. More like a Volcano
  15. Hi, What do the experts here think of these? They are a bit costly when compared but not silly. Are they maybe any good? https://shopee.co.th/ปุ๋ยกัญชา-ปุ๋ยออแกนิค-สำหรับปลูกกัญชา-เร่งราก-เร่งยอด-เร่งใบ150ml-i.781547787.18307581288?xptdk=65b4e94a-4ad6-4c06-8705-875531b13d2b https://shopee.co.th/ปุ๋ยกัญชา-เร่งโต-เร่งรากและใบ-บำรุงต้น-ปุ๋ยเร่งดอก-เตรียมช่อดอก-i.173868880.20925894862?xptdk=b8557a1f-5663-489c-b79b-b252da58469d https://shopee.co.th/ปุ๋ย-สเปร์ย-ปุ๋ยกัญ-ชา-สำหรับต้นกัญชา-ช่วยในการปรับปรุงสภาพดินที่ปลูกให้มีค่า-PH-ที่เหมาะต่อการเจริญเติบโตของพืช-i.540783416.21729274312?xptdk=065cf334-c235-44cf-82a2-ab042137f083 I guess there should be affordable fertilizer for all stages for folks like me who doesn't know what ratio is the best and doesn't have much time preparing etc.
  16. Congrats, I hope I can achieve same good looking plants once I made my learning experience. For now I have ordered peat moss, the recommended fertilizer, perlite, Mycorrhizal, PH up / down and a meter. Should arrive in 2-3 days and I think I need a lot of luck for 2 of the seedlings.
  17. This is brilliant, great advice and thank you - seems this cannabis forum becomes one of the best source of shared knowledge. Yes this is the light that was part of the whole grow tent set. So I just made the wrong thing by moving the lights closer and I hope they cope with the stress until I am back home. This type of soil was also recommended by another experienced grower. Will do some online shopping now and further hope the plants don't die in meantime so that I can update here on the success.
  18. After germination they were light green outside but also started to turn yellow and I thought it's the lack of sunshine these days. So that's when I moved them inside under the light. I put the light (dimmable) about 50cm above the plants. I lowered it to about 30cm since yesterday and one plant looks a bit better now whilst the other 2 still bad if not even worse.
  19. Yes my guess is also mainly the soil condition. I started to reduce watering now
  20. I see most comments are about the soil which seems one of the main reason to me. If your water is that high in ph level them so might me mine. I will start with checking and treating the water and change the soil. Thanks.
  21. Many thanks, so I will order and try out the coco and perlite mix. I noticed another thread in this forum about it which indicates the feeding is required on a daily basis. I'm afraid they may won't survive until the coco arrives but it's the price for learning.
  22. Many thanks, appreciate. From the number of your questions I might need to do much more care. I didn't give them any "food" or fertilizer yet as I thought too small and would burn the roots. The large plant, I gave organic fertilizer tablets when it was about 10cm high. Also I haven't PH'd the water and using standard soil from a gardening shop. The seeds are quality seeds from Herbies (autoflowering). The LED is a Hempeas GD2000 300w 3200-4200K,5200-6800K + 760nm Full spectrum (grow tent is 1.2x1.2 meters). The smaller ones where greener when I had them first outside but also started to fade yellow and I thought it was due to the recently bad weather without sunshine. So that's when I moved them to the tent. How should I start to tackle this problem? I guess first check the PH and soil nutrition? This morning I already moved them closer to the light.
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