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Posts posted by ozzieman05

  1. - "So, we're going out drinking and having a good time tonight?"

    - "Yeah, you betcha!"

    - "We don't have any money. What if we can't pay for our bill?"

    - "Not to worry. I've got a sharp knife, you've got a fast motorcycle. We'll just steal the money from some unsuspecting foreign tourist walking down the road. They are all rich, they deserve to be robbed."

    Don't want to sound cynical, but what would've happened if those two scumbags' bagsnatching attempt had succeeded? Would they just have taken 300 baht out of the victim's bag and then returned it?

    This was not simply a matter of getting ahold of a measly 300 Baht. This was a pre-meditated, full-blown robbery attempt involving a potentially lethal weapon. Since the alleged culprits carried that weapon, it must be assumed that they also had every intention to use it in case their robbery met with resistance from their targeted victim. The argument "we didn't intend to kill [that woman]" doesn't hold water.

    Funny in all my years in thailand I have never heard Thais talk in western currency, so it amazes me they wanted $10

    they would not know this value or what they could do with it

    they would normally say 500 baht, or 1000 baht a nice round Thai understandable figure

    Am I the only one to see this saying so un Thai

  2. Some have made up their minds 'the army must have done it'.

    But that is an emotional / political response,

    and not something a court can decided upon.

    Others see the 'reasonable doubt' of

    1) stolen weapons and ammunition available for the Red or 'men in black' to use ,

    2 ) the obviousness of group of men in black in multiple instances violently going after the army or civilians.

    3 ) the political need to blame the army in any way possible,

    for the Reds or Thaksin to win political cards to play.

    4 ) the lack of political or military need of the army to kill anyone to wrap up the occupation.

    5 ) the likelihood of the army knowing it is NOT in it's benefit nor it having a need for any one to die.

    6 ) killing innocent people and blaming the army serves a ongoing political need for the opposite side.

    It's called reasonable doubt versus a lack of provable facts, or provable and logical motive.

    are you dizzy after all that?

    Why should he?

    because it is absolute BS / spin.

    so you must work for the Australian labour party

    If someone speaks the truth damm them and say its all BS

    • Like 2
  3. Here are the Songkran stats for the last several years. In the overall scheme of things, it was not a bad year (in very much a relative sense):

    2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

    2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

    2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

    2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

    2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

    2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

    Your stats show the lowest death toll was after the coup under a democrat government

    • Like 1
  4. If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

    Yes. It would be interesting to see what "the pressure" was that forced the local government to hand over relief bags.

    Pressure was used by the Democrat's

    They said

    Please help these people as well as Red shirts

    How dare the Democrates treat all thais equal

    off to the head chopper

  5. Laughable! Really! Notice they are increasing penalties, not enforcement! If they were serious a simple sweep of any outdoor street market anywhere in Thailand or MBK will produce enough fines to run the country and pay off all the MPs for the next 20 years! My wife just bought a nice fake designer name purse yesterday right across from Siam Paragon.

    You sound like you are proud of her committing a crime.

    Selling counterfeit goods is a crime. Buying them is not.

    I think your thai wife comes from the same school mine did

    Black is black unless worn with a red dress

    disagree and you might as well keep you pants on for a week

  6. Laughable! Really! Notice they are increasing penalties, not enforcement! If they were serious a simple sweep of any outdoor street market anywhere in Thailand or MBK will produce enough fines to run the country and pay off all the MPs for the next 20 years! My wife just bought a nice fake designer name purse yesterday right across from Siam Paragon.

    You sound like you are proud of her committing a crime.

    Problem is in Thailand they do not see it as a crime

    But the Thai price

    Time you learnt a little more about Thai Ladies

  7. It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time.

    It is also not unusual that people will notice and comment on the contradiction, when the "important person" travelling in a luxurious manner is the same person making the claim of being at one with the poor. Of course those blinded by adoration, may fail to see any contradiction.

    Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane. Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated. He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

    Assasination is not restricted to a Thai on the back of a motor bike driving past while you shop at 711

    It only needs a trained marksman with a long range scope rifle and all is over

    And there are plenty ready to take on this task for the right fee.

    So as this has not happened so far I would assume those with money do not really want this to happen

  8. Thai (uni educated wife) says it is known by her Uni friends, that Thaskin needs to keep Issan area uneducated, so he can control them with his promises

    His greatest enemy is not the Democrates but Farang who marry Issan girls and teach them about the correct ways of law

    This mean the voters of tomorrow will be western influenced

    The only way to stop this is to stop Farang living in Thailand and influencing his voters of tomorrow

    Conclusion all those who seem to back Thaskin who are Farang are in self extinction mode

    Thaskin wants you out of thailand, you are a thorn in his future plans

    • Like 2
  9. Thai (uni educated wife) says it is known y her peers that Thaskin needs to keep Issan area uneducated, so he can control them with his promises

    His greatest enemy is not the democrates but Farang who marry Issan girls and teach them about the correct ways of law

    This mean the voters of tomorrow will be western influenced

    The only way to stop this is to stop Farang living in Thailand and influencing his voters of tomorrow

    Conclusion all those who seem to back Thaskin who are Farang and in self extinction mode

    Thaskin wants you out of thailand, you are a thorn in his future plans

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah right, like Chumpol Silapa-archa had a gun to his head. He could have said no but he wanted a slice of the action like all the other politicians.

    If you want to examine the horse trading involved in any of the Thai coalition governments, you will find coercion, power deals, secret meetings, money exchanges, enticements etc, in them all. I don't condone it, but nor do i pretend it occurs selectively. Wake up if you do.

    And I daresay Somchai, if able to speak freely on the matter, would also say a powerful force from which he could not evade was behind his sudden elevation to Premier. Do you really think Somchai ever wanted that job?

    As usual coup sympathisers acting dumb. You know quite well what happened, but choose to brush over it. Abhisit's administration was as democratic & valid as a bee hive. They & their fellow perpetrators are single-handedly responsible for the violence & hatred that prevails in the country.

    Let me guess

    you mean the Red Shirts

  11. Do journalists have any responsibility when they enter a war zone?....when I walk on a lake with thin ice I may end up in some icy water....


    Do journalists have any responsibility when they enter a war zone?....when I walk on a lake with thin ice I may end up in some icy water....


    In the real world a reporter who enters a war zone does so at hie/ hers own risk

    But in thailand they do not want to dig to deep as their are red shirt stories that better be kept under cover, or maybe even from the army, I have an open mind and know bullets flew both ways

    But it seems that the new Government want to buy closer to unanswered questions

  12. The tablets may not be junk; it may be we are just seeing what tablets "really" cost to manufacturer with some profit still built-in versus the highly inflated prices the common consumer pays after several middlemen/wholesalers add on their cost, transportation costs are added, the govt adds on import duties/taxes, and the retailer then ups the price another 30% or more. Plus, I expect the govt is not going to apply any import taxes on a its own govt purchase.

    It is so nice to dream that the world is so good and that our Government have no corruption and have send experts to check these units out

    My only problem is I wake up sooner or later and see the real world

  13. I avoid anything made in China ever since I purchased that authentic (made in China) Aussie boomerang from a souvenir shop in Melbourne, the bloody thing never came back. Buyer beware on Chinese manufactured goods anyone remember the baby formular incident? If they can't get thier food products rights I wouldn't trust thier technology. (my Grandfather is Chinese)

    Ha ha, Chinese boomerangs are made so cheap they not need come back, you just buy 10 and throw away

    Pay Australian made price and they better come back, can't afford to throw that much money away

    • Like 2
  14. when will people learn, that the cheapest is not always the best choice

    I remember once we had to order 10,000 pairs of sandles, and the sample was so bad it fell apart in 1 day of testing

    when we talked to the chinese manufactures, they told us we make to meet the price

    4 months later we took delivery of a high quality product from the same manufacturer, they cost 125 baht more the the origional cost

    The cheapest price is normally always the cheapest way to manufacture

    As far as warranty is concerned, their is none, we got 10% more stock to cover and warranty

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