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Posts posted by NOWHERE

  1. Topic came up, then future wife said that if we married in village must pay sin sod even though her parents were dead. Apparently in her mind it was for face. She had never married or had children. We ended up marrying in Australia so no need to pay. 

    At the time I was a bit skeptical about the practice but as it didn’t eventuate I gave it no more thought. But in hindsight I would have paid any amount to secure the relationship I now have with my best mate. 

  2. Thai wife now permanent resident for just over a year. 

    Used a Melbourne visa agent. $11,000 in total. Took 11 months from application to approval. Tourist visa in the wait. Mind you in the end I contacted my local member as I thought it was taking too long,  his cabinet office sent a couple of emails and two days later. Given temporary permanent residency and full residency on same day. No two year wait. Reason they gave, supplied more than enough documentation proving relationship of several years. 

    Straight away she opened a business with a tax file number and was given a Medicare card. Though can’t use welfare system for some time. 

    On another note, I’m one of the lucky ones. She has taken to Australia like a koala to gum leaves. I guess it is because she is constantly busy but she now considers herself an Aussie girl and has no desire to return permanently to Thailand. 

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    Why is getting a tourist visa for a Thai gf these days very difficult to get? What about if she has travelled overseas to a few different countries before therefore have stamps in her Thai passport and she's full-time employed for over a year?

    Just sponsored the niece for a visit to Oz. She had been working in Japan and Korea many times in last ten years. 

    She was still rejected for a visa. The reason? Single female. May not return to Thailand. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Gemelo said:



    Do you do Barbell Squats in your exercise routine?


    Squats usually raise T-levels.


    Also, training 6 days per week may be over training.


    It depends on  your volume and intensity.

    Yes. Legs are a big muscle group and can pump testosterone out. 6 days. 4 x 1 hour resistance and 2 x 1 cardio. Thanks for the advice. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Bruce Aussie Chiang Mai said:

    I have full medical every year, I was taking these caps as shown 2 each night. Doctor told me levels too high now I take 1 every second day. At 70 have good sexual health like a 30year old.

    Exercise and healthy eating helps also.

    I walk min 7 kms every morning early.

    Caps cost 900 baht in Chiang Mai for 60 that 3 to 4 months for me now.

    Everyone different but been good for me.????????????



    thanks Bruce. I'll look into these, via a doctor of course. Are they generally available in CM pharmacies?

  6. Married to a Thai, found her cracking a whip over 50 women in a factory in Lamphun, fell in love with her on the spot. As a side note, Lamphun is a great hunting ground, tens of thousands of single women leading lonely lives in a factory job. We live mostly in Australia, no kids, but have a farm in Issan and a condo in CM between us which we visit regularly. When retired will probably spend more time there.

    I live a very healthy lifestyle and after working out 6 days a week for the last two years, changing routines etc but only achieving a well-toned body, I have been left feeling disappointed. I would have liked to see a bit of muscle mass growth. And on top of that, a low libido led me for some blood tests. Blood test came back 11.2 nmol/L Testosterone with a reference range of 10 to 31. The doctor says that 11.2 is above the minimum of the reference range so I don’t qualify for TRT, and at 59 I should be happy with what I have, he may be correct. Pfft, I want to desire my sexy wife, I want better results for the time I put into the gym, I want a slightly higher level of testosterone, I want a little bit more quality in my life. At any rate the reference range contains 80-year olds, obese unhealthy people as well as gym junkies, I want a little more. I’m interested in trying testosterone cream. I have searched the forums about testosterone, but they seem to be all about injectables.

    My question is anyone using testosterone cream in Thailand? What sort of success have you had and what brands and strengths?

  7. On 11/20/2018 at 6:55 PM, djayz said:

    I forgot to mention earlier that there's a thread running on this forum about starting a small farm. The member, a Thai, shares his experiences, photos, advice, etc. and overall it's very informative. You might pick up a few ideas from the thread. Various members have contributed to it. 



    Great thread. Enjoyed the few hours reading it. Highly recommend. 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Sailor42 said:

    Well, my beautiful Thai wife lives with me in Tasmania, and I swear she doesn't need a telephone to chat with our family in Korat, and for some reason always feels the need to speak to ancient mother (who is deaf as a post anyway) as soon as I switch on the golf or the rugby on TV. Many years ago, I served in an aircraft carrier with the loudest flight deck broadcast system in the world at that time, you could hear it 12 miles away in Plymouth when the wind was southerly, but I swear it had nothing on my wife having a phone chat with her relatives in Issan! Yet unless she has a telephone to her ear, she is normally quietly spoken, save the odd occasion where I have misbehaved of course. So maybe it is just Issan folk who shriek down the phone?

    Exactly all you said except in Victoria. I think you have nailed it. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Mate you dont think enough, however thats just my opinion.

    My original comment quoting you was a general comment of responses on posts on this forum. 

    You took it upon yourself to make it personal and attack me as a person. 

    All I can say is don't hate yourself and others may love you. 

    Peace be on you brother. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Thats right, they expressed an opinion, I then responded with my opinion, as did you. So whats your issue. There is no internet rule stating that we have to agree to one common opinion.


    If you think taking the piss out of a dead bloke or condoning others when they do the same then ok ,go right ahead, just dont expect me to agree with you. 

    Mate, you think too much. 

    • Sad 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, pornprong said:

    You think that, statistically, 50% of Muslims are inbred - got anything to back up your claim, or is it simply nonsense born of your prejudices?

    Methinks it is the latter.

    No. Have been researching it today by coincidence. Plenty of factual stuff if you want to look it up. 

    Example, Saudi Arabia now requires blood tests for recessive genes before marriage to your cousin. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

    Don't do that.


    Don't come on here and try to say you don't hate Islam when all of your posts have clearly said otherwise.


    There's no historical evidence of Aisha's age. There's disagreement amongst scholars. I had a link where many scholars thought she would have been 15 or 16.

    There is very little evidence of the actual facts of Muhammad's life. Just enough to know he probably existed, unlike Jesus where there is virtually no evidence.


    The Bible and Qu'ran are stone age fairy tales.


    There is no excuse for the marriages of little girls to men against their will regardless of religion, but I think it's horrible your agenda is to push this as a Muslim problem.




    I think it is ignorant to think that the Koran is a Stone Age fairy tale. It is held as the perfect word of God by 1.2 billion adherents. 


  13. 5 minutes ago, DJ54 said:

    Something needs to be done about this. Religion or whatever it 

    should not happen. HORRIFIC she’s a child and I don’t understand this 

    she should have a chance to learn and make her own decisions.....


    ok ok I need to stop writing f because it angers me...

    It angers me also, but religion is never going to go away. 

    The problem is if we do not talk about it the worst of religion will continue. 

  14. Just now, duanebigsby said:

    No, Islam is not the subject.

    Child marriage is.

    It just so happens the OP was about the incidents happening between Thailand and Malaysia and a Muslim man.

    We all get it, you hate Muslims. 

    But the fact of the matter is you can't blame this disgusting phenomenon on Islam.

    Christians are doing it every bit as much. 

    It's a world problem. Treat it as a world problem and distance yourself from your hatred of Muslim people.


    I really do not hate Muslims but I find it difficult to defend Islam. The prophet, peace be on him is held up as an ideal example and he married a nine year old so it is a good thing to do for Islamic people. Ok, not all of them, but a lot. 

  15. Just now, Spidey said:

    There's a collection of villages near my home in England where they do the same. However, they aren't Moslems, they practice witchcraft. (True).


    I believe there are similar areas in the States (ever seen the movie Deliverance?).


    And so did the royal families of Europe, particularly the Hapsburgs. That don't make it ok. Or understandable. 

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