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Posts posted by NOWHERE

  1. 1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

    When this thread started, I was appalled that Thailand and Malaysia allowed this to happen.


    I started googling child marriages and it isn't strictly a Muslim problem.

    It's a world problem.

    It happens across all religions, all colours of people, and across most of the world.

    This is a people problem, not a religious one.

    True. But Islam not only condones it but holds it up as an example of what a perfect person does. Al la Mohammad. 

  2. 11 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I went looking for mine too but I've moved house a couple of times in the last two years and it's gone. It will have been thrown out with all the crap I dumped when moving.


    Also the shelf life on those juices is only 1 year - this is on the 'pure' nicotine liquid which used in production of the end juice and it starts from when it's extracted from the tobacco - something which is worth knowing. I was told this by someone who worked at a company where they produce the 100% nicotine juice from raw materials a few years ago.

    Keep it in the freezer. Extends the shelf life. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, canda said:

    I'm afraid you are incorrect, the correct word is farang, if you don't believe me look up a dictionary.


    I'll split the difference and vote for farung. But only if you roll the r and ain't lazy.

    or, are not. 

  4. 2 hours ago, remorhaz said:

    Thais and business...  here's a hypothetical that illustrates a point that I have seen in one way or another in Thailand.  A Thai owns a block of 10 rental units.  He rents them for 1,000 Baht each.  Unexpectedly 5 of his renters leave within the same month.  The owner then goes to the remaining 5 and tells them that rent is now 2,000 Baht a month.  In response to this 4 out of the remaining 5 leave.  The owner than goes to his sole remaining renter and tells him that rent is now 10,000 Baht a month which immediately prompts his last renter to leave.  His entire complex stays empty for 2 months.  Finally a potential customer comes up and asks how much it is to rent one of his units - the owner answers "10,000 baht" - the owner is used to getting 10,000 baht after all.  The new customer immediately walks away.  At the temple the owner prays and lights an incense stick and dedicates a bottle of Red Fanta because obviously the Buddha is angry at him as he has no customers.  


    The absolute inability to connect cause with effect and understand that for a person to have something greater tomorrow they must not consume it or waste it today.  I blame the weather.  In Europe or North Asia if you didn't plant your crops properly and harvest them carefully you starved during the winter.  This has a tendency to shake out the lazy within a few generations.  In Thailand if you're lazy and wake up at 1pm every day and don't plant anything it doesn't matter.  When hungry you simply go tear a piece off any number of trees and eat, year round.  If you save something chances are someone will be along to take it or want to "borrow" it from you so why save anything?  Only today matters.  Ask a Thai this: would you rather get 60,000 Baht at the end of each month or 1,000 Baht each and every day.  They'll all take the 1,000 per day.  You could die today after all!  Future planning?  You think to mut.  I'll come back tomorrow?  A grave insult.  Running a business requires future thinking which is hard to do if none of your ancestors ever did this.

    Valid viewpoint. I like it. 

    • Like 2
  5. 50 minutes ago, marinediscoking said:

    Actually I would trust Pattaya mail over all other sources on this so far as they are local, well establish and a decent family runs it. 


    It's a bad situation all around however you can easily break someone's neck by lifting them off the ground. 


    I'm wondering if this has increased business at Ruby's as every time I have driven past it's been packed full of customers. Last night I would say it was the busiest bar on soi 6.


    Let our imagination run wild. But fair comment. 

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, begurk1137 said:

    Yes, there's an official agent (their website isn't much better) for 5000 baht and Siam Legal seem to be offering it for twice that (they say official fee is 5000, I suspect they use the official agent and then add another 5000 for themselves). I going to plead poverty, but may be pushed to it.


    What agent did you use?



    Sent you a private message. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Don't know what to make of the replies, except hate it or love it. 

    Been coming and going for the last five years and still happy to be here. Each year extending the stay so maybe be here full time in another five. About 5 minutes drive out of Ban Phai. 

    I spent over a decade in Australia living in a tin shed out the back of nowhere. So being in an Issan village seems like a reasonable size town to me. Being the first farang the village has had does make for interesting dynamics but a few things I would agree with from other posters is the joy in lack of tourists and friendly locals, who seem to be that way for no other reason than to be friendly. I also have a condo up in Chiang Mai if I need to escape but Khon Kaen  is only 50 kilometers away and that seems to do the trick. 

    In conclusion I think it is the solitude that attracts me. 

    Opjnions are neither right or wrong and that's mine. 

  8. 7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    .............or maybe we are just hearing about the violence that has always existed due to social media.

    I did read recently, (Pinker, I think) that the world is statistically less violent today then what it has been. 

    24 hour news and social media just makes it seem violence is on the increase. 

    Of course, opinions are so easy to have, be they right or wrong. 

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