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Posts posted by Grauwulf

  1. Mate get out of the country first...then review your options.why did you overstay? Surely not over a woman? Is this yr first time? They MAY be lenient on you coming back with a VISA not visa exempt. But note to self....stick to the rules or there will be more than likely a problem. How old are you can you not get work,marriage ,retirement or even a multi tourist visa? If not I would suggest an easier holiday destination

  2. 42 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

    Wow...it's obvious from the responses here that not many are teachers, have tried teaching or have much sympathy for teachers.


    Sure, the punishment was stupid and incredibly insensitive (making them take off their bras). The teacher should have just reminded the students to wear vests the next day, or (if punishment was required) sent them back home to get dressed properly, and then return to school.


    On the other hand, if it was a regular thing, or the girls were doing it deliberately, maybe they should have been sent home for the day.


    Not wearing their vests in a Thai school would be equivalent to a girl not wearing a bra in a western school. I think it likely that the girl would be sent home in a western school (with the punishment being doled out by a female teacher - a male teacher could not even say anything in a western school without being sacked and strung up by his thumbs (or worse).


    And making them take off their under wear means exactly what? You shouldn’t be teaching anywhere full stop.smacks of paedo if you really think of it. You THINK a lot about what may or may not happen in western schools. But I guarantee you as a teacher underwear, even touching kids on the shoulder in the UK now is a big NO NO under pain of abuse. It’s a minefield. No teacher in the WORLd has a reason for being that intimate. Well no real QUALIFIED teacher who has worked in Australia, US or UK would anyway.


  3. 14 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    Shame you didn't get some better photos.. Clear head shots always help a lot.. !!

    The way it's curled up, I would be more inclined to say a viper of some sort, or maybe a kukri ?

    Thanks for that my Thai friends have said baby viper...


  4. Whatever the TVF debate, people do commit suicide all over the world. I have lost 3 friends to this and they thought, maybe they had valid reason. The mind is fragile even more so when your alone,desperate and in need of help far away from home. Maybe we need a bit of compassion and look out for our fellow expats. TVF is meant to be a help forum not a bitchfest. R.I.P. I just wish you would’ve talked to someone there is always a way out positively. Although there may not seemed to be one.

    • Like 2
  5. Any idea what this baby beauty is in my living room today, baby yes, venomous guilty until proven innocent. Didn’t kill him repatriated him into the bush....beautiful snake tho about 8 inches long ergo baby.



  6. 2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    dtop salop salie = 'slap', 'until pass out', 'really long time'

    I heard it in a bar my first week in Thailand, along with 'farang', I agree both are impolite bar talk.

    And that was my point. I used the word faring to emphasise it. I.e being talked to in pidgeon English by a fellow westerner.Trouble with written posts is that the meaning is very difficult to convey as opposed to an actual conversation. However at least you didn’t call me a nutter!

  7. 13 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    No thanks mate I will stick to my crossword and buy my own beer you absolute nutter.

    And the reason why I am a nutter is because of What? Know me personally do you or are you just another baiter? Well you could I suppose add master to your way of expressing yourself and it would sum you up. Please feel free to contact I’ve sent you a message without reverting to sneering comments


  8. Ok let me make my post absolutely clear. I encounter expats with limited Thai language using Thai bar girl speech. I.e. up to you, dop salop etc, same same blah blah blah. Then when I have a conversation in English with them they will talk to me in pidgeon English as if I was a foreigner..... admittedly most of these guys are hanging in the bars all the day and completely w**k**ed. But hey .you want drink as opposed with you wanna beer mate? Then you know they are totally destined to fail here.... so did I make it clear? Anyone wanna make some sarcastic remark over things that we all hear? Sorry guys but I thought my posts although sometimes controversial are quite self explanatory.

  9. On 13/05/2018 at 2:40 PM, samsensam said:


    anyone who can be in a relationship with someone whom they dont have common language ability has my admiration. i hear these long term foreigner/thai couples all the time where the thai barely speaks english and the english they do speak is awful; i mean they cant even use the present continuous or plurals for goodness sake.


    what puzzles me is that the foreigner not only seems happy to listen to this awful form of the english day in and day out but also starts to mimic their parnter's use of english, making them sound, with all due respect, complete idiots.


    i guess love conquers all.


    Agree with you there gotta admire the guys who hang out in the bars all day speaking pigeon English to bar girls and then talk to fellow expats the same way! Albeit with their limited Thai/English ( the expat!) vocabulary of “ up to you” and  “ dop salop salay”. I’m like ..mate I actually speak English..and can speak the language..and hey how many and I’m at risk of quote here...” non bar girls ever,ever say up to you or dop salop salay? Mmmm...just saying but. To the OP the culture divide is still great. Get out there and learn some real Thai. You’ll enjoy it and it might just stop you from being taken as a mug.

    • Like 1
  10. Ya gotta luv tv great source of entertainment from all, from the simplest of posts...glad you had a good stay there OP. Not my choice for Thailand but hey horses for courses...you certainly started a great debate of the usual calibre tho...well done!!

  11. 11 hours ago, cat handler said:


    Apologies, I was unaware he had a degree in Thai immigration Law.

    Na Cat he has just years of experience dealing with associated problems...besides as we all know a Thai degree ain’t worth the paper it’s printed on.... some of these guys have actually HAD these problems and been successful...never say never this is Asia...OP Good luck

  12. Yup happens a lot usually down to shall we say financial dealings in house and they don’t want to attract the attention of RTP/immigration so therefore no;WP. But hey this is Asia. I loved teaching in the UK but very political nowadays. My choice here is quality not quantity and I do things not because I have to but because I enjoy doing things...does that kinda make sense?.....

  13. 4 minutes ago, TheLobster said:

    I'm struggling to understand why a lot of posters here think your insurance cover needs to cover incompetent taxi drivers?


    The incompetent taxi driver should pay ?

    Yup agree if you were anywhere in the western world but this is Asia....how many are legally,fully insured taxi drivers...or just guys trying to make a buck....

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