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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. Well, well, lads, here we go again. Bang-Bus-Bob vs. The Bill, Volume No. 769. It never ends. Every week, without fail, it’s another thrilling tale of how some unsuspecting Thai business dared to shortchange our beloved Bargain Bin Bob, the man who apparently keeps a ledger of every baht he’s ever spent because he’s such a tight arse it could double as a Leo bottle opener. So let’s analyze this latest check-bin conundrum, shall we? 1. You visit this place regularly and always have exactly three beers. Not one more, not one less. Because, of course, Bob the Bureaucrat must adhere to a rigid drinking schedule as if he’s logging expenses for an audit. 2. This time, the staff claimed you had four. An argument breaks out. A manager gets involved. The entire equilibrium of the universe is momentarily thrown into chaos. 3. You, the ever-righteous champion of fiscal justice, are proven right. But instead of a parade in your honor, the server storms off, and now you’re online, huffing and puffing about how deeply unfair it all is, practically dropping a loaf in your pants out of sheer unequivocal frustration. Boob, mate, at some point you’ve got to ask yourself: Why does this sort of thing only happen to you? Why is it that every time you step foot into a bar, restaurant, or taxi, you emerge with a tale of betrayal so grand that it simply must be documented for the world to see? Maybe, just maybe, the problem isn’t Thailand, Bob. Maybe it’s you??? Because at the end of the day, no one, and I truly mean no one, gives a flying toss about your three-beer routine or your 20-baht disputes except you. Normal people either let these things small slide or handle them like adults. But not Bob. Never. Not having it, mates. Oh no. Bob must rage. Bob must post drivel about it on AN. Bob must seethe until he’s given himself a self-wedgie so deep it requires surgical removal. Thais are an incredibly strange group, you say? Maybe. But you, Bob, are in a category of your own that can't even be clinically diagnosed. And let’s be real, none of this ever happened as always, did it mate?
  2. No Bang-Boy-Bob, I'm in Savanakhet buried under a stack of last night's ladyboy panties, trying to dig my way out. déjà vu?
  3. Oiy mates, here we go, Sociologist PHD, Bob the Knob is back with another groundbreaking thesis, this time attempting to classify expats as either “strivers” or “losers” based entirely on the time of day they choose to consume beverages. So, let’s get this straight: you, Bobby Back-Soi, the human equivalent of a permanently timed-out Pornhub clip that never loads, think you’re qualified to pass judgment on others? You, a man whose greatest contribution to this forum is an endless stream of whining about taxi seatbelts, moaning about security guard whistles, and whinging about the existential horrors of 90 day reports? And let’s be real, Bobby Ballbag. We all know exactly which category you fall into. Because somehow, despite your vast expertise in spotting these so-called “strivers” and “losers,” you always seem to have an awful lot of free time to sit around and criticize them. What does that make you? A professional bystander? A stalker? A serial armchair critic? A 3 time divorcee? Or just another washed-up sexpat who’s been here so long he’s convinced himself that pontificating about strangers is a legitimate hobby? At the end of the day, Bob the Blank, the only real division among expats isn’t “strivers” vs. “losers”, it’s people who actually live their lives vs. people like you, who sat on an internet forum night and day trying to make themselves feel superior while contributing absolutely nothing of value to the world except an arsenal of recycled, old cliched windups.
  4. You started with fiction, I gave you back reality, and now you're giving us more unfounded fables mate. Alas, here is some more reality for you: In June of 1941, Hitler's Army began a rampage through Ukraine, razing towns, unleashing death squads, and massacring Jews by the hundreds of thousands. In one village, four Jewish brothers enlisted in the military, said goodbye to their parents, and walked off to fight the Nazis. By the war's end in 1945, only one of the brothers, named Semyon, was still alive. He returned to find that the Nazis had torched his entire village, burning his parents to death. Semyon's family was dead, and his beloved Ukraine was in ruins. The Nazis had murdered between 1.2 and 1.6 million Ukrainian Jews. Semyon married a fellow Ukrainian Jew who had survived the war by fleeing her city, in which the Nazis had killed 5,000 Jews. Two years later, in that same city, they had a son, Oleksandr, keeping alive the family line that the Nazis had brought a razor's width from extinction. Thirty-one years after that, Oleksandr had his own little boy. That boy was Volodymyr Zelensky, who grew up to become the President of independent, democratic Ukraine.
  5. Complete wholesale rubbish. The only thing he dodged was a bad deal being thrown at him by Trump. Zelensky has been fighting a war for the last three years. He could have fled to the UK or Germany, enrolled his daughters in international schools, and lived a quiet, peaceful, safe and comfortable life. But he stayed to fight, to protect his country as a real leader, and he is still fighting. Get a grip on reality, mate.
  6. Uncle Fester had a wooden leg too… but only when the little blue pills kicked in. Claimed they got his ‘third leg’ to rise, but Aunt Elvira still called it a short stump.
  7. Belching Bob, mate, you delusional relic of the highest order, let me get this straight. You’re out here now trying to paint Savannakhet, of all places, as some kind of depraved, neon-lit sin city, a place so wild and pelvis pumping that your alleged adventures there can only be hinted at in hushed tones, lest they be deemed too scandalous for the forum? Mate, it’s Savannakhet. A sleepy, dusty border town best known for its crumbling colonial buildings and the fact that nobody willingly goes there unless their visa requires it. The idea that you, of all people, somehow unearthed a secret hidden gem of excess, a secret lair of booze-soaked debauchery that no one else has ever managed to find, is about as believable as the idea that you have a functioning social life or todger to go with it. And let’s be real bruv, this isn’t The Hangover: Laos Edition. It’s Blubber Bob, sad and alone, stumbling around with a half-melted Beerlao in one hand and a stack of crumpled kip in the other, trying to convince himself that his budget-tier misadventures count as “sordid escapades.” “Booze, birds, ladyboys.” Bobby Brazzer, you absolute tragic cliché. You didn’t stumble into a hidden world, you just drunkenly lurched into the first dingy dog-fart bar that would let you in, spent the night hopelessly leering at staff half your age, and then waddled back to your windowless, squeaky-fan guesthouse convinced you’d lived some epic tale of excess. And let’s not ignore the absolute state of your humble bragging here. • “I would love to go into much more detail, but I can’t.” Translation: There is no detail to go into. • “It was as calm as a cucumber on the surface, but wild underneath.” Translation: You got drunk, couldn't remember your own name, and thought a regular bar was suddenly a den of sin. The only Fear and Loathing happening here is the fear that you’ll wake up and realize your life is just one long series of depressing, low-budget, self-inflicted disappointments. Honestly, Bobby Bojangles, you didn’t uncover some dark, wild underbelly. You just had a few too many cheap beers, made a fool of yourself, and now, 15 years later, you’re desperately trying to rewrite history because even you can’t stand how mundane your treacherous life actually is.
  8. Ah yes, the forum’s resident serial troll, back again, malignantly scraping the bottom of the barrel for yet another meaningless thread. This time? Hawaiian shirts. Groundbreaking. Astounding really. Truly one of the great intellectual discussions of our time. The world holds its breath as Harris, the ban-dodging expert, oversized pest, and full-time nuisance, asks: Are they making a comeback? Mate, the only thing making a comeback around here is you, under yet another alias, after getting banned for the umpteenth time. And let’s be honest, the real question isn’t “Are Hawaiian shirts back?” but rather “Why do all cheap, creepy old sleazy sexpats like you who can’t dress themselves gravitate toward them like flies to cow dung?” Because we all know exactly who wears these monstrosities in Thailand: • 55+ year-old budget travelers from Australia who think pairing a bright floral shirt with oversized Crocs and baggy cargo shorts is peak fashion. • Washed-up bar-crawler lechers trying (and failing) to blend in with the tourists. • You, Harris. Desperately clinging to the belief that dressing like a walking Jimmy Buffett concert will distract from the fact that you spend 2/3 of your day in some place that has free WiFi, enabling you to unabatedly troll this forum because no one will talk to you in real life. And let’s not pretend you actually care about Hawaiian shirts. This post is just your usual formula: 1. Post something stupid and pointless as a distraction. 2. Hope people react so you can act condescending, hostile, and smug. 3. Troll, badger, get banned, return under a fresh new user account. 4. Repeat. Honestly, at this point mate, the only comeback anyone’s interested in is the day you finally run out of tasteless usernames and finally sod off for good.
  9. Bob, mate, have you ever, just once in your miserable career as a human, gone outside without immediately finding something to throw a tantrum about in Thailand? Yesterday it was the missing seat belts in taxis. Today it's whistles, is it? That’s the great social injustice that’s sent you shuffling to your keyboard? Not the corruption, the crime, the heat, the traffic, the pollution, the rising price of bar fines, but a man blowing a whistle? So you were walking down the street, minding your own business (for once in your life, allegedly), when suddenly, a security guard had the audacity to…do his job. And your first thought wasn’t something normal like “Oh, maybe he’s signaling something,” or even “Ah well, not my problem,” but rather: 1. “This man is doing this purely to annoy me, Blagging-Bob, personally.” 2. “I must document this outrage immediately and moan about it online.” 3. “I shall call him a moron and a wingnut and take this to the highest court of public opinion in the world: an anonymous expat forum where nobody gives a toss.” Bob, you absolute whinger of the highest order, it’s a whistle FFS. This is Thailand. Noise is part of the deal. You live in a place where motorbikes with afterburners fly past your window at 3 AM, where street vendors announce their presence with loudspeakers strapped to their pushbikes, where bars pump out EDM at jet-engine decibels, but no, this guy’s little whistle is what shattered your delicate corner of blissful paradise today. And the best part? We all know exactly what happened next. You didn’t just walk past and carry on like a normal person. Oh no. You stood there. You glared. Maybe even puffed up your chest like some furious little pigeon, composing in your mind your next shocking forum post about another horrific injustice you experienced in Thailand. Because that’s what this always comes down to, doesn’t it? Bob vs. Thailand. Bob against the world. Every single day, some minor inconvenience sends you into a frothing rage and you go into a tizzy acting like it’s a personal attack against you. So here’s a little idea for you, Bobby Blumpkin. Instead of fuming over a bloke doing his job, consider some mental health therapy for your crippling, all-consuming rage at the tiniest inconveniences. Because at the end of the day, the only person truly blowing hot air for no reason— Is you.
  10. Ah, Susan/Nok/Harris is back again, the forum’s very own thrift-seeking, shape-shifting, serially-banned troll. The sheer dedication to winding people up is almost admirable. Almost, but not really. And now, in today’s episode of “Harris Posts the Most Predictable Nonsense Imaginable”, we get this obsessive-compulsive gem: Thai people? Kind, patient, joyful. Farangs? Miserable, lifeless, lost souls. Fascinating. Groundbreaking, really. Liberating in fact. Nearly as astounding as the discovery of the buried city of Pompeii. Of course, we all know what this is, BigNok. It’s Trolling 101. Step 1: Paint yourself as the only enlightened Farang who truly understands Thailand. Unlike the rest of us, of course, who apparently sulk our way through life like zombies in Sizzler. Step 2: Casually trash all Westerners with some completely meaningless anecdote you pulled out of the dark confines of your posterior. Step 3: Sit back and bask in the outrage as people rightfully call you out on your nonsense. And let’s be honest, you’re not fooling anyone. This whole “Thais are kind, Farangs are miserable” routine is just another one of your desperate attempts to rile people up because that’s the only thing that brings you joy. You don’t post to share, or to discuss, or to inform. You post to needle, provoke, and troll, yet everyone sees right through it. After all, you’re clearly the single most unpleasant person on this entire forum. You’ve been banned at least half a dozen times, which speaks for itself, and yet, like a cockroach after a nuclear blast, you just keep scuttling back under a new name, spitting out the same snide, passive-aggressive nonsense. You never post anything of substance. Nothing insightful. Nothing useful. Just bitter, politically charged, judgmental drivel designed to get a rise out of people. And let’s not forget: • The only thing that truly excites you is discussing how cheap things are in Thailand. • Your entire experience with Thai people consists of transactional interactions, they smile and nod because they’re being paid to tolerate you. • The Farangs you see in Sizzler? They’re not miserable. They’re just ignoring you, because unlike the poor waitress who has to put up with your dislikable presence, they don’t have to. And the real kicker? You basically live on this forum. Hundreds of posts per day, every day. Not one of them memorable. Not one of them worthwhile. Just a relentless stream of snark, condescension, and smug little digs at anyone who doesn’t share your warped, bargain-bin worldview. Also, huge shocker, the bar girls you “flirt” with aren’t burdened by hang-ups! What an absolute mystery! Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with money, could it? No, no, Harris. You must be irresistible. So yeah, Susan, Nok, or any other woman's name that you choose to go by this week, maybe the real reason Westerners seem miserable around you is because they know exactly who and what you are. A tedious, low-rent, bankrupt forum pest who’s been banned more times than you can count and who nobody would miss if you vanished for good. Enjoy your next alias, Susan Harris Nok. You’ll likely need it soon enough.
  11. So let me get this straight. You voluntarily got into a random taxi off the street, in a country where half the cars are held together with duct tape and good luck, and you were shocked, fully shocked in fact to discover there was no seatbelt? And then, instead of handling it like any other mature adult (i.e., sighing, accepting your fate, and hoping for the best like the rest of us), you decided to interrogate the driver like he’s on trial for crimes against road safety and humanity in general. And his response? “No have, no have.” Because of course, Basket Case Bob. He doesn’t have it. He never had it. You think he removed it just to spite you? This is Thailand. Half the seatbelts in cabs are buried so deep under the seat you’d need an archaeologist with a backhoe to dig them out. But no, Bouncing Bob isn’t having any of it. Bob demands justice. But here’s the kicker: anyone with an ounce of class or social standing wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with. They’d simply book a Grab or a Bolt, a modern, clean, air-conditioned ride with proper seatbelts, polite drivers, and an app that lets you track your journey like a functioning member of society. But BJ Bob? No, Bob the Backpedaler insists on doing everything on the cheap. Instead of paying an extra 50 baht for a proper ride, he throws himself into the back of some decrepit street taxi, then acts stunned when it’s held together with prayers and plastic ties. Mate, it’s like choosing to eat at a 20-baht street stall and then acting outraged that your cutlery isn’t silver-plated. So what’s the next logical step? Do you: A) Accept reality and move on with your life, or B) Throw a fit, order the driver to pull over, storm out like a jilted cabaret queen, and start fantasizing about reporting him to the authorities who, by the way, wouldn’t even answer the phone last time you tried? I love the part where you actually debated whether to report him. Bob, mate. The Thai taxi hotline isn’t sitting there waiting for your call so they can mobilize a special task force to investigate “The Case of the Missing Seatbelt.” They’d probably hear your complaint, laugh, and then get back to ignoring the actual problems. But no, in Bob the Burglar's world, this isn’t just one random cab ride. This is a national disgrace. A personal insult. A symbol of everything wrong with Thailand. And, naturally, it must be documented in painstaking detail so the world can bear witness to your suffering. So here we are. Another day, another Bob vs. Thailand meltdown. Same old story, same predictable ending: Buckshot Bob—outraged. Thailand—doesn't give a flying toss.
  12. Sheesh… look who’s suddenly taken an interest in Thai tax law! Bing Bob Bung, a man who once claimed he was “too valuable to society” to be bothered with things like 90 day reports or income tax declarations, is now conducting serious investigative research, via a silly forum poll, no less, to try and figure out how he can dodge the Thai tax man. Let’s not be fooled. This isn’t just an innocent curiosity about taxation in Thailand by Bob the Slob. No, this is Buckaroo Bob attempting to crowdsource his own tax-dodging strategy by tricking you lot into spilling out your best loopholes. Classic Bumbling Bob; get everyone else to do the thinking for him, then sit back and reap the benefits. Of course, Bob the Blob’s approach to tax compliance has always been, well… creative. One minute, he’s claiming he doesn’t need to pay tax because he’s “a minted guest in this fine country who resides here less than 180 days per year and lives off a crypto debit card,” and the next, he’s hiding out in some ladyboy’s bed with a bottle of SangSom when the tax man comes round looking for him, just like corporal bone spurs about to be drafted. So let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer genius of Bobby Billion’s plan: • Step 1: Post a wildly leading question that assumes paying tax is for mugs. • Step 2: Sit back while other unsuspecting forum members, some of whom actually do have real money, reveal the best ways to keep their money off the local books. • Step 3: Profit (or at least, avoid paying his fair share). Bob, mate, if you need tax advice, just go see an accountant like a normal person and pay what you rightfully owe. But I get it, why pay for expertise, or any taxes for that matter, whilst you fire off a poll in hopes of letting some suckers do the work for you for free? Anyway, good luck with your master plan “Bobby Burry My Head In The Sand.” I’m sure the Thai tax office isn’t watching you or these forums for that matter.
  13. Ahh, Bumbling-Bob, mates. There he is, back at it again, lost in space with his latest codswallop, whilst giving us "The Definitive Guide to Thailand According to a Bloke Who’s Lived There for Years But Still Doesn’t Get It." So let me get this straight, you’re sat there, in your 22sq.m. hovel in Patts, enjoying the top perks the place has to offer (mostly the cheap booze and even cheaper chicks with pricks), yet you’re utterly baffled as to why the locals might have a bit of national pride? Maybe they’re proud of their rich history, unique culture, and tight-knit communities? Maybe it’s the resilience they’ve shown through crises? Maybe it’s the food, the festivals, the deep-rooted traditions? Or maybe, just maybe, they’re proud because, despite all the flaws you love to list, they still have a nation that’s distinctly their own and hasn't been invaded or colonized in some way by the West. But yeah, Bobby Clueless, you’re right. It must be so confusing for you, sitting there with your visa extensions, 90-day reports, dodgy tax arrangements, and a fridge full of Leo in tins, wondering why the people of Thailand don’t feel the need to take advice from a tosser like bar-boy-bob who probably still complains about the Thais putting ketchup on their pizza. Anyway, carry on, matey. We shall look forward to tomorrow's hapless tripe from old Bobby-Buggered: “Why Are Thai People So Happy Even Though I Personally Find Everything in Thailand Substandard?”
  14. On edge? Me laddie? Blumpkin-Bob, mate, I live for your enthralling threads. Honestly, it’s the highlight of my day, waking up, making a Bloody Mary, and checking in to see what riveting masterpiece you’ve blessed us with next. Will it be another wealth flex? Another tale of paying above market rate for minging hair pie? Or perhaps just a cryptic teaser about your immense cash fortune in the safe underneath your toilet? The suspense is thrilling and killing. But it’s sweet of you to check in, really. You must be worried sick about me. Amazing you would even have time to put me in your thoughts whilst reading the 200 futile posts per day from susanlea's newest troll account. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re starting to realize that you’re the only one here who actually gives a flying toss about what Bob Smith isn't up to. Anyway, mate, don’t let me distract you from today’s critical agenda: 1. Drink heavily 2. Burn more cash than necessary 3. Remind everyone (again) how rich you are 4. Harley cruise to nowhere 5. Flirt on AN with your mate susanlea 6. Repeat Steps 1-5 Best retards, Chumps
  15. Sorry mate, did I offend your girlfriend there; susanlea again? Lots-a-Love, BigNok
  16. Ahhh Butt-Rash-Bob, back again with another enthralling tall-tale thread, bless ya mate. Really keeping the lads on the edge of their seats here with your rubbish. But let me get this straight: when you’re not busy providing us with your groundbreaking literary works, you spend your days: • Drinking heavily (shocker, but obviously you should be drinking even more to prevent you from posting so often) • Engaging in relations (still paying 10K per round with the pre-op ladyboys, or have you found a Groupon deal yet?) • Cruising Thailand on your Harley (at 20 km/h, because let’s be honest, the Harley is a fake, traffic is a bear and you’re not exactly built for speed anyway, are ya mate?) • Counting your dosh (for a man who allegedly has so much, you sure seem obsessed with reminding us every 30 seconds and yet we still don't care how broke you really are) • Making investments (in what exactly? Another round of soiled tranny panties at Soi 6/1? A second-hand diaper dealership?) Bob, mate, at this point, your posts are so predictable, redundant, and boring, I might just start writing them for you in advance. Hell, I’ll even throw in a new title for your next one: “How I Spent My Thursday Afternoon Paying 5X Above Market Rate for a Short-Time and Still Ended Up Alone in McDonald's Talking to My Toenails and My Empty Wallet.” But, as for your inane question, what do we get up to? Oh, you know, just waiting for your next hopeless and hapless thread there, Bullshirt-Bob. That’s what life’s really all about, nothing better to do, innit?
  17. You seem very frustrated again. Having another bad day Susan? What a pity.
  18. Ahhh, Bob, the Renaissance Man of Pattaya, back once again to enlighten us all with yet another installment of “The Financially Gifted Plonker's Guide to Over-Paying for It 3 Times Per Day.” Truly, mate, your posts are becoming a masterclass in self-parody. Here you are spewing again, a self-proclaimed cash millionaire, yet your biggest life accomplishment today is… what? Blowing your hard-earned Hong Kong dollars on hourly rentals while trying to convince us you’re living the dream? Stunning. Inspiring. Almost brings a tear to the eye bruv. And let’s talk about your exquisite taste in ladies, shall we? “Hi-so white-skinned Thai-Chi girls,” you say? Bob, mate, I hate to break it to you, but the only people impressed by that sort of thing are middle-aged blokes trying to convince themselves they’re getting top-shelf service at bottom-shelf prices. But sure, tell yourself it’s worth every penny. Skin color doesn't increase or decrease the market value of a rented cubby hole. Also, let’s address the 10,000 baht per session claim. Bob, either you’re getting absolutely rinsed, or you’re grossly overcompensating with these price tags to make yourself look like a big baller. Either way, it’s not looking good for you, mate. And now you’re sitting there on a beach, empty of both dignity and ammo in your balls, but don’t worry, your wallet is still bulging! The last remaining testament to your masculinity. Honestly, Bob, I haven’t seen a flex this tragic since some bloke tried to show off his overly customized Honda Accord on Beach Road. But what I really love is the level of depth and intellectual maturity in your writing. A complete full send. Shakespeare himself would be jealous of lines like, “My balls are currently empty, but for how long?” Poetic. A question for the ages. One for the greatest of all philosophers to ponder. And yet, despite all this wealth, all these high-class experiences, here you are, spending your valuable time updating an online forum full of old blokes (who are even more minted than you are) about your overpriced ejaculation schedule. A true mark of success. President Elon must be shaking in his boots now. Honestly Bob, if this is really the “good life,” then I think I’ll stick to my miserable, poor existence, where I don’t have to pretend that paying way above market rate for affection somehow makes me superior. But do carry on, mate. Don't let me stop you. At this point, your posts are less of a financial flex and more of a public service announcement on what not to become there laddie.
  19. Ahhh, there he is! Bingo-Bob “The Financial Titan” Smith, back again with a crucial update for the peasants. Wouldn’t want us plebs to mistakenly think you were only a cash millionaire, would ya, right Bob? Gotta make sure we all fully grasp just how staggeringly wealthy you are. So let’s tally it up then, shall we? • $960,000 sitting pretty in a Hong Kong bank (because nothing screams “financial security” like parking your money in the world’s most politically stable location: CHINA). • 40 BTC, which at this rate will either make you a billionaire or a bloke working the door at Nana Plaza by next year. • $600,000 tucked away back in your mysterious home country (UK). (Wait… wasn’t that $800,000 last year? What happened to the other $200K? Did Mrs. Smith already start skimming the divorce settlement off the top?) And of course, we can’t forget the bit you spent on your “travels.” Which, knowing you, probably consisted of an ill-advised high-roller binge in Macau, a few questionable “business ventures” with some lads in Kowloon, and enough ladyboy-drinks to single-handedly boost Thailand’s GDP by 2%. See, that’s the difference between me and you, Bob. I would never tell anybody about the US$15 million I have in a fixed foreign currency deposit account at the Siam Paragon branch of Bangkok Bank. That information remains private! Discreet! NOBODY KNOWS I AM A MULTIMILLIONAIRE! Just quietly tucked away, earning interest while I sip a cold one in peace and sovereignty. But you mate? You’re out here feeling compelled to blab about your savings on the Internet, like a bloke who just won fifty quid on a scratch card and won’t shut up about it down the pub. But Bob mate, level with me… If you’ve got all this dosh floating about, why are you still here, updating us like you’re filling out a tax return for the lads? Shouldn’t you be off doing rich boy things? Buying a football club? Starting your own airline? Sponsoring an F1 team? Getting a tasteful golden statue of yourself erected in front of Soi Diana? But nah, here you are, making sure we’re all fully aware that you’re not just “rich,” you’re proper minted. Wouldn’t want the reputation tarnished, would we? Anyway, Bob, you absolute financial wizard, enjoy your mountain of cash. Spend wisely, maybe on a new ghostwriter, ‘cause the last one was a hell of a lot more entertaining than you matey. Best regards, Your humble and broke admirers.
  20. No need to moan about it. Just get on a plane and be gone already, like any normal person does. Simple fix. Sheesh.
  21. Well, well, well. If it isn’t the prodigal son bung-busting-bob, back from his high-finance exile in Hong Kong. Apparently, the only place on Earth where one must physically be present to “sort out their finances.” Not at all suspicious is it? All that time away and that's the best you got for us? Boasting about making a few bucks? How pedestrian. But let’s get to the real headline here, Bob’s a friggin cash millionaire now. That’s right, not just any millionaire, a Hong Kong dollar millionaire. A whole £100,000 to his name, and he’s acting like he’s just bought 2/3 of Dubai with it. Barely enough to buy a broom closet with in Mongkok. Buy the good lads a round at Soi 6, bob, if you can still afford a large Chang, can ya? And what of the legendary US$800K cash in the home safe you spoke endlessly about before? Gone, is it? Or is Mrs. Smith already lawyering up for her half? Can’t blame her, really. Might as well make it official, half for her, half for your next big anal bleaching binge. But hold up, you’re still clutching onto the remaining 40 BTC. Why? Haven’t you noticed crypto’s been dropping like your dignity on Soi Cowboy ever since Musk became President? What’s the plan there, big-bang-bob? Hodl ‘til Musk legalizes space hookers on Mars? And now, after all this elite-level financial wizardry, it’s party time. What’s the game plan? A ladyboy marathon? A full plastic surgery overhaul? Bit of a pull here, tuck there, liposuction everywhere? Or just a classic, one-night, full-send “snowstorm” at Spanky’s? Or all of the above? But mate, I have to say, while you were off in Hong Kong living the "Wolf of Wan Chai" life, it seems a Bob Smith ghostwriter has overtaken and been keeping the legend alive. And not to be rude to you there, baked-beans-bob, but he’s a far better wordsmith. Sharper wit, better storytelling, more articulate, clever narratives, a real crowd-pleaser. Maybe hire him to do your posts from now on? Anyway, welcome back matey, you're an absolute gentleman, a scholar, and a homo without a license and we all deeply missed you. Truly looking forward to your tomorrow's next installment: “How I Lost It All Betting on Dogecoin and Ended Up in Patts Wearing Someone Else’s Crocs to Brunch.” Big love to you Braggart-Bob!
  22. Oh, he was a plonker of the highest order. A royal pile of minging rubbish. Amazing though how you and him are so distinctly different. Thank goodness! You are a God Send compared to Bob the Tranny Trolly.
  23. Oih, oih, oih, Bobby “MAGA-Head” Smith, what’s this now? You’ve gone full-blown Yank, haven’t you? Strutting about Thailand in your red cap, looking like some lost ex-pat loser who’s been watching too much Fox News, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon and thinks he’s got a direct line to the White House. Mate, you’re not in the States. You’re in Thailand FFS, where the only thing more out of place than your MAGA hat is the idea of you trying to lecture anyone about why Chang beer is better than Leo when they are both just gawd awful piss. You’ve always had a thing though for wearing whatever cap suits you at the time, haven’t you, Bobbala? First, it was the “self-made business mogul” hat, then the “I-can-do-what-I-want-when-I-want” crown, and now? Well, now it’s the “Trump-loving minging Brit” idiot-look. I’ll give you this much, Barbarella, you’re nothing if not consistent in your ability to make things bizarro. What next? Are you going to turn up in Pattaya with a “Brexit is Great” T-shirt and start handing out pamphlets about how to make the UK “colonialist again”? Talk less of being the first one to whinge about food in Thailand when it doesn’t go your way, whether it’s a dodgy kebab or a cold pint that isn't cold. You really think the locals are gonna take you seriously when you start parading around in that dunce cap on your greasy, bald head? You might as well be waving a big flag that says, “Look at me! I’m different! I’m special!” Trouble is, Blumpkin-Bob, the only thing you’re gonna get is a load of bemused looks from locals who couldn’t give half a toss about your hapless political obsessions. And don’t even start with the whole “revolutionary” angle. Wearing that cap isn’t gonna make you a hero in Thailand, bruv. You’re just another "past his expiry date" farang wandering around, trying to make a point nobody asked for. If you think this is going to spark some big conversation, you’re more deluded than any of the Admins on AN even might have suspected. Last time I checked, Bob Smith’s revolution wasn’t about American politics, it was about getting away with dodgy behavior down on Soi 6 and moaning about your latest 90-day report being due. But let’s be real here, mate. We all know what’s gonna happen. By the time your next troll post rolls around tomorrow morning, you’ll be right back in the same old Khun BS cycle: another identity crisis, another self-loathing binge, and then alas, another dramatic “I’m leaving Thailand for good!” post, but yet never do. It’s like clockwork, with your lot innit. The same old Boris Bob, just with a slightly different hat on his rump this time. So keep on wearing that MAGA hat, Bobby the Cow Milker. You’ll get all the attention you’re craving, but let’s face it, you’re still the same brokeback bloke who can’t even get a decent burger or a cold beer without throwing a tantrum. And the truth is, that’s not changing anytime soon, sweaty red cap or not. You’re still the same old Robert Smith of Cockney Lane, just with a little bit more misguided American flair. I'll bet you even wear the hat on backwards just to try and look a bit more "American Gangster". Hopeless.
  24. Oh, Bobert, you old scamp! Of course, you love it when I reply, you live for the sh*tz and giggles, don’t you? It’s the closest thing to real human connection you ever get these days in your rubber room. A little back-and-forth, a bit of playful jousting, all while you sip your lukewarm Leo and pretend you’re too above it all to care. And this “I don’t know who Bob is” routine; mate, you’ve been running this tired gag longer than you’ve been running from ladyboy panty stains. The only person in this thread who doesn’t know who Bob is… is Bob himself, lost in yet another one of his ever-evolving, self-reinvention delusions. But don’t worry, Bobby The Laggard, I’ll always be here to keep you grounded in reality, somebody’s got to do it innit mate.
  25. Now, this is rich. Bung Bruised Bobby has reinvented himself yet again, now parading around as a born-again beacon of success, freshly baptized in the sacred waters of self-improvement well, because, of course, a few anti-depressant pills and a cheap Mike's Department Store wardrobe change have magically transformed him from the angry barstool boozing philosopher into a titan of business acumen overnight. Tell me, Bobby Braggart, do your new “successful, rich, and confident” mates know about your repugnant past of sulking over 90-day reports, dodging toothbrushes, and getting publicly flogged by high-heeled bar-tarts? Or do you introduce yourself as a “PR-bound property mogul Robert Colin Smith from Dorset with a keen interest in personal development,” conveniently omitting the part about the past decade spent marinating in cheap tins of piss and regret? And this upcoming Pattaya pilgrimage, a self-righteous field trip (to the place you never actually left) to gawk at the very crowd you spent years blending seamlessly into, now how’s that gonna work, Bobby Bubbles? You’re going to strut through Soi 6 in your freshly pressed polo shirt, chest puffed out, sneering at the tank-top warriors like some sort of fallen pagan who has finally reached enlightenment? Careful, mate. The last time you tried to look down on Pattaya’s great unwashed, you ended up face down in the gutter with ladyboy lipstick smeared across your groin. But let’s be real, four weeks back off those little pink serotonin reuptake inhibitor tabs you are gulping on now and we’ll be right back to the usual bob smith cycle. Another existential crisis, another bag of hallucinogenic substances, self-loathing, another dramatic post about how “it’s time to leave Thailand and flounce off for good.” We’ve seen this “Reborn Bobby Bubbles” act before, and let’s be honest, it’s about as convincing as your PR permit application; pure heartbroken delusional fantasy bruv.
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