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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. Political? Here is my take: Silly topic Harmless Not AI OP enjoys his writing I've seen far worse garbage posted on here than that, much of it by you and many others at times, but no offense. At least the OP is trying to be humorous. Have you ever tried that?
  2. Well well my dear, three a year leaves you in the clear. Now over to bob for his clinical viewpoint on the matter. @BarBoy
  3. Or the chance of you being on the cover of playgirl magazine.
  4. That makes two of us, Gigi. I am 100% surprised that you made it to 2025 myself. Trust me, nobody ever expected it either. Well, look on the bright side, there’s always next year.
  5. Impossible. English language forum. Violation of terms of service.
  6. Or what about mopping, right? Can't forget mopping!
  7. You probably don't really want to know.
  8. Following is a full list of what they need to ban in all Thailand condos: Durian Fermented foods Excessive garlic cooking Deep frying Smoking anything Incense burning Barbecue or grilling Overuse of strong cleaning agents Strong perfumes or room sprays Animals with strong natural odors Improper disposal of pet waste Burning candles or scented oils excessively Can also add wife beating to that list.
  9. Good idea. Sometimes eBay will turn something up as well.
  10. Many are simply troubled and have substance abuse issues. Not particularly interesting.
  11. Is that what your own Thai wife does to you with her friends?
  12. After leaving a post on SoCal's topic (about a British couple with a ladyboy) saying to SoCal "Get a job you lazy bum", Chris Daley is now posting this topic trying to emulate SoCal with this pointless AI babble. Maybe Chris Daley should take his own advice and get a job instead of trolling everyone with this useless rubbish.
  13. Is that what your methamphetamine pipe tells you?
  14. More natural disasters, more floods, more of the planet will become uninhabitable because of climate change, more large scale corporate cyber attacks and user data theft, more poverty, more food shortages, and more global human carnage than in 2024.
  15. Do you not get out much?
  16. If I have a heavy night of weed smoking then the next day I'll often feel fatigued and end up sleeping much of the day. Not a bad thing if I haven't slept well for a few nights.
  17. Is that a Trump rally?
  18. I predict lower Sukhumvit will soon be dominated by grubby Indian sex tourists, aggressive ladyboys, overweight Thai hookers, useless nightlife, underwhelming and overpriced Western food, criminal Nigerian drug dealers, legal weed will soon be everywhere and bob smith will return to AN as a pesky geezer named Colin Neville who posts the most useless rubbish of the highest order. Oh, wait...
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