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Posts posted by fgmr

  1. I don't mean to drag this off-topic. But considering Thailand's ghastly record of road safety, which regular car is the safest most crash worthy in Thailand? Which car are you most likely to survive in?

    We need to take action. May as well make this thread something other than the usual sound bites.

    Does Thailand conduct tests on locally manufactured/assembled models for crash resistance, if so, is this an independent organisation and do they publish their findings?

  2. UMBANDA Where have you been?? Do you have shares in this company?

    Below is a selected portion of an email from Lazada received less than an ago, in response to clarifying the delivery address of an order I recently placed.


    SUBJECT "Thank you for your contact to Lhasa Mazda dealer is your petition Delivery address was Given When I Created My a / C and was confirmed When Placed Order. UNQUOTE CONTENT QUOTE "Thank you for your contact to Lhasa South Florida, we have received a number of complaints already. Our customer service representative will contact you shortly. Meanwhile, we encourage you to find yourself at www.lazada.co.th/faq to your question may be answered by the Web of us.

    Note: The petition is your Delivery address was given when I created my a / c and confirmed when order was placed." UNQUOTE

    The email ends with the following:-

    Submitted from: Http://www.lazada.co.th/contact/

    The weather often changes Remember to care too Plaza Honda Thailand, thank you for your trust and make us a part of your dreams here.

    With respect to
    Customer www.lazada.co.th. UNQUOTE

    With Lhasa Mazda dealer, Lhasa South Florida, Plaza Honda Thailand, and finally www.lazada.co.th/contact/ , I do not feel very assured that My order will ever be delivered.

  3. What's the speed limit?

    Anything over that is dangerous.

    I would never ride a bike on country roads at any speed - suicide.

    Yes, anything over the speed limit is also illegal. But when I drive through a town I see signs which state "CITY SPEED LIMIT". Having recently attended a lecture at the local Driving Licence Centre I noted that nobody queried .what the speed limit is. I asked the the instructor later (loss of face etc.,) in private to clarify; his response was "A safe speed".

    I also notice there is no related signage when leaving a town. Perhaps we should adhere to the "Safe speed" all the time!beatdeadhorse.gif

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, Interesting? Refer Appendix A . Section 1. DEFINITION. 1.9 Quote" Reasonably well milled means the removal of a large amount of bran such to the extent that the rice kernels have a reasonably beautiful appearance" Unquote.

    My imagination runs awry visualising the discussions that might take place between buyer and seller.

    I suggest an amendment, as follows:- Reasonably well milked mean the removal of a large amount brain to the extent that the rice colonels have a reasonably atavistic appearance to continue milking.xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg6UA2Xd-M

  5. Baidu!!! A real pain to get rid of! Don't try the Baidu removal tools, they won't work and will cause you more problems, just waste your time. Don't use the uninstall option either. It will make you go to their website and make you go barmy.

    Go to programs in control panel and uninstall everything named Baidu. Then go to my computer, programs and delete everything called Baidu, then do a search on Baidu and delete everything with a link to anything Baidu. Then try, if it will allow you, do a system restore to a date prior to getting the problem.

    I have managed to remove it on friends' computers but it is a real pain. Good luck.

    It can be done. Otherwise it may be better to format and reinstall Windows.

    Agree in full. I had to do exactly the same as BWPattaya about eight months ago. Look for registry entries as well. I am not sure whether Baidu can get in again via the back door if registry is still tainted.

  6. "A Mahidol University professor stated that Generation Y, or those aged between 25 to 35 who account for 27% of the total Thai population, have tendencies to delay the period when they get married and have children."

    From what I have seen in the agricultural workforce and in the population in general, marriage does not appear to be a prerequisite for having children. Perhaps marriages are being delayed (or eliminated entirely), but the babies keep on coming, and way before the parents reach the age of 25. I believe if you throw in that cohort, the findings would be somewhat different.

    Mr. Akom said that the dwindling working-age population would directly affect the economic growth in agricultural, industrial and service sectors..."

    The true reason for a shortage of people in the workforce is that the population is not adequately educated and prepared to enter the fields encompassing modern technology. With the advances in manufacturing, the number of workers is not as much a factor as the ability of a single individual who possesses the technical skills to operate machines that do the work of many traditional workers. It will be other countries with similar demographics to that of Thailand, but with better trained work forces that will succeed economically.

    I would add to the above by stating that as long as wages remain low there is little incentive for capital investment in modern machinery whether it is in agriculture or manufacturing. The appropriate training will align to operational need.

    There needs to a balance for incentives between both labour (USA stop corrupting my language beatdeadhorse.gif) and capital .

  7. There is no automatic Thai<>English text translation that is full-fledged.

    And I bet there will be no such thing in the near future.

    (I will be happy to be proofed wrong)

    I found it laughable when I recently read about online translation for chat systems etc.

    Such optimistic news can be read for more than 20 (?) years.

    Multiple companies have invested heavily without a real success.

    It is an old dream and a would be a multi billion Dollar business.

    The best I can recommend is the "bulk translation" at thai-language.com.

    It splts a sentence into words and offers translation alternatives for each word.

    With that you will usually "get an idea" what the text is about.


    Google translate is useful as a dictionary.

    The free Android app is a must.

    Translation works even when offline (dictionaries for multiple languages can be downloaded).

    Speech output requires internet connection.

    You can build a "phrasebook" of your favourite terms.

    For these phrases the speech output is also saved for offline use.

    Very useful.

    Thanks I will give it a try.

  8. Does anyone know of a better translator from Thai to English? Logging on to MSN News I receive the content in Thai despite having set all my language settings to English. I then have to use the goggle translate button to be able to read the English version. The results are pathetic and often amusing. The following is an example resulting from Microsoft translate which is just as bad.

    Dr. Somchai Sunchatri a spokesman for the national Buddhism Bureau affiliated with the Prime Minister's Office. Clarify with the team news "daily news online," that if a priest is with women in the secret 2: 2 as well as my own cooking, considered abat. Global network access to blame

    This is clearly stated in the discipline of priests is responsible binotbat for others to livelihood except cases where nothing is really my only. Because even with a warm rice is considered wrong in our discipline should be followers or Cook's kitchen at the temple's managers, ..... ermm.gif

    Perhaps Thai Visa should set up it's own translation service!

    • Like 2
  9. Even in Canada it has been noted by unbiased teachers that many foreign males are treated by their mothers as little gods. Spoiling these male children does little good in teaching them good values including work. So the women may be the back bones of the Thai nation but you do not have to go much further to see who is the problem behind the thrones. I have noticed that Thais seem to defer to their children many times and that may have to do with the expectation that the children are responsible for their parents retirement.

    You are absolutely right. I have friends with Thai partners who have children from previous Thai relationships. Generally it is the girls who receive the discipline from their mothers while the boys can do nothing wrong. I have discussed this issue with some of my friends wives when observing the conduct between children and their parents in and around my rural area and they have concurred with your conclusion. However, I wonder if the same conclusion can be drawn regarding urbanites?

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If you're a Briton abroad, get into any kind of trouble (self-inflicted or not), you're on your own for the most part.

    Based on what I've seen here, we're simply an inconvenience for them to deal with as quickly and shallowly as possible, if at all.

    Mind you, that's the same back home too when trying to ask for assistance in any way, shape or form.

    Actually in some embassies there seems to be a mindset of deliberately being uncooperative, etc.

    One wonders whether this is because of the 'type' of people they employ, or does it flow down from their higher level or local managers,

    or does it relate back to the 'yes minister' stuff?

    On the other side of the picture I'm aware of one BKK embassy where the local head jumps on any staff who take even the slightest pompous

    approach, he jumps on staff who, within their own office, talk in 'diplo double speak' as he puts it, he says 'talk to me in English'. He demands

    that 'customers' are listened to and get answers either on the spot or in some form of quick checking and feedback to the customer. The staff

    from the home country hate him.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

    I bet it was a 'courtesy call'.

    More like a prize bollocking call to tell Thais to get their act together over Koh Tao and other little niggles the UK have with Thailand, such as lack of human rights, people trafficking, slavery and a swift return to proper democracy ...

    Mr. NOT fix nothing with your doom and gloom, British MPs out here to give Thailand a bollocking.cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> Trade, UK interests, You are in the wrong groove.

    Do you think for 1 moment Thai MPs would go out as a group to give UK a bollocking ??.Did you actually read the topic. So then you felt it an opportunity to twist it around.

    Both you and F(M)ixup should realize that UK MPs love these junkets.All expenses paid. Return to Westminster as the new experts on Thailand, get bonus points within their respective political parties. There a very few MPs who take these trips seriously.

    • Like 1
  12. Friends and relatives have over the years brought me a variety of aubergine, tomato, bell pepper and herb seeds. Most germinated, rather too quickly in some

    varieties. Tom Thumb and cherry tomatoes supported with canes grew to 6 ft. Lots of flowers, no fruit. bell peppers and aubergines grew into nice sturdy plants but again lots of blossom and no fruit. my garden has a variety of flowers and fruit all do well. I have purchased locally produced seeds of tomato and bell pepper with similar non productive results.

    I do not read or speak thai and as all fertilizers and pesticides sold locally are packaged without any English instructions I have to rely on the retailers advice sometimes with disastrous consequences, but that is another story.

    Stick to papaya, banana, custard apple lemon grass, long bean, chili, kafir lime, basil.

    There is a variety of lime which appears to grow wild as the locals do not seem to bother with the fruit which can be as large as a tennis ball. They do however make an excellent marmalade.

  13. I seem to remember that the constitution consulting process which took place in 2007 was initially espoused as producing an exemplary constitution. It did not take long before there appeared to be holes which some stated required patching. Is the new document going to be a stitch up of the old one just repairing the tares or is there going to be some lateral thinking leading to a stable and long lived CONSTITUTION.

  14. Reading the blogs on this subject makes me wonder whether people really consider all options before drawing to conclusions which coincide with their prejudicial views,

    The four officers "removed from their posts". What does anyone know about the TRUE facts. Until then would it not have been less accusative to use the word 'transferred'.

    Were these four musketeers working together on something which would likely have caused more powerful individuals, groups, clubs or societies to apply pressure at the appropriate level to ensure they were REMOVED.

    Alternatively are these four individuals among a cadre who are now deployed at The Ops Centre working together to provide much needed improvements. It has been stated many times before that if you need to change the culture of an organisation you need to start at the top.

    I fully agree with 15Peter20's concluding remarks, "The problem isn't necessarily that they have been sacked - they may well have deserved it who knows? And 'who knows' is the problem. No-one knows. Whilst you seem content to accept a near total lack of transparency in the moves, the 'public interest' usually demands more., "

  15. When one visits or resides in a foreign country does one learn and try to understand the local culture before expounding opinions? Anyone who has read anything worthwhile about Thai history knows that the hierarchical and patronage system is embedded in Thai culture. Move around the rural areas and note the attitudes of people from different classes in the social scale. Do not expect it to change overnight because there is a spotlight on the issue of corruption.

    To get things done it is usually "pay up or get lost". Why should we be surprised regarding payments made by foreign workers? What influence or patronage do they have ?

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