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Posts posted by Wilsonandson

  1. Okay, dcutman it would go along these lines " Help, I've been framed along with my friend, we were tortured, they beat us to a pulp until we confessed to doing it. We're being treated terribly in a cell full of rapists and murders. I haven't slept more than 2 hours a night, fearing that we migyt be tortured more or molested or worse by other inmates, send help to here our story, bring cameras to record our living hell. we can't take any more and are thinking of ending it all, your our only hope, the accused" Thats in my opinion of course.

  2. The accused said in the letter "we do not want to be suffering like poor people". Me too, who wants to be poor? Also one said " I also have to support my grandmother and parents " just like other poor people in this cruel world. Then they said " When we go to bed we pray for all people and creatures in the world to have safety, peace, good health and happiness." Well thankyou because my pet goldfish has recovered today from ill health and is now thanks to your prays doing fine now.

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  3. Torture is a barbaric way to aquire intelligence about terrorism plots or whereabouts of terror suspects. The C.I.A should be ashamed of using Thailand to hold terror suspects to try to stop the deaths of the innocent. I'm disgusted in this just as much as China is. Torture should be banished for good. No more secret prison and bring back a slap on the wrist and a stiff warning, plus no tv for a week.

  4. DM07 you know too much! Seriously, my sense of humour is all I have to keep me sain. I have posted for months on these murders and really I want closure, I want it erased from my mind. Those graphic photos haunt me. R.I.P Hannah. R.I.P David you are angels in heaven now. I'm still going back to Koh Tao the murder or murderers want stop me. I love the island too. Heal Koh Tao. Heal people of Koh Tao. Amen

  5. Good, while hes away I beg and hope the army stage a coup and install a new PM who is more chilled out, less strict and less robotic. Please! This Prayuth is as charming as a doberman pincher. No offence meant just observation, if not hope the Chinese can help chill this guy out, maybe a night out with the lads is all he needs. Just a surgestion.

  6. Thanks Robert, But it is strong, very strong compared to other ASEAN countries. You'd have to agree on that Rob. A thousand baht doesn't go far these days compared to ten years ago. Infrustructure has improved but everyday leisure pursuits have drastically increased. No wonder many are choosing to holiday in neighbouring countries, where inflation has stayed within tourist's budgets. Thailand is becoming too expensive, this is why they're are less tourists. But its only my opinion, for those who wish to argue against.

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  7. One day a few years back when travelling to immigration when it was based at sunam plue, I asked the driver about this particular abandoned condominium. He told me that the owner who had put every penny he owned into building it one day had a visit from the local buildind safety department who said the building was unsafe and was therefore unfit to house people. The owner was of course extremely upset and that day started drinking heavily. Before his family could reach him due to workers concern for him, he had climbed to the top of the building and jumped off the top to his death. A story I heard that others have also, does anyone know if this is true? Is there any news about it if it was true? Just sharing my story no offence to the Swedish man deceased.

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