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Posts posted by Wilsonandson

  1. In the story yesterday it also said that they want to charge them with stealing electricity by wiring speakers into the university system and that the cost was estimated at 122 baht!

    Filthy thieving students, stealing electricity, bending gates out of shape, scuffing the tarmac with their dirty shoes. Poluting the air with their lower class.
    And those poor policemen, polished riot shields ruined with grubby students finger prints.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Haha 1
  2. This would be very typical of Little P. and his merry band of greedy nitwits. Universal health care was one of the few things that any Thai administration had done, to benefit the average Thai, and now they want to take that away. One can only wish them complete failure, with this bone headed move. Also, this could be the last straw, for the people. It is a move that could betray their true intentions, which is to protect the wealthy and elite. And the people could rise up, once and for all.


    Kick them out. Get rid of them. They are not wanted. They are not popular. They are not needed. They are sucking the blood of their country.

    Were you at Thammasat university yesterday spidermike007? If not then why not? They could use a man like you.


  3. Sloppy seconds after "Grandad" may be considerably safer than following younger punters. I seldom think about who has gone before me. I assume they had a good time, as well. The poison spewed out against retirement-age men is troubling. Do you expect to live forever? Do you plan to remain celibate after 60?

    I'm married mate. She's 3 years younger than me. I'm in my late 40's. When I reach 60 I plan to retire and live the rest of my days with my missus.

    When your in a bar in Pattaya the last thing you want to see is a 72 year old man snogging an 18 year old girl. It's just sick! But not to some of you I guess. So what about the other way around....?

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  4. Thanks to those who paid attention to the story and made good comments.

    For the haters, you have to love it when someone watches 30 seconds of a 15 minute clip and believe they know someone's life story.  LOL.  Hate on - more qualified people than you have tried and failed to get under my skin before you during my 72 years on this planet - HaHa.  Good luck to you in your futile attempts.  :-)

    You'd put me right off my connect 4 Ron. Still, you seem to have a good sense of humour so fair play to yer fella.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  5. In my village most of the men started to peg it thru' chronic abuse of rotgut spirits between the ages of 50 and 60.
    I have never lent any credence to Thai statistics on any subject known to human kind.

    Lao kao, Thai white whisky, aka paint stripper. Lots of poor people buy this.
    Sold in empty energy drink bottles for 20 baht it's the poor mans choice. Another favorite tipple for the not so wealth is the Hong Thong whisky.

    The reason the Thai man prefers whisky is that you don't get fat drinking it and it's cheaper to get sh1t drunk.

    The one thing that I don't understand here is that Thai's drink before they eat dinner. They never drink on a full stomach. So no wonder they burn their stomach lining.december-thailand-top-energy-drink-some-biggest-drinks-consumer-market-redbull-krating-dang-m-lipovitan-d-64196044.jpg
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  6. All these protests currently activating are just to create momentum as time is clocking to election period. To heat up the atmosphere and remind people not to forget democracy. 

    Exactly, it's to remind people that it doesn't have to be like this forever. One day you'll be given your freedom. The bully will be kicked out. Time to pick a new leader, a new party.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  7. Where as you no doubt have a vested interest in saying your Shin demi god can do no wrong and pulling down the blinkers to the point of total denial - well done though for keeping the army conspiracy theories and red shirt mumblings continuing to echo down the years !!! Where would thailand be without doting red shirt supporting TV posters like you!!?

    Yes, well done! Yes Thaksin Shinawatra can do no wrong. He's still a billionaire. He is still popular with Thai's living in the North and North-East of Thailand. He still makes the headlines in Thailand. As for conspiracy theories they're everywhere these days. Why can't posters say what they want, express their beliefs are you brainwashed, really believe in this reset, restart, reform bs that Suthep spouted. Where is the reform? Taking the power from the people? Having a senate controlled by the military. Having a PM choosen by the military. Banning protests against the government. Having your facebook and other social media monitored for decent.

    For me I don't want Thaksin back but I also don't want the junta ruling either. I want full democracy. One man, one vote. No interference from the red or yellow camps. Move on to pastures green.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  8. I don't think that the junta are trembling in their boots: they will have noted that last Saturday (a weekend) saw only a small gathering of protesters, and they will reckon that a weekday (Tuesday) is unlikely to bring out many more.
    A more likely time of mass protests, it seems to me, would be next year, when the 'election' is again postponed (as it assuredly will be). It may just be that that will be the final straw for the Thai people and they will hit the streets in bigger numbers, sick of the lies and deception of the military junta.
    I still very much doubt, however, that the numbers reached will be anything like adequate to unseat the dark forces who are currently running things in Thailand. I could, of course, be wrong. Time will tell ...

    And there you have it folks, straight from the horses mouth. A large protest is unlikely, but so is an election next year. But he could be wrong and time will tell. What a prediction. Eligius has his finger on the pulse of Thai politics.

    This is Eligius in Bangkok, reporting for Thaivisa, Thailand news.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Confused 2
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  9. Thaksin will eventually come but on his own terms and he will return to power, it's in the nature of the man, it's in the nature of Thailand.

    And what are his terms?
    Full amnesty, if not I will organise further violent protests. Burn city buses, pour blood outside government house, have a militant army equiped with guns and grenade launchers. Burn down shopping malls and town halls. During elections be allowed to buy peoples votes. Be above the law, own the police, install family into high, prominant positions in the government and the military. Run the country to benifet my businesses. Disrespect anyone I want because I'm the almighty Thaksin the popular pm. Rub salt into the wounds of a country that is trying to heal the divide.

    Are these the Terms?

    Then, come back, all is forgotten my friend. You're a great guy. How's your sister? She's done so much to help the poor farmers in Isan. Oh yes the 30 baht healthcare plan. I thought paracetemol cost 10 baht.

    Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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