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Ground Engineer

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Posts posted by Ground Engineer

  1. Distance to CAT won't matter much as most hotels use a different ISP.

    Anyway, all ISP's nowadays have micro ADSL Dslam's scattered around town, so it's distance to that one which would matter.

    In Thailand there would be no difference in speed between wireless (wifi) and plugged (LAN) connections internet wise, since even Wifi outperforms whatever the ISP can deliver.

    802.11 G, which is pretty much the standard, theoretically delivers up to 54 Mbps, practically you'll get maybe half of it.

    Most internet packages are 2,3 or 4 Mbps so still about 5 times slower then what wifi can give you.

    It'll be more of how much the hotel spends on it's internet access and how many guests in the rooms are using it simultaneously. You'd be amazed how many places think they can get away with a 2 mbps home package for 590 Baht/month to feed a whole hotel!

    Another factor will be how well the hotel manages the connection.

    If for example they allow p2p un-throttled and one guest has a P2P client running unlimited, all the rest of the hotel will get bugger all speed!

    My place has 3 Mbps Adsl (600 meters from the Dslam :o ), 2 Mbps cable internet, has both wifi and cables in all the rooms. Not in town though!


  2. Im coming to Pattaya in January for three weeks. I need to work over the internet so Im looking for a hotel with fast internet, preferably plug in as its faster than wireless. Im not too bothered about the state of the accomodation, more concerned about the fast intenet. Im assuminmg the closer to CAT telecom on Pattaya Tai the better.


  3. Ahem.

    Excuse me, but......

    Money has no intrinsic value. If institutions are no longer able to transact in currency they themselves cease to have value. Socialising the obligations created by these redundant institutions by government intervention cannot succeed because the markets themselves have no pont of reference save the benchmark of fear and panic.

    What commenced in the USA has spread everywhere.

    The contagion that was spawned by Greenspan and incubated by all capitalist economies has to run its course.

    Assets are simply expressions of hope and belief and will wither on the vine of hubris.

    It's going to be a great ride everyone. Just enjoy it for what it is in the spirit that some of our ascendants took watching Krakatoa blow its top 20 miles away.......

    Totally agree!!!

  4. One can only, fervently, hope that the Thai politicals and business power brokers don't make a run on the banks, scurrying to get their money, as that would leave the rest of Thailand with a total bank account of 324 B and, unpaid bills of some 456 Billion !

    I sold my house in California back in mid-2005, because I saw this happening back then. I don't know if you all know what was going on back then, and up until early 2007. People with no jobs, no, income, no assets and bad credit were getting loans to buy houses. All they had to do was sign the papers; no income verification, no credit checks, no job verification. No joke. People were borrowing against the paper value of their homes to buy SUV's, big screen TV's, etc. People were thinking that if they had to sell their homes due to a job loss, etc., they could do so easily and still make at least 10% as they believed home prices would keep going up. Now it's time to pay the band.

    And, before you blame Bush for everything (I didn't vote for him), do some research and you will find that it was Clinton back in the early 90's who cooked up the idea that if he gave loans to low income folks who couldn't qualify, they would behave better and become better citizens. His admin ordered Fanny Mae (the gov't sponsored mortgage underwriter) to extend loans to such folks. Fanny Mae has been a tool of the Democrats for years to enact their pet projects and siphon $$ from in exchange for lax laws that govern them. Clinton's plan was a grand Social Engineering Experiment gone horribly awry. So, there is plenty of blame to go around; Bush kept the party going.

    I read somewhere that was Bush's doing!

  5. Watch Zeitgeist Addendum by Peter Joseph on the following link, its fantastic.......puts everything into perspective.


    I am about 40 minutes into it now.

    If true it is a scary movie. Especially since I remember some of the events

    ( Back when Shah Of Iran was put in place )

    So it kind of explains things & like I said........pretty scary.

    I am watching it on Google Video which is very fast


    Watch the first movie that came out last year on the following link. Zeitgeist spread the word!!


  6. Ground engineer,

    I watched that zeitgeist movie. Excellent! It is spit out clear how finance works and why it is going down. The venus project, if you ask me, is one of the best answers out there.

    Its awe inspiring! Have you watched the first one that came out last year.....its just called Zeitgeist the movie...just as brilliant.

    Agree with you about the Venus project......its time for radical change.

    www.thezeitgeistmovement.com opens this Friday. Cant wait to get involved.

  7. My hunch is that the costs of the European banking crisis will surpass the US in the next 6 months.

    Unlike the US, European banks are going to get hit from two directions. The banks are going to have huge losses in their US mtg investments and also experience losses in domestic real estate investments.

    European real estate as a whole is more over valued than the US. The common opinion is that the loans are more solid than the US, but decreasing real estate values will erase the safety. If in doubt, take a look at what is happening now in the US. The US loans were solid before values dropped.

    I'm amazed how many are amazed that US banks didn't see this catastrophe with signs aplenty. I'm even more amazed European banks didn't see the crisis. Why were they investing in US mtg securities when it was so obvious they were a mess, and why were they ignoring the domestic real estate bubbles?

    If you want a good understanding of what is happening to the US, the European and eventually the world economy watch Zeitgeist Addendum by Peter Joseph free on the internet:


    "Zeitgeist was created in the hope that it will inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective, and to relay the understanding that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The true understanding of events, both historical and modern, are crucial to the development, awareness and spirituality of the human condition."

  8. Jingjingna I had the exact same symptons as a side effect of taking Cyclosporin (Neoral). Went to see my Doctor and a neuro specialist had all the scans and they didnt know what was causing it. The effects went about 3 months after I stopped taking the drug. I later went on a forum for people who use Cyclosporin... and guess what!... there were loads of people with the same symptons.

  9. A gogo bar where the girls know how to dance would be nice (Angel Witch excluded) not that Im complaining.

    Indoor sports centre where theyve got Ice Skating, Ice rock climbing, indoor wall climbing, skateboarding, snow boarding, etc in Pattaya.

    Internet access same as the rest of the planet.

    Gymnastics classes for the kids.

  10. You seem certain by your post that these people are taking pictures of young children without permission??!!??

    and you have seen this occur on more than one visit to the beach??!!??

    Yet all you have done about it is post your findings on Thai Visa ( forgive me if i am wrong )

    I have a young child, and If it was me down at the beach i would have probably smashed one of these guys and chucked his camera in the sea!!

    I guess the right thing to do would be to inform the authorities, then re-post your story stating how you assisted in stopping these perverts!


    I can tell by your avatar that its probably your style to use violence on people but fortunately not everyone on this planet is the same as you. Tw*ting one of them on the beach may satisfy your ego but its not going to solve the problem and could land you in jail. If these people are up to no good its the ring leaders that need to be caught.

    Im writing this post to try and gather more evidense and opinions from other people on this forum to assess if this is a real threat or if there is another explanation. If there is a real threat hopefully this post will make parents more vigilant and something can be done about catching this gang.

    Please dont waste my time sending anymore post asking why I didnt go over there and kick thier <deleted>.

  11. The last two oocasions I have been to Hada Wen Beach (Koh Lan) Ive noticed suspicious looking characters takings hundreds of photos with professional looking cameras (digital with big zoom lenses). Some of the shots they take appear to be scenary shots but then you see them pointing the cameras towards the kids.

    They even walk up to where the kids are playing on the beach, holding the cameras at their sides, but pointing towards the kids. Then they take sneaky photos of them.

    I can only think of one reason why people would want to take hundreds of sneaky photos of kids in swimming costumes.

    Last Sunday the shady characters were both asian about mid twenties to early thirties. The guy was medium height with a bit of a gut. The woman was medium height and build wearing a white dress with small blue and green flowers. Her face was long and boxy shaped with pale skin with a few spots. She had medium length black hair with a fringe.

    The other occasion was a few weeks ago, and the shady character that time looked white european about 55, slim build, going thin on top. He stood out from the crowd a bit, because he was wearing an all in one speedo type swim suit.

    I would like to know if anyone else has noticed any similar happenings going on at the beach's in Koh Lan, Pattaya or Jomtien and what your thoughts are? Do you think they are a part of a peado gang or are maybe just enthusiastic photographers. If the former then the public need to be made aware and something needs to be done about it.

  12. The last two oocasions I have been to Hada Wen Beach (Koh Lan) Ive noticed suspicious looking characters takings hundreds of photos with professional looking cameras (digital with big zoom lenses). Some of the shots they take appear to be scenary shots but then you see them pointing the cameras towards the kids.

    They even walk up to where the kids are playing on the beach, holding the cameras at their sides, but pointing towards the kids. Then they take sneaky photos of them.

    I can only think of one reason why people would want to take hundreds of sneaky photos of kids in swimming costumes.

    Last Sunday the shady characters were both asian about mid twenties to early thirties. The guy was medium height with a bit of a gut. The woman was medium height and build wearing a white dress with small blue and green flowers. Her face was long and boxy shaped with pale skin with a few spots. She had medium length black hair with a fringe.

    The other occasion was a few weeks ago, and the shady character that time looked white european about 55, slim build, going thin on top. He stood out from the crowd a bit, because he was wearing an all in one speedo type swim suit.

    I would like to know if anyone else has noticed any similar happenings going on at the beach's in Koh Lan, Pattaya or Jomtien and what your thoughts are? Do you think they are a part of a peado gang or are maybe just enthusiastic photographers. If the former then the public need to be made aware and something needs to be done about it.

  13. If you think Pattaya is a turd why are you on the Pattaya forum. Go back you the wonderful place you came from. Pattaya is what it is, take it or leave it. If you dont like it move on. Believe me you wont be missed!

    I like the turd without the fake gloss trying to be applied. It is what it is, like you said, but I didn't say i didn't like it. I just don't like the gloss. It takes away from that old crude character it once had. If i were to move on, however, I would probably be missed by some.

    Fair play thaiman, I miss interpreted you there. But like it or not Patts in changing for better or worse youve just got to live with it. I still love the place since I first came here 19 years ago.

  14. Friendly Pattaya exists - I think perhaps its the sour puss farangs that visit there that might need the attitude adjustment.

    Totally agree BM. Try going back to LOS (Land of Sorrow or otherwise known as the UK). Go into your local pub wait for 15 minutes to get served hand over a sh*t load of money and see if you get a smile off the bar staff. Then sit down and enjoy your pint while your surrounded by whinging blokes. I know where Id rather be.

    Leave your moaning for when you get back home.

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