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Posts posted by harp73

  1. Don't be naive, it happens all over the world. I used to work in a prison back in Holland. You really don't want to know the trash that's detained in Dutch prisons, and British, and ........... Scumbags come in all nationality's sad.png

    True murder and crime do happen in places over the world, however this sort of crime where there is a conspiracy of silence borne of fear in many quarters, where Burmese and westerners are arrested because they are who they are, where photos of the victims are taken and used in news reports or where police incompetence is such that crimes like this are often left unresolved or are solved by finding someone to pin the crime on [admittedly as the UK did throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s] are not found everywhere.

    Yes there are scum in prisons in the Netherlands and the UK, but that's the point isn't it.

    They are in gaol.


  2. How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

    BS - He's lying.

    He said in the television interview that his sister was able to call him. He was posting to facebook and no doubt messaging for help. It takes abour 12 characters in a Facebook IM to give someone your phone #. He was also begging the press to call him, so he must have put the phone # out there in some way.

    He had put his thai phone number on fb on the 14/15th

  3. So you think the guy on the cctv is Montriwat Toovichien?

    He's already been identified as the guy in the CCTV footage by police, hasn't he? - also, it does seem a bit odd that he was practically first on the scene after the murders when the police were there (the pic of that is floating about online in places)

    This guy is guilty as hell, I think he's certainly involved in one way or another.

    Sorry but my in my opinion the guy seen running looks a lot younger than 45 [ in every other picture you can see its him .. without a doubt - he may however have been the shirt number 9 guy??? - much earlier in the evening.

  4. If this guy they've caught is so innocent, then why was he running by the crime scene, in just shorts/underwear at that time in the morning? - very suspicious I'd say. Also, perhaps he was only wearing shorts because the rest of his clothes were covered in the blood of the victims, and he had to get rid of them?

    who was running by the crime scene? - the son? or the brother??? - who in your thoughts?

  5. CRIME

    Koh Tao 'sealed off' after two tourists brutally killed



    Gruesome murders of British pair on island paradise shock locals and visitors

    BANGKOK: -- POLICE have sealed off the resort island of Koh Tao off Surat Thani province to hunt down killers who brutally murdered a British couple and possibly raped the woman on Sunday night. The 24-year-old victims have been identified as Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

    16 Sept 2014
    one of the alleged persons at the crime scene does not say much for the police

    Standing next to his brother .....

    • Like 2
  6. Hello, I've been lurking these threads since last week and I've decided to make an account to post something quite interesting.

    Watch the last video at the bottom of this artcle, and pay close attention to a guy at the 38 second mark, who is at the crime scene with the police.


    Now it's not exactly conclusive, but he looks remarkably like the guy on the left from the pictures Sean Mc posted on facebook last night, saying he was the leader.

    Seems suspicious that he'd be with the police at the crime scene doesn't it.


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