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Posts posted by littlebw

  1. Going on posts by SteveFong this is exactly how it went down iny opinion

    *There was an argument in the bar. Mon and co were rejected ( I believe one is police and one influential islander). Later that night whilst on the beach in a group Sean, having been asked by Mon and co for his help, has lured Hanna away behind the rocks so Mon and co could have their way. David on the beach hears her struggle, probably screams and has gone to help and been assaulted with knuckle knife and dragged to the water and drowned.

    Sean who was OK with the girl being raped tried to stop Mon and co beating and killing his friend and has been struck and run for his life also. Mon and co have finished the rape buy because she has seen David murdered needs to be killed herself so she can't id Davids killers. Mon runs the other 2 stay on the island again I believe as police and influential islander to contamenate the scene, remove all evidence of their involvement and help the investigation lead somewhere else, plant new evidence to find a patsy ie cigarette butt of the accused, phones etc etc.

    No patsy is easily found so they go after Sean, hence the comment u have blood on your hands when they catch up with him in 7/11 and or the minimart. Fearing for his life and now with witness to being chased and being able to post on FB who was chasing him he calls police. Police come to help and knowing now that he has posted on FB and created a scene have to protect him.

    Sean gets off the island with help of journalists but is interrogated on BKK by police. Not because they think he did it but to make sure he Nevers opens his mouth RR the truth. Agreeing to this he is allowed to leave Thailand as are David and Hannah's friends. They have all been told and or threatened to keep their mouths shut.

    SteveFong and u people who were there how close am I. I reckon that's it.

    What's happened since with BK air and the Uni is just all apart of the cover up money chain etc. Mon was on the first flight out. He was never in school and all of this just goes to show u how evil this whole thing is. Thai authorities are prepared to maybe executed 2 innocent people so 3 weak pric#s could get there rocks off and save some face.

    You know the saying AMAZING THAILAND.

    Hannah and David left the AC Bar together

    Im sure one of her pals said this hence Hannahs phone was in her handbag

  2. you expect Sean to come on here , internet and media? Would you? I certainly wouldnt, i would tell the UK police all i know and let them sort it out

    He ( nor any witnesses who have left the island) will not have been in touch with the RTP after leaving Thailand due to not trusting them but

    theres no doubt that he ( nor any witnesses who have left the island) will have been in touch with the UK police

    Thing with the UK police is that they dont spout any evidence off at all and tell all them who have give evidence not to repeat to anyone else at all

    As this unfolds we will hear more later if the witness statements {UK} dont match any evidence that the RTP are putting out

    Thats why we havent heard from Sean and Hannah / David s co travellers etc

    • Like 1
  3. UK Rules--you often suggest that the UK Government 'should' do XYZ--but, as we all know, this is very unlikely--Cameron has enough on his plate with ISIS, UKIP, and other anagrams and really--does he have the balls? The UK Police are about as likely to get involved as Deputy Dawg.

    Perhaps England is involved but laying low until crunch time eh...thumbsup.gif

    This is what Im thinking , surely Sean and friends of Hannah and David have spoke to UK police

    and like a genuine police force there is no need to spout any details off to the general public

    how it should be done

    • Like 1
  4. CSI LA now seems to be working on the alibi of the 'person of interest' in Bangkok. He posted this on his FB page, "My girlfriend's friend is studying at Bangkok University. The suspect came to school on Sept 16th. She saw that he had scratch marks on his neck and arms."

    too scared to report to police?

    surely there must be sightings of the guy or is everyone too scared?

    i couldnt live with myself if 2 innocent human beings were given the death penalty due to me not mentioning something that could have helped them

    are you listening Sean?

    • Like 1
  5. Hope he hasnt been paid ( by letting him off the island) to not say anything once he leaves

    If he doesnt say anything then Sean is worse than the murderers

    Speak up Sean

    Why would he subject himself to the media when it has been published all over the place that he allegedly has a child porn conviction? So he can be publicly humiliated in 3 countries now? He can share info with the family and police, and even the media, without coming out of hiding.

    thats what i meant , speak to police etc

    i dont expect him to come on this forum

    • Like 1
  6. Will we ever hear of a motive for their evil crimes?

    Here is the scenario:

    David Miller and Hannah ended up in a major bar controlled and owned by a local thug mafia.

    (who own many businesses on the island.)

    Miller got into an altercation with one of these <deleted> while protecting Hannas honor.

    These <deleted> took great offense to this.

    A pack of <deleted> found them and took out their revenge.

    They pummeled him and drowned him as they raped this woman.

    The spineless, cowardly residents of the island have not the stones to expose these <deleted>. wai2.gif wai.gif


    Just add the <deleted> were under influence of drugs and/or alcohol, and your sketch would be complete. Maybe add as footnote you didn't delete words like Myanmar, Burmese, foreign

    why kill Hannah though ? .. wasnt rape enough?

    Killed Hanna because she witnessed who raped her and killed David?

  7. Here is today's interview of a policeman and a police pathologist by Sorayud on Channel 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ_1WfVs7RY . There are a couple of interesting points.

    1. The pathologist assured the public that David's wounds were definitely made by the hoe, as per the confessions, and not by any form of knife. He didn't explain why the hoe wounds were so different to hoe wounds found on Hannah or why David's DNA was not found on the hoe.

    2. The pathologist confirmed that DNA of two men A and B (i.e the suspects) was found in semen found inside Hannah, as we have already been told.

    3. He also said that DNA of B and a third person C was found on Hannah's nipples. The third person was not David. The policeman didn't explain who the police thought C was or how he came to deposit his DNA on Hannah's nipples.

    4. The pathologist said they found Hannah's DNA on the outside of the used condom found at the scene but they didn't find David's DNA inside. The policeman tried to explain why David's DNA might not have been detectable inside the condom but seemed to be struggling and the pathologist didn't help him out. Neither mentioned whether anyone else's DNA was found inside the condom and it is not clear to me whether any semen was found inside it. Nevertheless, even a man who has sex wearing a condom without ejaculating would leave some traces of bodily fluid and skin cells inside the condom. Whether this would be enough to trace DNA I can't say but in cases in other countries DNA seems traceable even in tiny skin cells.

    So to sum up the police interview confirms that their is no forensic evidence that David and Hannah had sex before they were murdered. If this were the case, there should be DNA traces of pubic hair and skin cells from Hannah's body apart from the condom, admittedly mixed with those of A and B and whoever else was there.

    Apart from suspects A and B, another man C's DNA was found on Hannah's nipples but not in her vagina.

    Some one who cannot be positively identified as David (or C) used the condom to have sex with Hannah, although it sounded like the police didn't want to rule out David (or C), even though though can't proove it.

    The interview seems to raise the questions of 1) who was C that left his DNA on Hannah's nipple? and 2) was there a fourth man D who raped Hannah wearing a condom and 3) or did C use the condom too but without leaving any DNA in it that they have thus far been able to find.

    Perhaps I misunderstood some of the interview but that was my take.

    Evidence of the DNA of a THIRD person on Hannah!?! found by an official pathologist.

    This a is a breakthrough!!! Who is he?

    Why are the police not stating they are seeking a third man for involvement?

    Why have I been reading some reports saying the case is closed when this evidence remains?

    Is it at all possible that the police are well aware of the presence of a third man already?

    Please can anyone reliably translate into english if you aren't 100% sure dogmatix(no disrespect to you-excellent information-thank you!)

    This information must be shared.

    Confirmed there is DNA C ie a third person found on parts of Hannahs body......... it was NOT davids DNA.

    Also the discarded condom was contaminated and whilst Hannahs DNA was found on one side they found it very hard to find any DNA on the other side as the item was badly contaminated .. It does not mean there wasnt DNA just that they could not isloate it.

    So there is 100% at least a third persons DNA confirmed found.....

    This is exactly what many have thought, it had to be more than just these 2.

    So we have at least 1 murderer/rapist on the loose still maybe more. This case is not done, far from it.

    As mentioned, the policeman seemed to have trouble explaining why no DNA was found inside the condom, even though they positively IDed Hannah's DNA on the outside. He was saying maybe they didn't check it thoroughly enough and looking puzzled.

    didnt check it properly ? or didnt want to?

    mmm whats the betting we know whos DNA is inside this

    • Like 1
  8. DNA Mon and the son - EASY

    Could be C and D

    Mon and son knew about DNA, Burmese didnt, frame the Burmese

    Here is today's interview of a policeman and a police pathologist by Sorayud on Channel 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ_1WfVs7RY . There are a couple of interesting points.

    1. The pathologist assured the public that David's wounds were definitely made by the hoe, as per the confessions, and not by any form of knife. He didn't explain why the hoe wounds were so different to hoe wounds found on Hannah or why David's DNA was not found on the hoe.

    2. The pathologist confirmed that DNA of two men A and B (i.e the suspects) was found in semen found inside Hannah, as we have already been told.

    3. He also said that DNA of B and a third person C was found on Hannah's nipples. The third person was not David. The policeman didn't explain who the police thought C was or how he came to deposit his DNA on Hannah's nipples.

    4. The pathologist said they found Hannah's DNA on the outside of the used condom found at the scene but they didn't find David's DNA inside. The policeman tried to explain why David's DNA might not have been detectable inside the condom but seemed to be struggling and the pathologist didn't help him out. Neither mentioned whether anyone else's DNA was found inside the condom and it is not clear to me whether any semen was found inside it. Nevertheless, even a man who has sex wearing a condom without ejaculating would leave some traces of bodily fluid and skin cells inside the condom. Whether this would be enough to trace DNA I can't say but in cases in other countries DNA seems traceable even in tiny skin cells.

    So to sum up the police interview confirms that their is no forensic evidence that David and Hannah had sex before they were murdered. If this were the case, there should be DNA traces of pubic hair and skin cells from Hannah's body apart from the condom, admittedly mixed with those of A and B and whoever else was there.

    Apart from suspects A and B, another man C's DNA was found on Hannah's nipples but not in her vagina.

    Some one who cannot be positively identified as David (or C) used the condom to have sex with Hannah, although it sounded like the police didn't want to rule out David (or C), even though though can't proove it.

    The interview seems to raise the questions of 1) who was C that left his DNA on Hannah's nipple? and 2) was there a fourth man D who raped Hannah wearing a condom and 3) or did C use the condom too but without leaving any DNA in it that they have thus far been able to find.

    Perhaps I misunderstood some of the interview but that was my take.

    Evidence of the DNA of a THIRD person on Hannah!?! found by an official pathologist.

    This a is a breakthrough!!! Who is he?

    Why are the police not stating they are seeking a third man for involvement?

    Why have I been reading some reports saying the case is closed when this evidence remains?

    Is it at all possible that the police are well aware of the presence of a third man already?

    Please can anyone reliably translate into english if you aren't 100% sure dogmatix(no disrespect to you-excellent information-thank you!)

    This information must be shared.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If they do manage to get access to the men tomorrow morning, is there any chance they would be able to take a DNA sample from them? Perhaps unofficially if necessary (here, blow your nose into this hanky, kind of thing).

    I'll be damned if UK forensics didn't take their own swabs from Hannah's body once it was repatriated...this could be an opportunity to cross reference.

    Of course they will able to do that, and without doubt that will also be their priority, but I wonder how the conspiracy theorists on this forum will respond IF the DNA results match.

    They will also be granted access tomorrow since the eyes of the whole world are pointed on this.

    Keep in mind, Thailand is known for corruption, but they are not comparable with Iran or N-Korea regarding human rights.

    If UK forensics are satisfied that the DNA found inside the victim was not tampered with post-mortem, and if they are satisfied that it matches the DNA of the Burmese acused, then I will accept they have caught the rapist(s). They will then need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are also guilty of the murder.


    When they have the rapists, they have the murderers as well, there is no doubt around that.

    not necessarily

    what happens if it was a group and 2 of them were invited to rape Hannah by say 1 other group member who had lost face due to Hannah and David , who then with helped killed then both?

    what happens if the 2 Burmese raped Hannah when she was dead?

    Just cos they raped her doesnt mean they killed her

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