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dave moir

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  1. Why should you be personally interested in something that has nothing to do with you? Unless you maybe have something to hide yourself ????
  2. I would love to have seen the 2 burglars on motorcycles carrying sofas!????????????????
  3. Do you also believe that the earth is flat?????????????
  4. It's welcome to Thailand! Anybody will any sense when crossing any road checks to see if anything is coming even when people stop for you!!! Every day you see cars and motorcycles flying through crossings. I hope they catch the driver of the pickup and the guy who was hit makes a full recovery. Police when doing traffic checks should also check number plates as a lot of people white the number out so as to avoid speeding tickets etc!
  5. Hmmmm it already sounds like inspector cluso is on the case ????????????
  6. Maybe he is 49% the owner with business visa and appropriate number of Thai staff working for him ????
  7. Why? Dual pricing same as Thailand do to farangs ????
  8. Still the government love the Chinese! They are even opening up to foreigners being able to buy land!!! The Chinese invasion is just around the corner. For years the money made from all forms of Chinese business in Thailand will have been and is still being skimmed off and Thailand will see diddly squat of any revenue ????
  9. Why just cars? There are far more young kids with ridiculously loud annoying exhaust systems on small bikes.
  10. I've never seen a law against blacked out windscreens! Main dealerships install blacked out windows on brand new cars! If it was illegal I would have thought they wouldn't commit an offence by blacking out windscreens!
  11. Not if it's a red plate! It belongs to the dealership and is only temporary!
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