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Everything posted by ChomDo

  1. Hi Sheryl, Just wanted to let you know that I did the liver flush at home as advised by my chiropractor. Not sure if I mentioned the process in detail before but it's a 2 day process as described below: Day 1: - no eating after 2pm - 6pm one tablespoon of Epsom salt with 200ml - 8pm one tablespoon of Epsom salt with 200ml - 10pm 120ml of extra virgin olive oil mixed in 120ml of orange juice Day 2: - 8am one tablespoon of Epsom salt with 200ml - 10am one tablespoon of Epsom salt with 200ml - Noon glass of orange juice - 2pm light meal and back to normal So the experience was pretty surreal since that "neon green" stuff kept coming out and floating in the toilet. In the handout it's called "Biliary sludge" that's made out of cholesterol which is clogging the gallbladder and bile ducts in the liver. The green stuff is kind of like little rounded balls of wax. Even tho it looked so weird to see that, it felt good to get that waste out of the system. I just wanted to ask you because you seemed to be strongly against the liver flush. I'm not expecting this to necessarily help for myofascial pain but isn't it good in any case to clean your system from this waste? It can't be a goo thing that that stuff is in you right? I'm guessing pretty much everyone has this stuff in the liver and if it's so easy to flush it out, why is it not done more commonly?
  2. I just set up the M3 velcro stickers. Not sure if it would last but at least the velcro padding ads some suspension to the contact between cam and windscreen. That could help a bit, but I have a feeling theses would also melt in the sun. Will see soon.
  3. Sounds great for you but won't help my issue here. Well thanks for all the other answers here and I'll see what I can come up with. From my experience up to now, holding up a car camera in Thailand is a real pain in the ass. That's why I would reconsider buying just the cheaper ones.
  4. Great observation! I never thought of that. So actually the bracket was fixed to it and now I managed to get it off. Now if I can find the strongest tape I would probably have a better chance to use a bigger surface area to stick to the window. My car is hardly in the sun but it seems that any time you have to park in the hottest sun, even the best tapes would melt so it's a big problem for sure. Also in this G-ON model the cables are very stiff and the curved front cam cable kind of pulls the cam down a bit. Maybe have to set them better first. I'll add a few pics of the set up now without the camera. The CRV does have that big plastic think along the windscreen that could maybe be utilized.
  5. Ok guys I get the point that super glue has the best hold but it's not my first option to stick permanent glue to my new car's film nor the "overpriced" camera I got. I'll try all other options first, thanks.
  6. Probably yes. I suppose I'd have to go back to the shop anyway since there are many other issues with the cam. For example I'm not able to set up the G-On Could system (tried everything) and when I look at the videos trough the app (live and archive) the videos are hmm how would you call it like jumping or not smooth...flickering badly Also, non of the fancy lane and collision assist functions seem to be working eventho I switched them on just to test how it works. Actually, I'm regretting buying a top of the line camera like this that just has too many functions to think about. The 24hr parking camera is great tho but the rest of it not really needed. But now that it doesn't even stay on the window, I feel more frustrated.
  7. The only thing we need to worry about now is what this "being stricter" this time means? What would be a good enough reason to get another covid extension. I just think there is no so called "serious reason" to stay except that you just want to because of the hight covid numbers back home. They should clarify this a bit. Not a nice surprise to have to arrange yourself out of the country within 7 days on March 25 if they just don't like your reasoning. I guess we'll start to get reports about this soon.
  8. As a last option maybe. One reason I buy these flat model cameras is to avoid seeing the camera in front of my face. A very small and flat suction holder might do.
  9. I thought of that too. Might try if nothing else works.
  10. Sure I thought of something like that too. The CRV has a large plastic covering along the windscreen which might work better. I think this whole idea is using stickers is not very smart in the first place. Should always have a proper attachment to the mirror.
  11. Yea I wonder why it would have those mounting holes in the cam if it doesn't come with it. It was installed in the shop so hope they didn't forget to leave it in the box. Anyway not sure if that would help, but I'll check about it.
  12. So it seems. I was actually thinking of sandpapering it a bit to see if that would create a better sticking surface. Actually I shouldn't be bothered to fool around with all this myself since I paid 14,000b for this camera but the camera shop is about 45 min drive away and crazy busy so not fond of the idea of going there – especially if they just use the same type of tape again.
  13. I thought so but where are the plates then? You mean they're not supposed to come with the camera?
  14. Ok thanks for the hint. I saw that one at Home Pro. I actually tired some M3 "Heavy Duty" double sided tape that's supposed to hold post boxes to the wall and it the cam that ways maybe 100g came down while I was in the shop (without sunlight or heat).
  15. I bought the G-Net G-On 2 dash cam a while ago for my new CRV and the first time my car was parked in the strong sunlight it dropped down. This is not the first time I've had this issue and that was one reason I chose a camera of this flat shape with a large platform for the tape to stick to the windscreen. In my old car I had the pipe shaped Hawkeye which is connected from one side only so it's quite obvious that the weight will pull it down one day and that happened with it pulling some of my film out too. Anyway this time I thought I had learned from that experience but can't believe this one came down so quick too. So the question is if this is just normal in Thailand and how the hell can I get it attached so that it won't come down again? Of course I can take it back to the shop but pretty sure they would use the same tape so what's the point. This is one of the popular and "very professional" car cam shops, but now I've bought two cameras from there and both dropped off so getting a bit upset. I assume the tape comes with the camera so it shouldn't have anything to do with the shop right? NOTE that the tape didn't drop off the window but the camera from the tape. So now the tape remains stuck hard to the glass but camera is off. Tried putting it back on but won't stay anymore. I'll attach a picture of the camera if someone knows what those holes in the attachment platform are? If it's meant for the tape only why have those holes there. Would glue better if it's all flat.
  16. Interesting! Was this in Chaeng Wattahana? How many covid extensions have you done so far? I did my first last month an they asked for nothing nor bothered me with any questions. Not sure if the second one on Mar 25 will be so pleasant – hope so.
  17. At least time at CW they extended from the day I went to get the + 60 days. I was wondering why that is but didn't bother to stay chatting. They even asked me if it's ok that I get 60 days counting from the day I applied. Not sure why tho. I went about a week earlier than the Jan deadline. I didn't know you can use an agent to get you a +60 covid extension. I could do that if it makes it easier, but will check some reports first when people really start applying for the next one and giving reports.
  18. Thanks and yes I agree to all of that. All basically nonsense because nobody could have a real reason anymore, so we just need to make something up. Asking for an embassy letter is hilarious when there's probably no embassy willing to write that at this point when borders are open and you can return back home fine. Personally I applied for my first covid extension on Jan 24 and nothing was asked. Going to do it again on March 25, but if they're asking for extra docs, not sure what I could do. I have a flight back to Europe in June but I don't want to chenge the date of that. If people report outbound tickets being asked then it's best to buy an extra low cost ticket to a neighbouring country.
  19. So this just means that anyone who entered with a TR visa can apply until Mar 25 no matter if they are already on a +60 day covid extension now, right?
  20. Saw someone mentioning on Twitter that you can only get one covid extension stamp. I guess this is nonsense since some people have been doing it for a year now. So just to confirm, if I came to Thailand on a TR visa and got my first covid extension on Jan 25, I can obviously apply for another + 60 day covid extension on March 25 and stay until May 25? All this talk about them being stricter about extending now but I just don't get it what extra papers could they ask for? Maybe a flight ticket out of course but what else? The embassy letter must be history since there's really no such country that won't allow you to return back home (maybe New Zeland but that's about it).
  21. Great news for many as it now allows stays until May 25. Just wonder what they even mean by "being stricter" as Barrow reported. I hope they just give the extensions without hassle as up to now, because it would be very hard for anyone to claim they can't return to home country. I would understand asking for a flight ticket out but nothing more than that. Last time I extended it was just the same as any TR visa extension. Nothing asked nor any extra papers needed.
  22. Thanks for the link. I'll give a visit some consideration. I actually have the recipe for some success with this SI joint issue but now I'm not able to fix it on my own since the position of my hip needs to be manipulated first. At least the only treatment that has worked so far was when the AUS chiropractor did 2 weeks of manipulation and deep tissue massage followed be intense glute and hip muscle exercises at home after the treatment. What seemed to be especially effective for me were all the glute strengthening moves I did with resistance bands. Now they have no effect on me, so it just seems that some treatment is needed first before all of the exercises can become effective again. And the place I went to in Dec (Holistic Health Systems in On Nut) basically told me there's not much they can do at this point and suggested I go trough some "more unconventional methods", since my whole back and neck area seems to be in worrying state or something (everything from damaged fascia to deep scar tissue all over the back etc.). This was after having treatment for a few weeks (2-3 times a week). At least this place is very honest, since they tell me not to come and waste money on something that's not working. I also trust the American chiropractors expertise and experience in treating SI joint issues, but he said traditional treatments are not having any effect on my body and suggested trying the liver flush at home and changing my diet + perhaps a 16/8 IF which I'd be happy to try anyway. If I remember correctly he did suggest a new MRI also. The previous one is from about 5-7 years ago, but the feeling in my hip is the same as that time so I didn't feel the need to check again. After solving this issue a few years ago (altho that lasted only 6 months) I felt optimistic that I can do it again, but some treatment is needed before the exercises become effective. Right now I need to decide if I should take the second 3 days set of Zentel (a week has passed soon of the first set). Now that everyone here and in another forum are saying the does is too high, I have considered not taking it. That would leave me feeling that the process was half done tho. Could you tell me if it sounds like a better idea to take half the dose meaning 1x400mg a day for 3 days?
  23. Thanks again for the detailed answer and knowledge. This just makes it all more confusing. Why would I be conned when I'm doing the "liver cleansing" procedure at home with simple Magnesium sulphate that I bought from the pharmacy for around 100b and olive oil. Nobody is making any money here. The advice or more like a suggestion was given to me by a well-known American chiropractor who's been working in the industry for some 30 years. I would really think he knows what he's talking about. He didn't say that there's any guaranteed results from doing this home remedy but mentioned that he has had some difficult cases like mine who have gotten relieve out of it. The handout given to me mentions "that for some cases cleaning out the bile ducts in the liver and gall bladder might help because congestion in these structures refers pain to the neck and back". I've been trough 10-15 years of running around specialist and what not without any help until an Australian chiropractor finally found that I had SI joint dysfunction 2 years ago. All the fancy doctors and orthopaedics I went to never bothered checking for that. So since then I have not wanted to see any doctors about this. Various MRIs have been taking including the lover back. Why I went to see this chiropractor is because 2 years ago I got rid of the pain totally with the help of my previous chiropractor but she moved back to AUS. That time the painless period lasted for about 6 months and then it was back to normal with everything from sitting to walking being a problem. So as I mentioned, now I'm willing to do anything it takes to get rid of this issue. Sitting is the worst and I have to be at the computer long hours so it's a massive issue. Please if you do have more ideas or names of someone you can suggest, I would be glad to give it a try? Actually the clinic I was going to now kind of said there's no point for me to come back right now because they can't really help me. The liver flush idea was something they suggested I should try to see if it has any positive effect.
  24. Thanks again for your detailed reply. I remember you giving me good advice related to some earlier medical issues I had so I trust you know this stuff well. I really don't suspect parasites nor do I assume I would be in the need of a liver flush (I have a healthy diet, in my 30s and fit). The problem is that I've had close to 20 years of chronic back issues, the latest one being a very problematic SI-joint dysfunction that does not respond to traditional treatment (been trough every possible treatment). So this time I was suggested to try "anything it takes" and I said why not because I just want to improve my condition. My current physiotherapist recommended a "detox" or "liver cleanse" to possibly reduce inflammation in the body. This was the only reason I decided to go trough this whole process. Just in case it would help. According to him, the toxins in the liver can cause chronic pain to be worse. Basically, I'm not expecting any miracle cure from this but the clinic mentioned that some patients with chronic back pain had gotten significant relieve from the liver flush (altho not just one time). Even if this doesn't help for the pain, I get to start my new anti inflammatory diet with a cleaner system which I think sounds like a good idea to me. The liver flush process itself tho sounds tough to me since you're basically emptying your intestine and not eating for 24hrs. Does this sound at all like a smart thing to do in my case? I'm at the point with this SI joint issue that I would be willing to try any "less common" treatment methods like this.
  25. So you're saying that it's not true that the possible remaining eggs won't be destroyed with the first by the first 3 day set or you just mean that taking another set for 3 days is too harmful? I'm not concerned about parasites to begin with but I'm about to do a 2 day "liver flush detox" with Epsom salts and my physiotherapist said it would be very important to make sure to take this parasite medication (with the dosage explained). This was just to make sure that there is nothing harmful like that remaining in the body. I don't expect I have parasites to begin with but I've lived in BKK 15 years and never done one so I thought it's a good time to do it. Having done the first set now with the dosage that is considered "an overdose" here, I just don't want that to go to waist and possibly leave uncached eggs in my body (if it was the case). I also don't want to risk taking it if it's really so dangerous as you guys mention here. Now I'm just getting mixed advice from different places. Could you let me know what's the risk of taking the second 3 day set? If it's really bad for me then sure, I'll skip it but I would be left with a feeling of leaving the process half done.
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