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Posts posted by testosterone

  1. I do not doubt for a minute that if sour milk was there on the day night before that a lot of ppl saw him ,

    That being the case , they need to speak up or I guess they'll be getting hit on some time soon

    people HAVE spoken up.

    they have seen sean mcanna with blood stained clothes in the murder night at 3am.

    its all thai, an interview with montriwat and the policemen (convenience store), but thats what i understand (google translate).

    www. tnews. co. th /html/content/108076/

  2. could someone please TRANSLATE, what is written in thai in this pic (upper right, black box). its from csila90210 fb page

    thank you.


    its the pic in this posting


    facebook com


  3. not sure, what everyone is waffling about those two clowns.

    - they repeatedly confessed to the crime

    - they confessed to their lawyer having raped the victim

    - they were at the crime scene around the time (they said so, 3rd man=friend said so, know when they came back)

    - if anything, then the CCTV-runner looks like one of them (skinny migrant bar worker)

    - they never claimed torture, not even to their lawyer "not treated well" (only their friends believed of torture)

    - if anyone, then they blamed the pancake man of mistreating - who then further attended every HumanRights-meeting

    - we never saw a single pic of any of their torture-wounds, even though the guardian will have seen them

    - newspaper should be the first to publish those torture pics, no ?

    is everyone around this case retarded ?

    • Like 2
  4. Nice of you to show concern and add an opinion,

    if you had been following this case from day one, and had seen the horriffic crime scene photos,

    and had them explained to you by someone experienced in Forensics,

    there are several things that have been missed along the way,

    Sorry to the families of the victims, but it's time I share this morbid fact again,

    The crime scene photos clearly show that hannah was raped post mortum...Sorry but it's true,,,

    Please people, never give up in the pursuit for some form of justice...

    When will the FAMILY come up and say, we want Koh Tao to be safe for everyone, you're all welcome...we will submit a DNA test to the UK officials...Till that day, loss of face and money!!!!!

    this is probably the most shocking thing.

    but what else has been missed ?

  5. So this is where someone could get familial DNA from to test against any samples collected in the UK....

    I'd say that would be quite an independent test.

    you think, any independent institution on this planet would have/be free to release the DNA-identification of the sperm ?

    from the suspects, DNA could be also retrieved from their personal belongings - if anything left.

    personally, i dont think, the UK could secure any perpetrator-DNA from the victims.

    they are washed and preserved with some liquid, after forensics and before transportation, faik.

  6. 3 said they did it confessed.now they say 2 done it interesting

    Here is the story RTP told us in the news. 3 of them went to buy cigarette and beers, then went to the beach, playing guitar. One went back home to see his wife (he's the one you can see buying cigarette at the shop, cctv footage). The two saw DM and Hannah were making out and got horny so took DM down with the hoe then rape Hannah. Now my question is, why Hannah didn't run when they were taking down DM. Was she high? was she drunk? were there someone else holding her?

    why would they pull DM into the water ?

    in the re-construction ONE of the burmese did this. before the rape of HW.

    was certainly not easy - dead/unconscious - and more than 180cm tall.

  7. In the cctv, DM was carrying a bottle of water in his hand when he walked back from the guesthouse. There are rumours that Hannah and David has a row at theAC bar but the police said they went there to investigate but no one confirm about a fight or a row. No footage confirm when Hannah left the AC bar nor DM. I wonder if Sean was at the bar with them, no one can confirm this. It's so quiet from DM's mates and Hannah's friends. I do understand their grieves but we really need some information to go against the RTP.

    according to sean mcannas own account, he was sleeping the whole sunday night ?

    ("unfortunately I oversleept meeting you")

    we dont know anything. not when he had his alleged meeting, not were.

    not who left when back to the guesthouse, or with whom.

    apart 1million other banal things around the events.

    but how quick they were to publish that piss-cctv-pic from the thai/western couple, hand in hand leavingj that night...

    very strange.

  8. It's been reported in the news few days after the incident that semen found inside David's as well. Later on, no one talked about this. Now all old news has been removed from websites.

    Maybe because it was incorrect news? Its not always easy to translate from thai to english.

    No balo, I'm Thai and the Thai reporter was saying that but it was on the first day of the incident. Anyhow, I'm doubting about Mr Miller's phone whether it was at the scene, if his friend (Chris) could verify this, will be very useful information.

    i agree.

    and this was going on even much longer, when i remember right, almost over the first week.

    the whole case had an "homosexual" component, introduced by the police.

    because of the raped male victim, and the killing/rape of the female was just a revenge act.

    there were suggestions, that CW was homosexual and they questioned friends/witnesses, if DM had a homosexual relationship.

    for that he was "just murdered", that was pretty weird.

  9. and about DMs phone found "next to his body".

    he was found dead in the waters.

    who knows, whose phone that was - if there was one.

    its very possible, that he left it back.

    when i remember right, his roommate christopher ware stated, they had been both back to the guesthouse already, after the night out.

    then DM walked back to buy cigarettes.

    not unlikely, he left the phone back in the room.

  10. It's been reported in the news few days after the incident that semen found inside David's as well. Later on, no one talked about this. Now all old news has been removed from websites.

    Maybe because it was incorrect news? Its not always easy to translate from thai to english.

    No balo, I'm Thai and the Thai reporter was saying that but it was on the first day of the incident. Anyhow, I'm doubting about Mr Miller's phone whether it was at the scene, if his friend (Chris) could verify this, will be very useful information.

    i agree.

    and this was going on even much longer, when i remember right, almost over the first week.

    the whole case had an "homosexual" component, introduced by the police.

    because of the raped male victim, and the killing/rape of the female was just a revenge act.

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